



【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯


解密電報:台灣軍售與六項保證 (1982/07/10)    AIT

The first declassified cable below, sent on July 10, 1982, from then U.S. Under Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger to then AIT Director James Lilley, provides the U.S. interpretation of the 1982 Communiqué as it relates to ongoing U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.  The cable explains that the U.S. willingness to reduce its arms sales to Taiwan is conditioned upon the continued commitment of the PRC to a peaceful solution of cross-Strait differences.  Further, if the PRC were to become more hostile, then the United States would increase arms sales to Taiwan.  以下的第一份解密電報1982 7 10 由時任美國副國務卿勞倫斯·伊格爾伯格發送給時任AIT李潔明處長,其中提供了美國對1982 年公報的解釋,因為該公報涉及美國正在進行的對台軍售。該電報解釋說,美國願意減少對台軍售的條件是中國繼續致力於和平解決兩岸分歧。此外,如果中華人民共和國變得更加敵對,那麼美國將增加對台灣的軍售

The directive indicates that the United States’ chief concern was maintaining peace across the Taiwan Strait, and thus, the quantity and quality of arms provided to Taiwan would be conditioned entirely on the threat posed by the PRC.  The memo ends by offering “this final assurance: U.S. arms sales to Taiwan will continue.”  該指令表明,美國的首要關切是維護台海和平,因此,向台灣提供武器的數量和品質將完全取決於中華人民共和國所構成的威脅。備忘錄最後提供「最後的保證:美國將繼續向台灣出售武器」。

These same ideas are echoed in an internal presidential memo drafted by President Ronald Reagan on August 17, 1982, which serves as guidelines for U.S. interpretation of the 1982 Communiqué.  這些相同的想法在羅納德·雷根總統於 1982 8 17 日起草的一份內部總統備忘錄中得到了呼應,該備忘錄作為美國解釋 1982 年公報的指導方針

The second cable, sent on August 17, 1982, from then U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz to then AIT Director Lilley, offers six assurances to Taiwan, reinforcing the message above.  The United States:  第二封電報 1982 8 17 由時任美國國務卿喬治·舒茨發送給時任 AIT 李潔明處長,其中向台灣提供了六項保證,強化了上述信息。美國:

  • Has not agreed to set a date for ending arms sales to Taiwan   未同意設定終止對台軍售的日期
  • Has not agreed to set a date for ending arms sales to Taiwan  未同意與中國就對台軍售問題進行協商
  • Has not agreed to set a date for ending arms sales to Taiwan  不會在台北與北京之間發揮斡旋作用
  • Has not agreed to revise the Taiwan Relations Act  不同意修改《台灣關係法》
  • Has not altered its position regarding sovereignty over Taiwan.  在台灣主權議題上的立場並沒有改變。
  • Will not exert pressure on Taiwan to enter into negotiations with the PRC.  不會向台灣施加壓力,要求與中華人民共和國進行談判。

The “Six Assurances” have been a foundational element in U.S. policy towards Taiwan and the PRC.  〈六項保證〉一直是美國對台灣和中華人民共和國政策的基本要素




對台灣的保證,日期:1982-08-17 (200235)


電報:Assurances for Taiwan  台灣的保證    AIT

Assurances for Taiwan  1982 8 17 日起草



Concerning Taiwan’s request to make public President Reagan’s assurances,  關於台灣要求公開雷根總統的保證,

— You should urge Chien  你應該敦促錢復

——to say in their public statement that, based on information received through appropriate channels, it is their understanding that the U.S. side:  在公開聲明中表示,他們根據透過適當管道收到的訊息認為美方:

— Has not agreed to set a date for ending arms sales to Taiwan  未同意設定終止對台軍售的日期

— Has not agreed to consult with the PRC on arms sales to Taiwan  未同意與中國就對台軍售問題進行協商

— Will not play mediation role between Taipei and Beijing  在台北和北京之間不會發揮調解作用

——Has not agreed to revise the Taiwan Relations Act  不同意修改《台灣關係法》

——Has not altered its position regarding sovereignty over Taiwan台灣主權問題上的立場並沒有改變。

FYI: If asked why we have modified the statement on sovereignty, you should explain that we have consistently used this terminology in our public statements.僅供參考:如果被問到為什麼我們修改了主權聲明,您應該解釋一下,我們在公開聲明中持續使用這個術語

— Will not exert pressure on Taiwan to enter into negotiations with the PRC.  不會對台灣施加壓力,要求其與中華人民共和國進行談判。

In their statement, there should of course be no linkage to President Reagan在他們的聲明中,當然不應該與雷根總統有任何牽連。

You should tell Chien that we will also make these points in John Holdridge’s public testimony tomorrow (Tuesday) before the SFRC. 您應該告訴錢復,我們也將明天(星期二)何志立 John Holdridge SFRC 的公開證詞中闡述這些觀點。



