

誰也別想耍陰招:你抓人質,我抓你 Taking Hamas leaders as a bargaining chip

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
It's strange. Initially, Hamas taking over two-hundred hostages as a bargaining chip and human shields on October 7 could have worked to their advantage. However, their top leaders are currently residing in luxury hotels in Qatar.
Since the King of Qatar, protector of Hamas leaders, has agreed that Hamas should release the hostages immediately, the situation has dramatically shifted: putting the top leaders of Hamas in Qatar and the hostages in Gaza on opposite sides of the scale.
I anticipate that the hostage emergency will be resolved in a matter of days, and the war will come to an end accordingly, unless Hamas kills some of the hostages.
It’s a tough time for the leaders of Hamas who live in Qatar hotels.



以哈戰爭 拜登與卡達國王都同意所有人質須立即獲釋    YAHOO 20231113


白宮表示,拜登(Joe Biden)與卡達國王塔米姆(Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani)談到加薩事態發展,以及「正在緊急採取的行動」,以確保哈瑪斯武裝團體扣押的人質能獲釋。

卡達政府稍早表示,國王塔米姆(Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani)在與拜登通話時,強調加薩立即停火,及讓通往埃及的拉法關卡(Rafah crossing)永久開放的必要性。







美國國家安全顧問蘇利文(Jake Sullivan)今天稍早告訴美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)談話性節目「美國國情」(State of the Union),稱以色列、卡達、埃及、美國正就確保有更多人質能獲釋一事,進行「積極、密集」的談判,但不清楚是否所有人質都還活著。


一名美國官員表示,拜登的中東事務高級顧問麥格克(Brett McGurk)將於14日訪問以色列,會見以色列總理尼坦雅胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)。此外,麥格克也計畫拜訪布魯塞爾、沙烏地阿拉伯、約旦與卡達


Readout of President Biden’s Call with Amir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar    The White House 20231112

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. spoke today with Amir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani of Qatar. The two leaders discussed the need to protect innocent civilians and ongoing efforts to increase the continuous flow of urgently needed humanitarian assistance into Gaza. The President welcomed the $100 million commitment from the GCC to support the humanitarian response, which matched the U.S. contribution announced last month.

He expressed his appreciation to Qatar and Sheikh Tamim personally for his earlier efforts to secure the release of hostages from Hamas, including two American citizens, and the urgent ongoing efforts to secure additional releases. He condemned unequivocally the holding of hostages by Hamas, including many young children, one of whom is a 3-year old American citizen toddler, whose parents were killed by Hamas on October 7th. The two leaders agreed that all hostages must be released without further delay.

The President affirmed his vision for a future Palestinian state where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side with equal measures of stability and dignity. He noted that Hamas has long been an impediment to that outcome. The two leaders agreed to continue their efforts to advance a shared vision for a more peaceful, secure, prosperous, and stable Middle East region.


