



On August 31, the reveal of two originals: the interpretation cable and the Six Assurance, from the Department of State to AIT, as a part of the Sino-US Communiqués of 1982, indicates what Beijing agreed in 1982 and what it violates in the 21st century.

Notes that the reveal put under AITs Home | Our Relationship | Policy & History | Key U.S. Foreign Policy Documents for the Region | Declassified Cables: Taiwan Arms Sales & Six Assurances (1982) as the fifth document besides:

In the final, the US is juxtaposed Taiwan and China, stressing the separateness of the two.


1982年解密電報:對台軍售 & 對台各項保證    AIT 20200831





  • 未同意設定終止對台軍售的日期
  • 未同意就對台軍售議題向中華人民共和國徵詢意見
  • 不會在台北與北京之間擔任斡旋角色
  • 未同意修訂《台灣關係法》
  • 未改變關於台灣主權的立場。
  • 不會對台施壓,要求台灣與中華人民共和國進行談判



The first declassified cable below, sent on July 10, 1982, from then U.S. Under Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger to then AIT Director James Lilley, provides the U.S. interpretation of the 1982 Communiqué as it relates to ongoing U.S. arms sales to Taiwan.  The cable explains that the U.S. willingness to reduce its arms sales to Taiwan is conditioned upon the continued commitment of the PRC to a peaceful solution of cross-Strait differences.  Further, if the PRC were to become more hostile, then the United States would increase arms sales to Taiwan.

The directive indicates that the United States’ chief concern was maintaining peace across the Taiwan Strait, and thus, the quantity and quality of arms provided to Taiwan would be conditioned entirely on the threat posed by the PRC.  The memo ends by offering “this final assurance: U.S. arms sales to Taiwan will continue.”

These same ideas are echoed in an internal presidential memo drafted by President Ronald Reagan on August 17, 1982, which serves as guidelines for U.S. interpretation of the 1982 Communiqué.

The second cable, sent on August 17, 1982, from then U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz to then AIT Director Lilley, offers six assurances to Taiwan, reinforcing the message above.  The United States:

  • Has not agreed to set a date for ending arms sales to Taiwan
  • Has not agreed to consult with the PRC on arms sales to Taiwan
  • Will not play a mediation role between Taipei and Beijing
  • Has not agreed to revise the Taiwan Relations Act
  • Has not altered its position regarding sovereignty over Taiwan.
  • Will not exert pressure on Taiwan to enter into negotiations with the PRC.

The “Six Assurances” have been a foundational element in U.S. policy towards Taiwan and the PRC.



美對台六項保證 首次列入法案自由(2016.04.20)

TRA 35週年:〈六項保證〉失蹤記?


「中華台北」對Six Assurances 也造假?



網友eachouchen對馬「逐條宣讀」〈六項保證〉的評論 / 雲程譯





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