

20231016安理會第9439次會議(S/PV.9439)--- Palestine 巴勒斯國坦的發言

The President:.主席(以英语发言):The President: I now give the floor to the Permanent Observer of Palestine. 我现在请巴勒斯坦常驻观察员发言。

曼苏尔先生(巴勒斯坦)(以英语发言):For 10 days, the Security Council has been watching Israel assault more than 2 million Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. People are being killed, injured, displaced and terrorized. Israel has not spared a single Palestinian family in Gaza. No one should forget that these are human lives, that Palestinian lives matter too, and no one should entertain the illusion that killing more Palestinians will ever make Israelis more secure. 十天来,安全理事会一直看着以色列袭击加薩地带200多万巴勒斯坦人。人们正在被杀害、受伤、流离失所、受到恐吓。以色列没有放过加薩的任何一个巴勒斯坦家庭。任何人都不应忘记,这些都是人命,巴勒斯坦人的生命也是命,任何人都不应幻想,杀死更多巴勒斯坦人会使以色列人更加安全

Israel has besieged the Gaza Strip for 17 years, has launched repeated aggressions against our people there. Did it make it more secure? How can it convince anyone that killing more innocent Palestinians, children, women, men, old and young, is the answer? I have come to the Council many times with that message. The Palestinian people no longer believe help is on the way. Prove them wrong; restore hope in collective action. The Council now has important decisions to make — decisions that will determine what the coming days will look like for the Palestinian people, for the region and for the entire world. 以色列围困加薩地带已有17,一再对当地的我国人民发动侵略。以色列使它更安全了吗?它怎么能让任何人相信,杀害更多无辜的巴勒斯坦人、儿童、妇女、男人、老人和青年就是问题的答案?我多次来到安理会传达这一讯息。巴勒斯坦人民不再相信援助已在路上。证明他们错了;恢复对集体行动的希望。安理会现在需要作出重要决定——巴勒斯坦人民、本地区和全世界今后的日子会是什么样子,将取决于这些决定。

We implore the Council to be guided by the rule of international law, with no exception or exceptionalism allowed. Do not send the signal that Palestinian lives do not matter. Do not dare say that Israel is not responsible for the bombs it is dropping on their heads. Do not justify the killings. Do not blame the victim — do not do that. What is happening in Gaza is not a military operation, it is a full-scale assault against our people. It is massacres against innocent civilians. Nothing in natural law or international law allows for the targeting of civilians and such indiscriminate, barbaric attacks against them. 我们恳求安理会以国际法规则为指导,不允许有任何例外或例外主义。不要发出巴勒斯坦人的生命不重要的信号。不要胆敢说以色列对扔在他们头上的炸弹没有责任。不要为杀戮辩护。不要指责受害者——不要这样做。在加薩发生的不是军事行动,而是对我们人民的全面攻击。这是对无辜平民的屠杀。自然法或国际法中没有任何条款允许将平民作为攻击目标、对他们进行这种不分青红皂白的野蛮袭击。

Israel has killed, as of now, 3,000 Palestinians, overwhelmingly civilians. More than half of them are women and children. More than 1,000 Palestinian children have been killed so far in the present assault. Israel has killed entire families, several generations at a time. As of this moment, 47 families totalling 500 people have been massacred. There may be even more under the rubble, with 1,000 people unaccounted for. They are most likely under the rubble. How does one justify that? One cannot. 截至目前,以色列已经杀害了3000名巴勒斯坦人,其中绝大多数是平民。其中一半以上是妇女和儿童。迄今已有1000多名巴勒斯坦儿童在目前的袭击中丧生。以色列一举将整个家庭、数代人诛杀殆尽。截至目前,已有47个家庭共500人被屠杀。废墟下可能还有更多的人,有1000人下落不明。他们很可能就在废墟下。有何理由为此开脱?这无从辩解。

Every day, Palestinians are killed by Israeli soldiers or settlers. That has been the case for years now, and yet we are always the ones being pressed to choose the peaceful path forward. We are asked to show restraint. And we are told that violence is not the answer, even as Israel continues colonizing and annexing our land and maiming and killing our people. Why, then, when Israelis are killed, would anyone condone the unhinged violence being unleashed against our people? Double standards. Why would the Council be unable to call for a ceasefire now, to stop the assault and the massacres? 每天都有巴勒斯坦人被以色列士兵或定居者杀害。这种情况已经持续多年,但被迫选择和平前进道路的,却总是我们。我们被要求保持克制。我们被告知,即使以色列继续殖民和吞并我们的土地,残害和杀害我们的人民,暴力也不是解决办法。那么,为何当以色列人被杀害时,会有人宽恕对我国人民发动的疯狂暴力呢?双重标准。为什么安理会现在不能呼吁停火,以制止攻击和屠杀?

Stopping the killing and the destruction is indispensable. The humanitarian and health systems in Gaza have collapsed. Over 1 million people have been displaced. People cannot even bury their loved ones and mourn them. Lifting the siege and ensuring immediate and unhindered humanitarian access are equally urgent to save lives. 停止杀戮和破坏是必须的加薩的人道主义和卫生系统已经崩溃100多万人流离失所。人们甚至无法埋葬和悼念自己的亲人。解除围困并确保立即提供畅通无阻的人道主义准入,对于拯救生命同样紧迫。

As I told the Council months ago, 正如我几个月前告诉安理会的那样,

“[r]egardless of how difficult it seems today for anyone to step in and take bold action, trust us when we say that the price of inaction is infinitely higher”. (S/PV.9309, p.6) 「无论今天任何人介入和采取大胆行动可能看似多么困难,相信我们所说的:为不作为付出的代价要高得多」。(S/PV.9309,第6页)

We are at that moment. Taking those decisions then would have saved many lives now. Further delays will only condemn more people to certain death. 我们正处在这一时刻。如果当时作出这些决定,现在就能挽救许多人的生命。继续拖延只会注定让更多的人死亡。

What is worthy of the Council’s unconditional support? It is the rule of international law and human rights, justice and peace, so that no Palestinians and no Israelis are killed anymore — I repeat, so no Palestinians and no Israelis are killed anymore; so that our people can finally live in freedom and dignity in their ancestral land; and so that two States, Palestine and Israel, can live side by side in peace and security in line with Council resolutions and international law. 什么值得安理会无条件支持?国际法规则和人权、正义与和平。这样,才不会再有巴勒斯坦人和以色列人被杀害——我重复,以便不会再有巴勒斯坦人和以色列人被杀害;我们的人民才能最终在他们祖先的土地上过上自由和有尊严的生活;巴勒斯坦和以色列两国才能根据安理会决议和国际法,和平、安全地毗邻共存。

We stood in the midst of the storm and stated that no civilians should be killed, and that international law must be upheld. At the same time, Israeli officials were speaking of mighty vengeance. Do Palestinians — including the 2.3 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, whose lives are being shattered once again as we speak — not have much to avenge? That logic will destroy us all. It should not be tolerated. It is not enough for the Council to state that it disagrees with it; the Council needs to actually stop it. 我们站立在风暴之中,指出任何平民都不应遭到杀害,国际法必须得到维护。与此同时,以色列官员却在谈论大举复仇。难道巴勒斯坦人——包括加薩地带的230万巴勒斯坦人,他们的生活此刻正再次遭到破坏——要复仇的理由不多吗?这种逻辑将摧毁我们所有人。不应容忍这种逻辑。安理会表示不同意是不够的;安理会必须切实制止这种逻辑。

Israeli officials said, justifying their assault on our people in Gaza, that they were fighting “human animals”. What would have been the reaction if any Palestinian official had done the same? They said they would cut water, electricity, fuel and food for millions of Palestinians — and they did so, in an inhumane and unlawful collective punishment, as bombs destroyed every remaining aspect of life in the Gaza Strip. 以色列官员为袭击加薩人民辩解,说他们是在与「人兽」作战。如果有任何巴勒斯坦官员也这样说,会导致什么反应?他们说,他们将切断数百万巴勒斯坦人的水、电、燃料和食物——他们确实这样做了,进行了不人道和非法的集体惩罚,同时炸弹摧毁了加薩地带残余生活的方方面面。

Three things must be done now — anything else would be legally, morally and politically unacceptable. First, the assault on our people must stop, now. Secondly, immediate and unimpeded humanitarian access must be allowed throughout the Gaza Strip, now. Thirdly, the forced transfer of our people must be stopped, now. Civilians should be protected wherever they are. Israel has no right to force them to choose between forced displacement or death, or to subject them to both. Nowhere is safe in Gaza. Families embrace one another every night, not knowing whether it is for the last time. 现在必须做三件事,否则在法律上、道义上和政治上都是不可接受的。第一,必须立即停止对我国人民的攻击。第二,必须立即允许人道主义援助畅通无阻地送达整个加薩地带,现在就必须这样做。第三,必须立即停止强行转移我们的人民。平民无论在哪里都应受到保护。以色列无权强迫他们在被迫流离失所和死亡之间作出选择,也无权使他们同时遭受这两种痛苦。加薩没有任何地方是安全的。家家户户每晚相拥而眠,不知道这是否是最后一次。

The Council has the staggering numbers of those who have been killed. I wish members could take a look at the lives of those people and how they persisted with courage and creativity despite monumental hardships, including a blockade and repeated assaults, only to see it taken away in an instant. Think of the pain of those who survive. Think about what the rest of their lives will look like, including for the more than 10,000 people thus far who have been wounded, if they survive this nightmare. In the next hour, Israel will kill 12 Palestinian civilians, including five children. And then again in the next hour and the next and the next, until the Council decides to act. 安理会掌握的遇难者人数令人震惊。我希望各位成员能够看一看这些人的生活,看一看他们是如何克服巨大的困难,包括封锁和反复袭击,勇敢地、创造性地坚持下来,但却看到这种生活在瞬间被夺走。想想那些幸存者的痛苦。想想他们的余生会是什么样子,包括迄今为止受伤的1万多人,如果他们从这场噩梦中幸存下来的话。下一个小时,以色列将杀害12名巴勒斯坦平民,其中包括5名儿童。然后又是下一个小时、下一个小时、再下一个小时,直到安理会决定采取行动。

It is important to recognize the need to protect civilians and to respect international law; it is far more important to actually provide such protection and uphold the law. Nothing can justify the killing of civilians, said all members of the Council repeatedly, just a few days ago. Regardless of the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people and their legitimate grievances; regardless of the pain and suffering they endured and continue to endure; regardless of the dispossession, occupation, colonization, blockade, killings and mass imprisonment, they cannot resort to violence to free their land or protect their people. By the same logic, then, nothing can justify the killing of Palestinian civilians. 承认必须保护平民和遵守国际法是重要的,但更重要的是切实提供这种保护并维护法律。就在几天前,安理会所有成员一再表示,不论出于什么理由都不能杀害平民。无论巴勒斯坦人民的合理愿望和正当诉求是什么,无论他们已经承受并将继续承受多少痛苦和苦难;无论是否被剥夺财产、被占领、被殖民化、被封锁、被杀害和被大规模监禁,他们都不能诉诸暴力来解放自己的土地或保护自己的人民。那么,按照同样的逻辑,不论出于什么理由都不能杀害巴勒斯坦平民。

Discrimination and double standards are not only unjust; they undermine the rule of international law everywhere. I ask the members of the Council to think of their credibility the day after, and to think of the deepening divide between the West and the Arab and Muslim world, between North and South and between communities. 歧视和双重标准不仅是不公正的,而且在任何地方都会破坏国际法规则。我请安理会成员想一想他们今后的公信力,想一想西方与阿拉伯和穆斯林世界之间、北方与南方之间以及族群之间不断加深的鸿沟。

Our conflict is a political one, not a religious one. That is what makes it solvable. However, given its regional and international significance, it has an impact on coexistence and peace across the world. If we are to avoid a regional or international spillover, the massacres must stop. The work should start there and start now. We are grateful for the efforts of all who are mobilizing to stop the carnage, allow humanitarian access and put an end to the forced transfer. We will continue working with them. Every minute counts, and the Palestinians in Gaza have no time to lose. 我们的冲突是政治冲突,而不是宗教冲突因此它是可以解决的。然而,由于它在区域和国际上的重要性,它对世界各地的共处与和平都有影响。如果我们要避免区域或国际性外溢,就必须制止屠杀。应当从那里、从现在就着手努力。我们感谢所有动员起来制止屠杀、准许人道主义通行和结束强迫迁移的人所作的努力。我们将继续同他们一道努力。必须争分夺秒,加薩的巴勒斯坦人没有时间可浪费了。

(spoke in Arabic) (以阿拉伯语发言)

In conclusion, I say to our Palestinian people that while it may seem that the world has abandoned us and our children, and that this unjust occupation has isolated us and extinguished the light on our cause, I want to assure them that all the free peoples of the world — who number in the millions — and all peoples with an awakened conscience are standing with us. They hear us, see us and support us, and are filling the streets of world capitals to reject Israel’s crimes against us and to support our freedom, dignity and just cause. To our Palestinian people I say that justice and peace will inevitably come; that the Israeli occupation, no matter how much it kills, destroys and oppresses or how arrogant it becomes, will end; and that our Palestinian State — the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital — will become independent. We will not disappear, and we will not break. Rather, we will heal our wounds and restore our hopes. We will stay, and we will live on, because we are in the right and those who are in the right do not perish or disappear. They will be resurrected, and they are here to stay. 最后,我要对我们巴勒斯坦人民说,虽然全世界似乎都抛弃了我们和我们的孩子,虽然这种不公正的占领使我们与世隔绝,熄灭了我们的事业之光,但是我要请他们放心,世界上所有自由的人们——他们数以千百万计——和所有良心未泯的人们都同我们站在一起。他们听到了我们的呼声,看到了我们,也支持我们,他们正走上世界各国首都的街头,反对以色列对我们实施的犯罪,支持我们的自由、尊严和正义事业。我要对我们巴勒斯坦人说,正义与和平必将实现;无论以色列如何大肆杀戮、破坏和压迫,或者变得如何傲慢自负,其占领终将结束;我们巴勒斯坦人的国家——以耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国——终将独立。我们不会消失,我们不会被打垮。相反,我们将治愈创伤,重新怀抱希望。我们将坚持到底,我们要活下去,因为我们是正义的一方,正义者不会灭亡,也不会消失。他们将浴火重生,他们一直坚守在这里。


