

20161202 台灣一向付錢買武器,川普心知肚明

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
On December 2, 2016, then-President-elect Donald Trump posted on Twitter (now X): "Interesting how the U.S. sells billions of dollars of military equipment, but I should not accept a congratulatory call." In other words, Trump was well aware that Taiwan buys its military equipment dollar by dollar. He was just confused by the overwhelming amount of information during the campaign season.

20240717記者會(台灣部份)    Matthew Miller 20240717 / Taimocracy翻譯

QUESTION: Just sort of changing subjects, is the State Department worried or have any thoughts on Donald Trump’s comments on Taiwan? First of all, do you agree with what he said, that Taiwan should pay for its defense? And second, it raises the question of what the next president, whomever it is, would do in case there were an attack against – a Chinese attack against Taiwan. I wonder if those comments worry you in any way or form or another.  換個話題,國務院是否擔心唐納德·川普對台灣的言論或有什麼想法?首先,你是否同意他所說的台灣應該支付國防費用的說法?其次,它提出了一個問題,即下一任總統,無論是誰,如果發生針對台灣的攻擊——中國對台灣的攻擊,他會怎麼做。我想知道這些評論是否以任何方式或形式或其他方式讓您擔心。

MR MILLER: So I think I said this yesterday: It’s going to be a tricky few months where I have to walk the line of what I can and can’t say about remarks that are made on the campaign trail. But I will point out that Taiwan has been paying for its own defense. Taiwan has been purchasing military equipment from the United States to the tune of billions of dollars, and the military equipment that they have purchased supports American manufacturing, supports American industry, supports American technology. So the purchases that they have made not only are important, we believe, to regional security, but are important to the United States economy.  我想我昨天說過了:這將是一個棘手的幾個月,我必須在競選活動中發表的言論中遵守我能說和不能說的界限。但我要指出的是,台灣一直在為自己的國防付費台灣從美國購買的軍事裝備達數十億美元,他們購買的軍事裝備支援美國製造、支援美國工業、支援美國技術。因此,我們認為,他們的購買不僅對區域安全很重要,對美國經濟也很重要。

Now, there is money that was contained in the recently passed supplemental bill that gives us – for, I believe, the first time – the ability to provide Taiwan with drawdown authority and other weapons from U.S. stocks, but that’s – that is a new authority. If you look at the support that we have provided or the security cooperation that we have provided them over decades, it has been Taiwan actually purchasing military from the United States. It has not been in any way charity from the United States.  現在,最近通過的補充法案中包含了資金,我相信這是第一次,我們有能力向台灣提供從美國庫存中撤資的權力和其他武器,但這就是——這是一個新的權力。如果你看一下我們幾十年來所提供的支持或安全合作,你會發現台灣實際上是從美國購買軍事的。這絕不是美國的慈善事業。

And I would just point out that we continue to believe that cross-strait peace and stability is essential to the United States, it’s essential to the American people, it’s essential to the global economy, and the United States, of course, is inherently wrapped up in the global economy. And anything that contributes to instability across the Taiwan Strait can potentially damage the economy here at home. So that’s why these issues are so incredibly important.  我只想指出,我們仍然相信兩岸和平與穩定對美國至關重要,對美國人民至關重要,對全球經濟至關重要,當然,美國本質上是包含在全世界的經濟中的。任何導致台灣海峽不穩定的因素都可能損害國內經濟。這就是為什麼這些問題如此重要。

QUESTION: Just —  只是——

MR MILLER: Yeah.  是的。

QUESTION: — to follow up on that, it was last year that you guys put forth the first ever FMF package for Taiwan.  - 跟進這個問題,去年你們為台灣推出了第一個境外軍事融資 (Foreign Military Financing, FMF)專案。

MR MILLER: Yeah, it was part of the supplemental I was referring to.  是的,這是我提到的補充資料的一部分。


QUESTION: Yeah. Can you just help us understand – before that, there had never been any kind of U.S. military assistance going to Taiwan that Taiwan wasn’t paying for, is that correct?  是的。您能否幫我們理解一下——在此之前,從來沒有任何美國向台灣提供的軍事援助是台灣不付費的,對嗎?

MR MILLER: Correct, before.  正確,之前從來沒有不付費


QUESTION: Okay, and what prompted the Biden administration and Congress to make this decision now that now there would be U.S. military assistance that would be in part paid for by U.S. taxpayers?  好的,既然美國軍事援助的部分費用將由美國納稅人支付,那麼是什麼促使拜登政府和國會做出這項決定呢?


MR MILLER: It was the – a reflection of our longstanding commitment – but obviously we make assessments all the time related to what our longstanding commitment has been – to make available to Taiwan the defense articles and services necessary for it to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability. Over time that has been through weapons sales, as I just mentioned a moment ago, and then we made the assessment that it was appropriate to provide FMF assistance as well.  這反映了我們的長期承諾,但顯然我們一直在進行與我們長期承諾相關的評估,即向台灣提供必要的國防物品和服務,以使其保持足夠的自我保護能力。正如我剛才提到的,過去是透過武器銷售實現的現在我們評估認為提供FMF援助也是合適的。


QUESTION: Was that because – did that open up any defense capabilities to be sent to them that they couldn’t buy on their own, or was that just —  那是因為——這是否開放了任何他們無法自行購買的防禦能力,或者只是——

MR MILLER: I would have to take – I would have to take that back and look into it in more detail.  我必須收回這一點並進行更詳細的研究。



