

罪行應歸咎於極端分子「哈馬斯」和「巴勒斯坦伊斯蘭聖戰組織」The blame lies with the extremists Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Your hope is right, Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh. However, it is the war between Israel and Hamas, not a war between Israel and Palestine or any other parties.
The armed conflict was triggered when Hamas, functioning as both a militia and the de facto authority in the Gaza Strip, an enclave within the State of Palestine, launched around 5,000 rockets aimed at Israel, invaded, and indiscriminately killed Israeli civilians, including children, women, and the elderly without a cause.
Hamas operates beyond your jurisdiction and power, Mr. PM. You may not be responsible for the terrorist acts of Hamas against Israelis. However, was it fair for Hamas to take Gaza Strip citizens, as well as Israelis and foreigners hostages, as human shield, and expect the Israeli government to remain inactive?

Mr. PM, the quadripartite meeting involving Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, and the US, which was scheduled for October 18, was canceled due to a timely misfired rocket from the third-party Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
If someone should be blamed, it is NOT the parties involved in the quadripartite meeting, especially since the US President swiftly visited the site. The blame lies with the extremists Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

您的期望是正確的,Mohammad Shtayyeh總理。然而,這是以色列和「哈馬斯」之間的戰爭,而不是以色列和巴勒斯坦或其他國家之間的戰爭。這場衝突是由「哈馬斯」引發的,他們既是民兵組織,也是(巴勒斯坦國家的飛地)「加薩走廊」的事實當局,「哈馬斯」無端發射5,000枚瞄準以色列的火箭,入侵並無差別殺害以色列的平民,包括兒童、婦女和老年人。

Palestinian prime minister: Blind support of Israel is a license for killing    CNN 20231021

"Blind support for Israel is a license to kill. I hope the United States does not go in this direction. Israel is not under existential threat. The White House and the President should encourage the parties to sit down and work together to work out a peaceful solution. Encouraging Israel to exterminate Gazans will not bring a solution. The killing of children, women, old people, and the destruction of churches and mosques in the Gaza Strip is not like actions against Hamas, it is a war against Palestinians, wherever they are."



