


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
韓戰爆發的是這個 19500627杜魯門聲明〉The Statement of Truman

Harry S Truman, “Statement on Formosa,” January 5, 1950

President Truman spoke at the White House. He subsequently took questions on weapons programs, appointments, political races, and hydraulic power projects.

哈里·S·杜魯門 (Harry S. Truman),「關於福爾摩沙的聲明「,1950 1 5


January 5, 1950

THE PRESIDENT.  I have a statement I want to read to you. It will be handed to you in mimeographed form after the press conference.

[Reading] "The United States Government has always stood for good faith in international relations. Traditional United States policy toward China, as exemplified in the open-door policy, called for international respect for the territorial integrity of China. This principle was recently reaffirmed in the United Nations General Assembly Resolution of December 8, 1949, which, in part, calls on all states, and I quote:

"'To refrain from (a) seeking to acquire spheres of influence or to create foreign controlled regimes within the territory of China; (b) seeking to obtain special rights or privileges within the territory of China.'"

That is the end of the quotation from the United Nations Resolution.

[Continuing reading] "A specific application of the foregoing principles is seen in the present situation with respect to Formosa. In the Joint Declaration at Cairo on December 1, 1943, the President of the United States, the British Prime Minister, and the President of China stated that it was their purpose that territories Japan had stolen from China, such as Formosa, should be restored to the Republic of China. The United States was a signatory to the Potsdam Declaration of July 26, 1945, which declared that the terms of the Cairo Declaration should be carried out. The provisions of this declaration were accepted by Japan at the time of its surrender. In keeping with these declarations, Formosa was surrendered to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, and for the past 4 years the United States and other Allied Powers have accepted the exercise of Chinese authority over the island.

"The United States has no predatory designs on Formosa, or on any other Chinese territory. The United States has no desire to obtain special rights or privileges, or to establish military bases on Formosa at this time. Nor does it have any intention of utilizing its Armed Forces to interfere in the present situation. The United States Government will not pursue a course which will lead to involvement in the civil conflict in China.

"Similarly, the United States Government will not provide military aid or advice to Chinese forces on Formosa. In the view of the United States Government, the resources on Formosa are adequate to enable them to obtain the items which they might consider necessary for the defense of the island. The United States Government proposes to continue under existing legislative authority the present ECA program of economic assistance."

At 2:30 this afternoon  will hold a press conference and further elaborate on the details with reference to this statement which I have just issued on the policy of the United States Government toward China and Formosa.

I do not want to answer any questions on the subject now, so save your questions for this afternoon.

Are there any other questions? [Laughter]





[閱讀]「美國政府在國際關係中一貫主張誠信。以開放政策為代表的美國傳統對華政策要求國際社會尊重中國的領土完整。這一原則最近得到重申」1949 12 8 日聯合國大會決議中,其中部分呼籲所有國家,我引用:

「『避免 (a) 在中國領土內尋求勢力範圍或建立外國控制政權;(b) 在中國領土內尋求特殊權利或特權。』」








[繼續閱讀]「上述原則的具體運用體現在Formosa目前的局勢中。1943121日,美國總統、英國首相和中國總統在開羅發表的聯合聲明中表示,他們的目的是將日本從中國竊取的領土,例如Formosa,歸還給中華民國。美國是1945726日《波茨坦公告》的簽署國之一,該公告宣佈應執行《開羅宣言》的條款。日本在投降時接受了這些條款。根據這些公告,Formosa向蔣介石元帥投降。自此過去四年來,美國和其他盟國一直接受Chinese authority在該島上行使權威。






















還有其他問題嗎? [笑聲]



