

波斯、俄羅斯、中國,以伊斯蘭之名在阻礙和平 Persian, Russian, Chinese is intervening the peace of the Middle East in the name of "Islam"

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While discussing the Middle East situation with friends, one pointed out three phenomena: "Iran is the common enemy for Arabians," "the United States is here to prevent these Arabian countries from being overthrown by coups," and "Iran is behind it all." Regarding these phenomena, I summed it up as "Persia's intervening in the Arab world," a kind of ethnic viewpoint in understanding the Middle East situation, and Persian refers to Iran.

Due to the complexity of the Middle East region's politics, which involves international politics, ethnic conflicts, religion, as well as others, and these factors intertwined and overlap, it is not easy to untangle. However, as long as the concept of "Persia's intervening in the Arab world" is clearly understood, the majority of the Arab world in the Middle East will not be held hostage by the term Islam, allowing the Persian ambition-seeker from outside the region to benefit.

Extremists in the Middle East are enemies of "various Arab countries" rather than enemies of "the Islamic faith." This point should be clearly understood. Otherwise, it appears absurd when looking at places like Malaysia or Indonesia supporting Islamic brotherhoods of Hamas—despite the fact that Hamas has actively disrupted the Middle East peace process on two occasions. The first instance was on October 7, when Hamas launched an attack on Israel with 5,000 rockets and personnel, kidnapping hundreds of hostages and effectively preventing the diplomatic process between Israel and Saudi Arabia. The second incident was on October 17 when a Gaza hospital was bombed, causing significant casualties and leading to the urgent suspension of the four-party peace conference next day.

Who benefits from obstructing peace in the Middle East? Isn't it Iran, along with Russia and China? These Arab people in the Middle East who blindly believe in Islam brotherhood really need to differentiate the concepts clearly: how those outside the Arab world use the Islamic banner to hinder peace.



