逐漸現身的正牌台灣管理當局 雲程
The United
States: the True Taiwan Governing Authorities
Two decades after the rise of China, the Government of the U.S. has
confirmed that Beijing has different values and beliefs compared to the
world. The critical part is that Beijing
has no intention to change its present stance.
The U.S. is not only confronting China in trade, finance, high tech
realms, but also adjusting traditional policy toward Taiwan. And now the policy shift is beyond a point of
no return.
The U.S. Congress has passed or proposed serial acts to support Taiwan
since 2016. They are Taiwan Travel Act,
Asia Reassurance Initiative Act, Taiwan Security Act, Taipei Act, National
Defence Authorization Act, Taiwan National Defence Assessment Committee Act,
Taiwan National Involvement Act, etc.
Observers concluded that these moves intended to strengthen the Taiwan
Relations Act and to authorize the administration departments to support Taiwan
Now Taiwan servicemen can join the programs and exercises hosted by the
U.S. military with uniforms; some troops of Taiwan concluded closed relations
with their counterparts of the U.S.; Taiwan's chairman of the Joint Chief of
Staffs attended the shift of commander of the USPACOM and the Pacific
Fleet. The U.S. government even
disclosed related news with photos in social media actively.
值得觀察的是,美國一改2009年起口惠式的「鼓勵台灣」有意義參與國際社會;2016後,轉為「實質帶領」台灣參與。具體行為包括:2018年的中南美3國與台灣斷交美國召回中美洲三國大使,再取消安全會議;2019年蔡總統出席帛琉國宴,美國駐帛琉大使到場、美大使會索羅門總理 稱台灣是索國絕佳夥伴、彭斯聯合國大會原訂見索羅門總理(後取消)、駐紐約辦事處長徐儷文受邀為美國團成員踏進聯合國等。最新的是,AIT搭橋,貿協率企業主在曼谷會美國務院與商務部高官。這不僅是行政面而已,它暗示著:台灣當局的外交空間由美國負最終責任。
The U.S. has shifted her policy moves since 2018: from previous
lip-service-like claiming to encourage Taiwan's "meaningful
participation" of the international organizations while statehood is not
required," to present "accompanying Taiwan representatives" to
attend the international organization and meetings as a member of the U.S.
The moves implied the fact that Taiwan's foreign affairs are the
responsibility of the U.S.
It is not exceptional. The
Philippines has a similar experience.
The Philippines Independence Act is also known as the Tydings-McDuffie
Act of 1934 in which "All citizens of the Philippine Islands shall owe
allegiance to the United States," (Section 2.(a)(1)) and "Every
officer of the government of the Commonwealth of the Philippine Islands shall
recognize and accepts the supreme authority of and will maintain true faith and
allegiance to the United States."(Section 2.(a)(2)) during ten-year of the
Commonwealth. It further stipulated:
"Foreign affairs shall be under the direct supervision and control of the
United States."(2.(a).(10)).
There are similar arrangements in the Palau-U.S. Freely Association
Compact of 1986, such as "The United States recognizes that the Government
of Palau, in the exercise of this capacity, may enter into, in its own name and
right, treaties and other international agreements with governments and regional
and international organizations."(Section 121); "The Government of the United States
shall support application by the Government of Palau for membership or other
participation in regional or international organizations as may be mutually
agreed."(Section 122); "The
Government of the United States may assist or act on behalf of the Government
of Palau in the area of foreign affairs as may be requested and mutually agreed
from time to time."(Section 127).
These signify the treaty obligations of the administering
authorities. We have seen the U.S.
government does not intend to hide behind the curtain amid the U.S. policy
shift toward China. Some more active
moves can be expected.