

對自由世界,李克強更危險 Li Keqiang is even more dangerous to the free world

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Regarding the sudden death of former Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, yesterday morning I initially believed the following:
1. The death was confirmed;
2. Myocardial infarction was the cause;
3. The reason for the ineffective emergency treatment was unknown (it could also be related to the SARS-II virus), so it could be a matter of unfortunate luck.
Later, when I considered the following events, I found it reasonable to entertain some conspiracy theories: Whether Li, in fact, remains a significant political rival to Xi, despite stepping down, largely depends on subjective rather than objective factors. If Xi believes that Li may be up to something, then regardless of whether he is actually doing so, Xi will consider Li a political rival and take various corresponding actions.
Let's revisit the leaks from the Beidaihe Conference, the most important annual summer gathering of the CCP's top leaders: 1. Chi Haotian, Zhu Rongji, and others criticized in front of Xi harshly; 2. Xi shouted at the seashore, saying, "Responsibility is not solely mine;" 3. Xi brought a few trusted high-ranking officials to vent their anger. Therefore, Xi will undoubtedly take precautions against political rivals or subordinates plotting rebellion or a coup d'état in the future. In any case, any attempt at rebellion would require a "representative figure," and this figure must inevitably be a former high-ranking official to possess the necessary social prestige for such actions to succeed. When you think about this, it comes down to Hu Jintao, former Chairman, Wen Jiabao, former Premier, and Li Keqiang. Considering their health conditions, only Li is qualified to play the role. Therefore, in Xi's mind, Li poses a threat to Xi's regime.
Nevertheless, what the free world should not forget is that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a long-term strategy "world revolution," and any policy they adopt is just a short-term tactic. Deng Xiaoping did not abandon the ideal of global revolution; he simply believed the time had not yet come, which is why he advocated "keeping a low profile" and quietly strengthening while waiting for the right moment. Xi Jinping, on the other hand, believes that China's power is already strong enough and has abandoned Deng's low-profile approach in favor of a more assertive stance.
If, in the future, the leader of the CCP is not Xi but Li Keqiang, China's strength may grow even stronger under the banner of peace, but its world revolution strategy is unlikely to change a bit. As a result, Li’s regime could be even more dangerous to the free world.

關於前中國總理李克強突然去世,當天早上我最初的看法是:1. 死訊屬實;2. 心肌梗塞是死因;3. 無法解釋為何急救無效(可能與Covid病毒有關),所以可能僅是不幸運的結果。在考慮以下事件時,後來,我認為應該考慮某些陰謀論:



1. 遲浩田、朱鎔基等人強烈批評習近平;2. 習近平對著海岸大喊,稱「責任不僅僅在我身上」;3. 習近平找來幾名信任的高級官員發洩情感。面對此,習近平無疑將採取預防措施,以應對未來可能策劃叛亂或政變的政治對手或部下。無論如何,任何叛亂企圖都需要一位「代表性人物」,而這位人物必然是一名前高級官員,以具備必要的社會威望,以使此類行動能夠成功。



2 則留言:

  1. 說一點後見之明。就中國現在情勢而言,李克強橫死的機率極高,不管怎麼死,似乎就是得死,因為幾個非常龐大的勢力都有動機要他死,也有能力讓他死。依動機強弱分別是1.習本人,2.習周邊勢力,3.江派勢力,4.其他紅二代勢力,5.團派本身。當然,動機強弱並非就等於作案機率高低。他們有一個共同的焦點,就是後習的權力歸屬問題,誰會是那個最有可能的接替者?無疑大家最後都會得到一個結論:李克強。至少他會是每個勢力和每個角逐者的第一塊絆腳石。他一死,權力場重歸於混沌,直到另一個李克強冒出頭,或大家龜縮,直到習死,而他們認為這個日子並不遠。有人心急!

  2. 「動機強弱並非就等於作案機率高低」偉哉斯言


