

20231007 源頭是哈瑪斯,不是巴勒斯坦、阿拉伯、伊斯蘭,更不是以色列 It started from Hamas, not Palestine, Arab, Islam, not Israel

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
20231016安理會第9439次會議(S/PV.9439--- Palestine 巴勒斯國坦的發言
20231016安理會第9439次會議(S/PV.9439--- Israel 以色列國的發言

While Hamas initially launched targeted attacks with rockets and individual weapons against Israel people and specifically against vulnerable populations, Israel responded forcefully, resulting in the destruction of buildings in Gaza Strip. We witnessed the strength of this counterattack, but we may not fully understand Israel's perspective.
Here are the statements made by Israel and Palestine during the UN Security Council meeting on October 16th.
The party cause of the October 7th event is not Palestine or Israel, but Hamas. Yet, both Palestine and Israel have some differences in their interpretation. Israel's logic is clearer and consistent throughout the remark, focusing on Hamas from the beginning to the end. However, Palestine's address targets vary, sometimes referring to Palestine and at other times to Israel, without mentioning Hamas.
Hamas organization Palestinian state Arab nation Islamic world - each of these concepts has diverse definitions and varying scopes, but the smallest in scope (Hamas) tends to associate itself with the biggest (Islamic world).
Understanding this linguistic game can help us see who is the real instigator and not let them manipulate our cognition.



