

從「第二次以色列獨立戰爭」→「巴勒斯坦統一戰爭」 From the "Second War of Independence for Israel" to the "Palestinian Unification War" HoonTing 20231029

從「第二次以色列獨立戰爭」→「巴勒斯坦統一戰爭」 From the "Second War of Independence for Israel" to the "Palestinian Unification War"    HoonTing 20231029

I watched Professor Ming Chu-Chen's comments on the program yesterday. My views closely align with his, but he articulates them more clearly and with greater depth. 我昨天有看明居正教授(Professor MING Chu-Chen)的節目,我的觀點與他很近,但他說得更清晰與有層次。

My perspective is as follows: A thousand years of grudges are too complex to be resolved and should not be considered as a political target for today. Instead, what should be taken seriously is people's daily lives. The key question is, who is disrupting peaceful daily life in the first place? 我的觀點是:千年恩怨無法解決,所以不能當成今天政治上的目標;該當真的是今天的生活;其關鍵是平靜被誰破壞?

Apparently, it is Hamas that disrupts the peace without reason on October 7. Moreover, Hamas conducts disproportionate rocket attacks (lacking tactical targeting), engages in individual infiltrations into Israel, and conducts close-range shootings and the abduction of civilians one by one. This is intentional killing, not accidental. Furthermore, Hamas takes shelter in hospitals and schools, deliberately using civilian areas to create human shields. Outsiders could not clearly distinguish terrorists without uniforms from civilians, which is in violation of the laws of war. 顯然是Hamas無緣由的破壞平靜,而且Hamas是以不成比例的火箭全面攻擊(無戰術上的針對性目標);是單兵入侵以色列,近距離槍殺與俘虜一個一個平民,這是有意的殺戮,不是誤擊。而且,Hamas躲在醫院、學校,且無明顯制服與平民區分開來,利用戰爭法規定製造人肉盾牌。

The pattern repeats the same way every time: extremist organizations use human shields and manipulate the narrative to expand their scope. Hamas employs acts of terror, kidnapping people without any legitimate reason. In a conceptual sense, they frame their terrorist actions under the name of the people in Gaza, then for the Palestinian people, followed by the broader Arab world, and then the Islamic world, which including non-Arab people such as Persians, Malaysians, Central Asians, and Africans. However, individuals who are not members of Hamas inner circles tend to be highly emotional, falling victim to Hamas's psychological warfare, thereby overlooking the pure crimes and sympathizing with Hamas's acts of terror. 每次模式都一樣,極端組織總是用人肉盾牌與坐實概念綁架更大的範圍。Hamas利用恐怖行動,無本生意的抓人質,在概念上綁架加薩綁架巴勒斯坦綁架阿拉伯綁架伊斯蘭世界(包括波斯、馬來、中亞、非洲)。但是,非Hamas的人,總是情緒旺盛,被Hamas搞認知作戰,從而忽略真正罪刑,並同情Hamas的恐怖行為。

Once we see through this "manipulation of concept," a form of "cognitive warfare," we will know where justice lies. 看清楚這種「概念偷渡」(一種認知作戰)之後,我們就知道正義在哪裡。

Professor MING discussed the Arab and Islamic aspects but did not touch upon the previously mentioned "manipulation of concept," which is somewhat regrettable. However, Professor MING also mentioned that these fundamentalist groups are domestic issues for neighboring Arab countries. Therefore, these countries secretly hope to eliminate Hamas, Hezbollah, and others through Israeli military action. Hence, the situation is complicated. 明居正講阿拉伯、伊斯蘭,卻沒有講到前述「概念偷渡」,則稍顯遺憾。不過,明居正有說,這些基本教義派是各鄰近阿拉伯國家的心頭恨。所以,這些國家也會偷偷期待藉由以色列的軍力來幫忙消滅Hamas, Hezbollah等。所以事態複雜。

What Professor MING didn't address is the pattern of the invasion of Gaza. Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, defined this campaign as the "Second War of Independence for Israel." In reality, it would be more appropriate for Israel to invite the PLO to form a primitive combined brigade to enter Gaza. This would transform the nature of the conflict into not only the "Second War of Independence for Israel" but also the "Palestinian Unification War." Subsequently, it could lead to mutual recognition between the two States, State of Israel and State of Palestine. This is a military strategy combined with a political solution. 明居正沒講的是如何進攻加薩。那坦雅胡定義此戰役為「以色列第二次獨立戰爭」。實際上,以色列應該邀請PLO(部份軍隊即可),成立初級的聯合旅團一起進入加薩。將此次不僅是「以色列二次獨立戰爭」,更是「巴勒斯坦統一戰爭」,然後,變成兩國相互承認。這是結合政治的軍事方案。


