

20231016安理會第9439次會議(S/PV.9439)--- Israel 以色列國的發言


The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Israel. 主席(以英语发言):我现在请以色列代表发言。

Mr. Erdan (Israel): I will begin by saying that if Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people, as President Abbas stated just yesterday, it is puzzling that his representative is present in this meeting, let alone voicing an opinion on behalf of the people in Gaza who elected the Islamic State in Iraq and the Sham (ISIS)- like Hamas murderers in Gaza 17 years ago. I hope that all of us here understand that should any representatives of the Palestinian Authority choose to enter Gaza today, or on any other day, they would probably meet the same fate that befell many of their colleagues in 2007 — they would be thrown off 15-storey buildings by Hamas. 埃尔丹先生(以色列)(以英语发言):首先,我要说,如果哈马斯不代表巴勒斯坦人民——正如阿巴斯总统昨天所说的那样——那么他的代表出席今天的会议令人不解,更不用说代表加薩民众发表意见这些民众17年前在加薩选举了如同伊拉克和沙姆伊斯兰国(伊黎伊斯兰国)一样的哈马斯凶手。我希望在座的各位都明白,如果巴勒斯坦权力机构的任何代表选择在今天或者其它任何一天进入加薩,他们的下场很可能与他们很多同事在2007年的下场一样——被哈马斯从15层楼上扔下去

The Security Council is facing one of the most pivotal moments in its history. This is a turning point for the Council, a moment of truth that will tell humankind whether the Council’s very existence retains its legitimacy and whether the United Nations still has any semblance of a moral compass. This institution was founded upon the ashes of the Holocaust, the genocide of the Jewish people, and just over a week ago, we witnessed yet another attempt at Jewish genocide — the Nazi Hamas massacre of babies, mothers, fathers and the elderly. Every Council member should understand that Hamas is driven by an ideology no different from that of the Nazis. In the group’s original Charter, it makes that message very clear. “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”. Article 7 of the Hamas Charter says that “the day of judgment will not come until Muslims fight the Jews and kill them”. Council members should read it for themselves — it is Hitler’s Mein Kampf on steroids. Hamas’s very name is an acronym for Harakat Al-Muqawamah Al-Islamiyyah, which means the Islamic Resistance Movement. It is not a political organization. It is a terror organization no different from ISIS or Al-Qaida. Hamas does not seek to liberate. We withdrew from Gaza 18 years ago. Hamas seeks to exterminate. That is its purpose and stated goal. 安全理事会面临其历史上最关键的时刻之一。这是安理会的一个转折点,一个揭示真相的时刻,它将告诉人类,安理会的存在是否仍有合理性,联合国是否仍然有一点道德指南的样子这个机构是在对犹太人实施种族灭绝大屠杀的灰烬中建立的,就在一周之前,我们看到又一次灭绝犹太种族的企图——像纳粹一样的哈马斯屠杀婴儿、母亲、父亲和老人。每一位安理会成员都应当明白,哈马斯受一种无异于纳粹思想的意识形态所驱使。在该团体的初始《宪章》中,它非常明确地发出这一信息。「以色列将存在并将继续存在,直到伊斯兰教消灭它,就像伊斯兰教消灭以色列之前的其他实体一样。」《哈马斯宪章》第七條写道,「直到穆斯林与犹太人开战并杀光他们之前,审判日不会来临。」安理会成员应当亲自读一下——比希特勒的《我的奋斗》更为极端。哈马斯的名称本身是「伊斯兰抵抗运动」的缩写。它不是一个政治组织。它是一个恐怖组织,与伊黎伊斯兰国或基地组织并无不同。哈马斯不是寻求解放。我们18年前撤出了加薩。哈马斯是要实施灭绝。这是它的宗旨和明确目标。

After the horrors that we suffered more than a week ago, we must all understand that those are not empty threats but rather an action plan. If Hamas has the opportunity to commit those atrocities again, it will. It will not stop until Israel is obliterated. That is why, for the safety of our people and the security of our future, Israel must obliterate Hamas first. We must do so not for revenge or retaliation but for self-preservation. Such atrocities must never be committed again, and the only way to ensure that is by eliminating this barbaric terror group’s capabilities. More than 1,400 Israelis were butchered. Thousands were injured. Nearly 200 hostages — dozens of different nationalities represented among them — were taken to Gaza to be tortured, raped and defiled. Proportionally, that atrocity is 15 times bigger than the attacks of 9/11, but America’s enemies were 7,000 miles away, while Israel’s are 7,000 feet away. 继一周前我们经历恐怖之后,我们大家必须明白,这些不是空洞的威胁,而是一个行动计划。如果哈马斯有机会再次实施这些暴行,它还会这样做。除非消灭以色列,否则,它不会收手。因此,为了我国人民的平安和我们未来的安全,以色列必须首先铲除哈马斯。我们必须这样做,不是为了复仇或者反击,而是为了自保。这种暴行永远不得再实施,要确保这一点,唯一的办法是消除这个野蛮恐怖组织的能力。有1400多名以色列人遭屠戮。数千人受伤。近200名人质——他们代表着数十个国籍——被劫持到加薩,遭受折磨、强奸和玷污。按照比例,这一暴行是9·11袭击的15,但是美国的敌人远在7000英里之外,而以色列的敌人在7000英尺之外

For the past 16 years, the international community and the United Nations have been complacent about Hamas’s terrorist build-up. The world has kept its head in the sand while Hamas has embedded its missiles and rockets and its war machine within and beneath the civilian population of Gaza. It accepted the absurd reality of a law-abiding democracy living side by side with cancerous, genocidal terrorists thirsty for Israeli blood who fire tens of thousands of missiles and rockets indiscriminately at our civilians. Future generations will look back in disbelief on the fact that the world could be so naive, a mere 80 years after Hitler. But that is no longer the case. We have seen with our own eyes that nothing will change Hamas’s ideology — not the rehabilitation of Gaza, not economic incentives and not any promise of a brighter future. The United Nations has tried. The United States has tried. Many in this Chamber have tried, but everyone has failed. Nothing can change a genocidal ideology. There is only one way to cure a cancer, and it is the evisceration of every cancerous cell. The international community has poured billions of dollars into Gaza, and all of it went to Hamas’s war machine and its subterranean city of terror. Abundant resources and aid destined for the people of Gaza were squandered by those barbaric terror monsters. Every inch of the Gaza Strip has been exploited for Hamas’s violent goals. To Hamas, Gazan civilians are nothing more than cannon fodder. They are human shields who in death become pawns in Hamas’s libellous propaganda campaign. Right now, as we speak, they are warning Gazans against evacuating towards the south — as we evacuated our own civilians near our southern border — so as to then use their bodies to recruit countries to pressure Israel. 过去16年来,国际社会和联合国对哈马斯恐怖分子的发展壮大满不在乎。全世界把脑袋埋在沙子里,而哈马斯则把它的导弹和火箭弹以及它的战争机器放置在加薩平民中间或者他们的地下。全世界都接受一个荒唐的现实:一个守法的民主国家同癌症般的、灭绝种族的恐怖分子毗邻而居,这些恐怖分子竭力要让以色列人流血丧命,他们向我们的平民肆意发射数万枚导弹和火箭弹。后代回顾这一事实,将会难以置信:希特勒死后仅仅80年,全世界竟然能够如此天真。但是,不会再这样了。我们已经亲眼看到,没有什么能够改变哈马斯的思想——加薩的复興不能,经济激励不能,对更光明未来的期许也不能。联合国已经尝试过了。美国已经尝试过了。本安理會内很多人都尝试过了,但是每个人都失败了。没有什么能够改变一种种族灭绝思想。治愈癌症只有一个办法,那就是清除每一个癌细胞。国际社会已经向加薩倾注了数十亿美元,但全部被用于哈马斯的战争武器和它的恐怖地下城。送给加薩民众的大量资源和援助都被那些野蛮的恐怖魔鬼挥霍掉了。加薩地带的每一寸土地都被用来实现哈马斯的暴力目标对哈马斯而言,加薩平民不过是炮灰而已他们是人肉盾牌,死后就变成哈马斯进行诋毁宣传活动的棋子。此时此刻,就在我们发言时,他们警告加薩人不得向南部疏散——而我们疏散了我国南部边界附近的本国平民——目的是利用他们的尸体来动员各国向以色列施压。

Therefore, let me be clear. Israel is on a rescue mission: a rescue mission to save our hostages; a rescue mission to save our future and to save the people of Gaza from their savage tyrants. It is a rescue mission. This rescue mission can end quickly. Should Hamas put down its arms tomorrow, return our hostages and turn itself in, this war can end without one more shot being fired. Why are Council members not calling on Hamas to do that? Why is that not part of the draft resolutions? 因此,让我把话说清楚。以色列正在执行一项救援任务:一项拯救我国人质的救援任务;一项拯救我们的未来、从野蛮暴君手中拯救加薩人民的救援任务。这是一项救援任务。这项救援任务可以很快结束。如果哈马斯明天放下武器,归还我国人质并自首,这场战争就可以结束,而无需再开一枪。为什么安理会成员不呼吁哈马斯这样做?为什么这不是决议草案的一部分?

I want to reiterate that the Security Council now stands at one of its most pivotal crossroads. Will the Council support the fight for civilization, or will it incentivize the genocidal jihadists who aim to murder all the infidels? For a body dedicated to security, that should not even be a question. 我要重申,安全理事会现在正处于最关键的十字路口之一。安理会将支持为文明而战,还是助长旨在谋杀所有异教徒的灭绝种族圣战分子?对于一个致力于安全的机构来说,这甚至都不应该是一个问题。

The first step that the Council must take — before any calls for aid, calm or restraint — is to designate Hamas as the murderous terror organization that it is, just as the Council did with the Islamic State in Iraq and the Sham and Al-Qaida. 安理会必须采取的第一步——在呼吁援助、冷静或克制之前——认定哈马斯为凶残的恐怖组织,正如安理会对伊拉克和沙姆伊斯兰国以及基地组织所做的那样。

Secondly, and no less important, the Council must support Israel’s right to defend itself. But supporting that right does not mean echoing empty words. It means standing in solidarity with Israel in our rescue mission to obliterate the terror capabilities of Hamas. If Hamas is not obliterated, such atrocities will be repeated — and not only in Israel. Supporting Israel’s right to defend itself means supporting Israel’s goal of eradicating those cancerous jihadists. 第二,同样重要的是,安理会必须支持以色列行使自卫权。但是,支持这一权利并不意味着附和空话。这意味着声援以色列执行我们的救援任务,摧毁哈马斯的恐怖实力。如果不消灭哈马斯,这样的暴行就会重演——而且不仅仅是在以色列。支持以色列行使自卫权意味着支持以色列根除这些圣战毒瘤的目标。

Israel is a law-abiding country that upholds international law. As all Council members know, we are facing a genocidal terror group that does not even recognize the existence of international law. The Council must remember that. Then how can it be that the focus of the Security Council is not, first, to designate Hamas as a terror organization; secondly, to hold Hamas fully and solely accountable for the situation in Gaza; thirdly, to fully support Israel’s right to defend itself; and fourthly, to immediately and unconditionally demand that Hamas release all the abducted hostages. 以色列是一个维护国际法的守法国家。安理会所有成员都知道,我们面对的是一个灭绝种族的恐怖团体,它甚至不承认国际法的存在。安理会必须记住这一点。那么,安全理事会的重点为何不是:第一,将哈马斯定性为恐怖组织;第二让哈马斯对加薩局势承担全部责任第三,全力支持以色列行使自卫权;第四,立即无条件要求哈马斯释放所有被绑架的人质。

I urge all Council members to think about those objectives and to ensure that they are all addressed in any future discussions. Israel will not accept having our hands tied while we are fighting for our security and our children’s future. 我敦促安理会所有成员考虑这些目标,并确保今后的任何讨论都涉及这些目标。在我们为自己的安全和我们孩子的未来而战的时候,以色列不会接受我们的双手被束缚



