

20231010蔡總統2023年國慶演講 〈自信沉穩、國家前進 讓世界因臺灣而更好〉

自信沉穩、國家前進 讓世界因臺灣而更好 總統發表國慶演說"A calm and confident Taiwan: Moving our country forward, making the world a better place."    總統府 20231010


大會主席游錫堃院長、諾魯共和國昆洛斯總統伉儷、聖克里斯多福及尼維斯聯邦萊柏總督、聖文森及格瑞那丁朵根總督,現場的貴賓、好朋友,還有我們剛從亞運歸來的臺灣之光,以及收看電視和網路直播的國人同胞:大家好! National Day Celebration Chairperson You Si-kun (游錫堃), President Russ Kun and First Lady Simina Kun of the Republic of Nauru, Governor-General Dame Marcella Liburd of the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, Governor-General Dame Susan Dougan of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, distinguished guests, dear friends, Taiwanese heroes who have just returned from the Asian Games, and my fellow citizens watching on TV and online: Good morning.

今天是中華民國112年的國慶日。闊別三年,我們終於脫下口罩、齊聚在此,共度國家的慶典。 Today is the 112th National Day of the Republic of China. After three long years, we are finally taking off our masks to see one another again and are gathered here today to celebrate our country's National Day.

現場有許多來自全球各地的僑胞,還有許多睽違三年,再次遠道而來的國際友人,我要代表臺灣人民,向大家致上最真摯的感謝。 Today we are joined by many compatriots visiting from across the globe as well as many friends from abroad who have not been to Taiwan for three years. On behalf of the people of Taiwan, I extend my sincerest thanks to you all.

回首三年來辛苦的防疫之路,彷彿那段日子已經很遙遠。然而,有另一條艱辛的路,我們走了三十年。 Looking back on those challenging three years of responding to the pandemic, it feels like it has been a very long time. But, in fact, there is another path beset with challenges that we have walked for 30 years.


不前進就倒退,不奮進就被決定命運If we do not move forward, we move backward; if we do not progress, our fate will be decided for us

就在上個月底,「潛艦國造」的第一艘原型艦下水了。在完成後續的測試後,這艘「海鯤軍艦」預計在2025年正式服役。Late last month, the prototype of our first indigenous submarine was launched. Once it has completed testing, this submarine, Narwhal, is set to officially enter into service in 2025.

潛艦國造是歷經三十年,不同政黨的總統,都想實現的夢想。現在,我們做到了! For the last three decades, producing a domestically developed submarine has been a dream of presidents from different parties. Now, we have made this dream a reality.

從無到有,踏出這一步需要無比的勇氣。要扛住壓力,要突破瓶頸,要頂住流言蜚語,只要稍有猶豫,就會失敗。 As we started from scratch, taking this leap required immense courage, because when facing pressure, overcoming obstacles, and standing up to disparaging and false narratives, any hesitation would lead to failure.

但是,我們終於做到了!我們的國防自主再跨出一大步,國軍不對稱戰力再向上提升;我們更再次展現,守護中華民國臺灣的決心。我相信,全世界更會認同,海鯤軍艦是為了守護區域和平穩定而破浪前行。 But, at the end of the day, we did it. We took a big step forward in our national defense self-sufficiency and further enhanced the asymmetric capabilities of our military. We once again demonstrated our resolve to defend the Republic of China (Taiwan). I believe that the whole world will recognize that Narwhal has taken to the waves to safeguard regional peace and stability.

這正是中華民國立足臺灣七十四年來,之所以屹立不搖的精神。面對特殊的國際處境和瞬息萬變的挑戰,我們不前進就會倒退;不奮進努力,就無法掌握自己的未來和命運。 This is a reflection of the unwavering spirit that has underpinned the Republic of China since establishing itself in Taiwan 74 years ago. As we face unique international circumstances and rapidly changing challenges, if we do not move forward, we will move backward. And if we do not give our all to make progress, we will not be able to decide our own future, our own fate.


感謝臺灣人民,在艱難挑戰中落實改革Thank you to the people of Taiwan for facilitating reform during challenging times

尤其,這七年多來,國際及區域的政經情勢複雜多變,加上百年大疫與極端氣候,在在挑戰民主國家中,政府治理的韌性機制;也挑戰民主社會中,人與人的信任基礎。 Over the past seven years in particular, we have seen a complicated and changing political and economic landscape, both internationally and regionally, and on top of that, an unprecedented pandemic and extreme weather. Time and again, these have challenged the resilience of governance in democratic countries as well as the foundation of trust between people in democratic societies.

我從未忘記我對改革的承諾,也深知改革所帶來的衝突和陣痛。我要感謝臺灣人民,我們總是能用團結戰勝恐懼,用包容化解仇恨,用民主克服挑戰。 But not once have I forgotten my pledge to reform, and I am deeply aware of the friction and discomfort that reform brings. I want to thank the people of Taiwan, because we are always able to conquer fear through our solidarity, to resolve hostility through our tolerance, and to overcome challenges through our democracy.

婚姻平權法案通過已經四年了。我要感謝反對者的包容,成就了一個讓全世界羨慕的臺灣,每一對相愛的彼此,都能幸福成家的國度。 It has been four years since the passing of legislation for marriage equality in Taiwan. I want to thank those who opposed this for their tolerance, making Taiwan, a country where any two people who love each other can start a family and find happiness, the envy of the world.

我要深深感謝全體軍公教夥伴的諒解。為了讓年金的財務能夠永續,我們一起完成過去無法做到的「年金改革」,也讓政府的財政更有餘裕,來照顧下一代。 I am also deeply thankful to all our military personnel, civil servants, and educators for their understanding. To ensure that pension finances are sustainable, together we have achieved what was once impossible – pension reform. This has given the government more financial resources to look after the next generation.

我也要謝謝勞工朋友的體諒。雖然,我們還沒走完年金改革的最後一哩路,但我們從2020年起,陸續編列了2,670億元預算,撥補勞保基金。我期盼,下一階段勞保財務的改革,能夠在穩定的財務基礎上、在社會的理性對話中,凝聚共識、穩健進行。 I also want to thank the workers for their understanding. Even though we have yet to complete the last mile of our pension reform, we have from 2020 gradually allocated NT$267 billion to supplement the Labor Insurance Fund. I hope that in the next stage of labor finance reform, we can forge consensus and make steady progress through rational dialogue in society and on a solid financial basis.

與此同時,我們連續八年調漲基本工資,並以所累積的經驗為基礎,提出「最低工資法」草案,送交立法院審議。蔡英文沒有忘記要照顧勞工的承諾。 Meanwhile, we have raised the minimum wage for eight consecutive years. And, using our accumulated experience, we proposed a draft bill for a minimum wage law and submitted it to the Legislative Yuan for review. I have not forgotten my pledge to look after workers.

前陣子,我遇到了一對來自桃園的夫妻,他們是投入「包租代管」的公益出租人。他們跟我說,社宅出租的,不只是「一間房」,而是要給房客「一個家」。 Some time ago, I met a married couple from Taoyuan. They were public welfare landlords who were participating in the subletting management scheme. They told me that social housing rentals are not merely "rooms" for tenants, but "homes."

我要感謝在臺灣不同角落,這樣溫暖投入推動社宅的朋友。七年多來,我們在起步階段的困難中前進,並且奠定基礎;如今,社會住宅運動,逐漸卸下標籤,成為社區的正向力量;八年20萬戶的目標,也將在2024年底達成。 I want to thank our friends from every corner of Taiwan who have so passionately participated in the promotion of social housing. Over these past seven years and more, we have overcome the difficulties of this endeavor's early phases and set a foundation. Today, the social housing movement has shed the labels of the past and become a force for good in our communities. Our goal of reaching 200,000 social housing units in eight years is set to be completed by the end of 2024. 

「居住正義」這條路仍然漫長,但經過這幾年的經驗累積,我相信,未來一定可以在正確的道路上加速前進。 There is still a long way to go to achieve housing justice. But with the experience we have attained over the past few years, I believe we can accelerate our progress down the right track.

我還記得,剛接任總統時,臺灣的電力備轉容量率,曾經最低只有1.64%。但這七年多來,我們大幅提高能源供應,也全力推動能源轉型,終於在去年迎來了轉捩點,讓綠電的總發電量,首度超越核電。 I recall that when I first took office, Taiwan's electrical operating reserve had hit a low of 1.64 percent. But during these past seven years, we have substantially increased energy supply and have done our utmost to promote an energy transition. And last year, we finally reached a turning point with green energy generation surpassing that of nuclear energy for the first time.

現在,陽光越強,氣候越炎熱,就越不用擔心午後缺電。在傍晚的尖峰時段,我們的備轉容量率,也能夠維持在7%10%的穩定狀況。 These days, as we have stronger sunlight and warmer weather, we need not worry about afternoon electricity shortages. At evening peak hours, our operating reserve has held steady between 7 and 10 percent.

我們在跟時間賽跑,克服種種困難,一步步實現能源轉型。面對世界急起直追「2050淨零轉型」的目標,臺灣的再生能源發展、儲能網絡建構,和電網韌性強化,只能快、不能慢,更不能走回頭路。 We are in a race against time, overcoming all manner of challenges, and taking one step at a time to achieve a transition to green energy. In the face of intense global competition in the race to achieve net-zero emissions, Taiwan's renewable energy development, energy storage network construction, and grid resilience enhancements must gather pace, and we cannot look back.


七年厚實國力,臺灣已是世界的臺灣After seven years strengthening our nation, Taiwan has become a Taiwan of the world

除了推動改革,過去七年多,我們在劇烈變遷的兩岸及國際情勢中,傾全力發展經濟、厚實國力、照顧人民、確保國家安全、穩定兩岸情勢,並且爭取國際支持。 In addition to promoting reform, while facing the drastic changes in cross-strait and international affairs of these past seven years, we have done our utmost to develop the economy, strengthen our country, take care of our people, ensure national security, stabilize the situation across the strait, and garner global support.

經過全體國人七年多的努力打拚,臺灣的經濟,不僅展現強大的韌性,更成為驅動全球供應鏈重組的關鍵力量,中華民國的國力變強了! Thanks to the hard work of our people over these seven years, Taiwan's economy has not only proven to be highly resilient, but has become a key force in the restructuring of global supply chains. The Republic of China has increased its national strength.

我們的GDP規模,從我上任時的17.5兆元大幅成長,今年預計將突破23兆元。而在這幾年全球飽受經濟停滯,以及通膨所苦的局勢下,臺灣這幾年來的平均經濟成長率,仍可維持高於全球平均值,站穩四小龍之首,並且維持相對穩定的物價。 Our GDP has grown considerably from NT$17.5 trillion when I first took office and is forecast to top NT$23 trillion this year. In recent years the whole world has felt the full impact of economic stagnation and the pain of inflation. During this time, Taiwan's economy has been able to outperform the global average as well as the Four Asian Tigers, while maintaining greater price stability.

同時,我們還保持財政穩健,將連續六年的政府歲計賸餘,跟全民共享,除了發放消費券來促進消費,也透過像是普發現金、TPASS、擴大租金補貼等措施,協助大家減輕生活負擔;我們更加強平衡城鄉發展,加大投資中小企業的產業轉型升級。 At the same time, we have maintained fiscal stability, allowing us to share the budget surpluses of the past six years with the people. In addition to distributing stimulus vouchers to encourage spending, we have initiated economic stimulus programs including cash subsidies, the TPASS, and increased rental subsidies to help reduce the burdens on everyday life. We have also stepped up our efforts toward balancing development in urban and rural areas and invested more in the industrial transformation of small- and medium-sized enterprises.

我們也全力推動「六大核心戰略產業」、大力投入基礎建設,帶動臺灣產業完成了「典範轉移」。尤其是強大的科技實力和製造能力,讓臺灣成為全球供應鏈重組中,不可或缺的關鍵角色。 We have also given our all to promote the Six Core Strategic Industries, making major investments in infrastructure to facilitate a paradigm shift in Taiwan's industrial sector. Taiwan's particularly strong technology and manufacturing sectors have made Taiwan an indispensable actor in the global restructuring of supply chains.

因此,我們也翻轉了過度依賴單一市場的狀況。我們對美國的出口金額翻倍成長;而今年6月,我們跟美國完成簽署的「臺美21世紀貿易倡議」首批協定,就是率先各國、創新觀念的全新貿易協定。 Through these efforts, we have also reduced our over-reliance on a single market. Our exports to the United States have more than doubled. And this past June, we completed the signing of the first agreement under the Taiwan-US Initiative on 21st-Century Trade, a trade agreement that is both globally pioneering and conceptually innovative.

經過七年多的耕耘,我們對新南向國家的出口貿易,創史上新高;我們也強化與歐洲鏈結,現在,歐盟已經是臺灣最大的外資來源。我們用經濟實力,向全世界證明臺灣無可取代的重要性。 After more than seven years of hard work, our exports to New Southbound Policy countries have reached a record high. We have also deepened connectivity with Europe, as the European Union is now Taiwan's largest source of foreign investment. We are using our economic strengths to show the world the irreplaceable importance of Taiwan.

而從2016年以來,蔡英文政府始終信守承諾、維持現狀;我們堅守「四個堅持」,不挑釁、不冒進、在壓力下也不屈服,和全球民主國家深化合作,共同維護區域和平穩定,也為世界貢獻良善力量。 Ever since 2016, my administration has kept its promises and maintained the status quo. We have adhered to the Four Commitments. We do not provoke, we do not act rashly, and we will absolutely not bow to pressure. We have deepened our cooperation with democratic countries around the world as we work together to maintain regional peace and stability, acting as a force for good in the world.

對岸因颱風而豪雨成災,我們展現人道關懷;土耳其發生震災,我們挺進第一線;俄烏戰爭爆發,我們堅定與烏克蘭站在一起。當然,我們更不會忘記,三年疫情期間,民主夥伴互相馳援那股「善的循環」。 When a typhoon caused heavy and disastrous rains across the strait, we expressed our heartfelt concern. When Türkiye experienced a devastating earthquake, we deployed our response effort to the very frontline. When Russia invaded Ukraine, we stood firm with Ukraine. And of course, we will never forget the virtuous cycle generated by democratic partners coming to one another's aid during the three years of the pandemic.

儘管阻撓未曾停歇,但我們沒有停下走向世界的腳步。臺日友情堅定不移、臺美關係堅若磐石;我們的友邦和理念相近國家,在國際場域力挺臺灣;來自不同國家的年輕人,在社群上串連「Viva Taiwan」。 While obstacles have not ceased, neither have we stopped engaging with the world. Friendship between Taiwan and Japan is unwavering, and our relationship with the United States is rock-solid. Both diplomatic allies and like-minded countries have voiced their support for Taiwan on the international stage, and young people from various countries have spread the message of the Viva Taiwan campaign online.

臺灣的民主成就,已成為世界標竿,臺灣的屹立不搖,更無疑是全球民主永續發展,及安全繁榮的最大保證。 Taiwan's democratic achievements have set a benchmark for the world. Our steadfast resolve stands as a global bulwark of democratic sustainability, security, and prosperity.


自信沉穩,持續貢獻區域和平穩定Calm and confident, making a continued contribution to regional peace and stability

現在的臺灣,已經是世界的臺灣。我們已經證明了,無論在地緣戰略、全球民主發展,或國際供應鏈體系,我們都是最可靠、最有效率、最安全的合作夥伴;國際支持我們的力量,也來到前所未有的團結堅實。 Taiwan at this moment has become a Taiwan of the world. In geostrategy, the development of global democracy, and international supply chain systems, we are the most reliable, effective, and safest partner to the world. The strength of international support for us has reached an unprecedented height. 

此時此刻的我們,已經能自信堅定,面向世界我們也更能自信沉穩,面對中國,為未來的發展,創造兩岸和平共存的條件。 Since this is a time we can now face the world with confidence and resolve, we can also be calm and self-assured in facing China, creating conditions for peaceful coexistence and future developments across the Taiwan Strait.

做為總統,我的責任就是,守護國家主權,守護兩千三百萬臺灣人民的民主自由生活方式;同時,尋求讓兩岸之間可以和平共處,人民之間,可以自由而無拘束、無負擔的往來;讓臺灣,甚至是兩岸,都能成為區域和平穩定的貢獻者。 It is my duty as president to safeguard our national sovereignty and the democratic and free way of life of the 23 million people of Taiwan; seeking peaceful coexistence, with free, unrestricted, and unburdened interactions between people across the strait. Taiwan, and furthermore both sides across the strait, should be enabled to contribute to regional peace and stability.

我要再次強調,「和平是兩岸的唯一選項,以維持現狀作為各方的最大公約數,就是確保和平的關鍵之鑰」。 Let me reiterate that "peace is the only option across the strait.  Maintaining the status quo, as the largest common denominator for all sides, is the critical key to ensuring peace."

特別是,全球都已經體認到,臺海的和平穩定,是國際社會安全與繁榮不可或缺的要素;任何一方不能片面改變現狀;兩岸分歧須透過和平方式解決。 Particularly, the international community has come to realize that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait is an indispensable component of global security and prosperity. Neither side can unilaterally change the status quo. Differences across the strait must be resolved peacefully.

因此,我們要持續努力,在確保主權和民主自由之際,能夠在尊重歷史事實之下,持續建構和平穩定的兩岸關係。 While persisting in efforts to ensure our sovereignty, democracy, and freedom, we must be grounded in a respect for historical facts, and continue to construct peaceful and stable cross-strait relations.

今天,許多位政黨領袖和貴賓,都在現場。政黨競爭是民主政治的日常,但我們今天能齊聚在此,正是臺灣難能可貴的民主風景。 Today, many leaders of political parties and other distinguished guests are present. Competition between political parties is a daily reality of democratic politics, but our gathering together here presents a precious landscape of Taiwan's democracy.

我衷心期盼,在選舉的競爭過後,我們可以放下激情,臺灣內部可以尋求更大的共識,眾志成城,對外團結一致。我相信,這是我們不分朝野政黨,對國家的共同責任。 I sincerely hope that after the competitive elections, we can set aside our passions, and together seek greater agreement, to build a fortress of unity as we face external challenges. I believe this is our shared responsibility to the country, regardless of political party.

我們願意以臺灣的民意共識為基礎以對等尊嚴為前提,以民主對話為程序,以維持現狀為核心,與北京當局發展雙方可接受的互動基礎,以及和平共存之道。 We are willing to take the Taiwan public consensus as a basis, conditioned with dignity and reciprocity, and with a process of democratic dialogue, to develop with the Beijing authorities a mutually acceptable foundation for interaction and a path to peaceful coexistence.

我深信,國際社會對臺灣的支持,只會愈來愈強。在全球共同關注,並致力維繫臺海和平穩定之際,我們必須掌握契機、控管風險,進而讓兩岸成為區域和平穩定的重要貢獻者。而這是臺灣朝野政黨,也是兩岸之間,無可迴避的歷史責任與共同使命。 I deeply believe that international support for Taiwan will only grow stronger. As the world is watching with concern and working to preserve peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, we must grasp the moment of opportunity to manage risk and enable both sides to be contributors to peace. This is not only the shared responsibility of Taiwan's political parties; it is also an unavoidable historic responsibility and common mission across the strait.


國家繼續前進,讓世界因臺灣而更好 Our country is moving forward, helping make the world a better place

各位國人同胞,無論是六十五年前的八二三戰役,或是如今面對外部威脅的挑戰,我們始終懷抱著,不分彼此、同島一命的信念。 My fellow citizens, whether it is the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis 65 years ago or the external threats we face today, we have always embraced togetherness and the conviction that everyone in Taiwan has a shared destiny.

如今,中華民國臺灣,已經成為兩千三百萬人民的主流共識。這個共識,匯聚了不同族群的歷史情感,和七十四年來福禍與共的體認。 Today, the Republic of China (Taiwan) has become the prevailing consensus of our 23 million people. This consensus is a convergence of the historical sentiments of different groups and the knowledge of the joys and hardships we have shared over the past 74 years.

它更代表,我們會為了團結、為了守護國家、為了捍衛民主自由的生活,願意走近彼此,創造最大的公約數。 It also shows that we are willing to come together and create the largest common denominator in order to foster unity, safeguard our country, and defend our free and democratic way of life.

臺灣的民主,也因此在無比巨大的內外壓力中,成長茁壯,從而孕育出更為堅強的韌性。守護臺灣的民主,就是守護普世價值的民主。 In the midst of tremendous internal and external pressures, Taiwan's democracy has grown and thrived as a result of that willingness, and we have emerged with even greater resilience. We know that to protect Taiwan's democracy is to protect the universal value of democracy.

感謝大家的團結一致,我們向全世界點亮了民主臺灣;我們會自信地向世人傳達,臺灣人尊嚴自主、熱情良善。臺灣人樂為世界人,也將世世代代做為民主人、自由人。 Thanks to our solidarity, we have brought the international spotlight to democratic Taiwan. With confidence, we will show the world that the Taiwanese people are dignified, independent, warm, and kind. The Taiwanese people are happy to be people of the world and will be a democratic and free people for generations to come.

感謝臺灣人民給蔡英文兩次機會,擔任中華民國總統,和臺灣人一起打拚,我心中充滿無限感激。 I would like to thank the people of Taiwan for giving me two opportunities to serve as president of the Republic of China and to give my all alongside the Taiwanese people. From the depths of my heart, I am infinitely grateful.

這幾年下來,施政有所成就,也有不盡如人意之處;身為總統,我責無旁貸。這就是民主國家,執政者不能自滿,任何的施政,都要讓更多人民滿意,就是政府永無止境努力的目標。 Over the past several years, we have made achievements in governance, but there have also been areas where we have not met expectations. As president, I cannot shirk my responsibilities. This is a democratic country, and those in power can never be complacent. Each act of governance must bring the people greater satisfaction, and this is the goal of a government's unceasing efforts.

各位國人同胞,蔡英文的任期會停在明年的520,但國家要繼續前進。 My fellow citizens, my term will end on May 20 next year, but our country will continue moving forward.

我相信,自信沉穩的臺灣,一定會繼續前進。我們不只要給世界更好的臺灣,更要讓世界因為民主臺灣而更好。 I have no doubt that Taiwan, calm and confident, will continue moving forward. We not only want to give the world a better Taiwan, we want to make the world better because of democratic Taiwan.

臺灣加油!中華民國加油!謝謝大家。 I wish all the best to Taiwan. I wish all the best to the Republic of China. Thank you.


