

參議院外委會 〈2023 年台灣保護與國家韌性法〉(原文) 美國參議院 Taimocracy翻譯


1st Session

S. 1074

To require a strategy for countering the People's Republic of China. 要求制定對抗中華人民共和國的戰略。


March 30, 2023

Mr. Rubio (for himself and Mr. Peters) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations Rubio 先生為他自己和 Peters 先生提案;二讀並提交給外交關係委員會


To require a strategy for countering the People's Republic of China. 法案 要求制定對抗中華人民共和國的戰略。 

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 由美利堅合眾國參眾兩院在國會中通過


This Act may be cited as the “Taiwan Protection and National Resilience Act of 2023”. 本法可引稱為2023 年台灣保護與國家韌性法



(a) Identification Of Vulnerabilities And Leverage.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report that identifies— 脆弱性和影響力的識別。——在本法案頒布之日起 180 天內,國防部長與國務卿、商務部長、財政部長、聯邦採購政策辦公室主任和科學技術政策辦公室主任應向國會適當委員會提交一份報告,確定——

(1) goods and services from the United States that are relied on by the People’s Republic of China such that that reliance presents a strategic opportunity and source of leverage against the People’s Republic of China; and 中華人民共和國所依賴的來自美國的商品和服務這種依賴構成了對中華人民共和國的戰略機遇和影響力來源

(2) procurement practices of the United States Armed Forces and other Federal agencies that are reliant on trade with the People’s Republic of China and other inputs from the People’s Republic of China, such that that reliance presents a strategic vulnerability and source of leverage that the Chinese Communist Party could exploit. 美國武裝部隊和其他依賴與中華人民共和國貿易和來自中華人民共和國的其他投入的聯邦機構的採購做法使得這種依賴成為戰略弱點和槓桿來源,而中國共產黨得以利用。

(b) Strategy To Respond To Coercive Action.— 應對脅迫行動的策略——

(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days after the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of the Defense, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of State, the Director of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report, utilizing the findings of the report required by subsection (a), that describes a comprehensive sanctions strategy to advise policymakers on policies the United States and allies and partners of the United States could adopt with respect to the People’s Republic of China in response to any coercive action, including an invasion, by the People’s Republic of China that infringes upon the territorial sovereignty of Taiwan by preventing access to international waterways, airspace, or telecommunications networks. 總則——在提交根據(a)款要求的報告之後的180天內,財政部長在與國防部長、商務部長、國務卿、聯邦採購政策辦公室主任和科學技術政策辦公室主任協商後,應向國會的相應委員會提交一份報告。該報告應利用(a)款要求的報告的結果,描述一項全面的制裁策略,以便向政策制定者提供建議,關於美國及其盟友和夥伴對中華人民共和國在其採取的任何強制行動(包括入侵),侵犯台灣的領土主權,並阻止其進入國際水道、空域或電信網絡時,可以採取的政策

(2) ELEMENTS.—The strategy required by paragraph (1) shall include policies that— 要素—— (1) 款所要求的戰略應包括以下政策——

(A) restrict the access of the People’s Liberation Army to oil, natural gas, munitions, and other supplies needed to conduct military operations against Taiwan, United States facilities in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and allies and partners of the United States in the region; 限制人民解放軍獲取石油、天然氣、彈藥和其他物資以對台灣、美國在太平洋和印度洋的設施以及美國在太平洋和印度洋的盟友和夥伴開展軍事行動地區

(B) diminish the capacity of the industrial base of the People’s Republic of China to manufacture and deliver defense articles to replace those lost in operations of the People’s Liberation Army against Taiwan, the United States, and allies and partners of the United States; 削弱中華人民共和國工業基地製造和交付國防物品的能以替代人民解放軍在對台灣、美國以及美國的盟國和夥伴的行動中損​​失的那些

(C) inhibit the ability of the People’s Republic of China to evade United States and multilateral sanctions through third parties, including through secondary sanctions; and 抑制中華人民共和國通過第三方逃避美國和多邊制裁的能力包括通過二級制裁

(D) identify specific sanctions-related tools that may be effective in responding to coercive action described in paragraph (1) and assess the feasibility of the use and impact of the use of those tools. 確定能有效應對第 (1) 款所述強制行動的具體制裁相關工具並評估使用這些工具的可行性和影響。

(c) Recommendations For Reduction Of Vulnerabilities And Leverage.—Not later than 180 days after the submission of the report required by subsection (a), the Secretary of Commerce, in consultation the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, the Director of National Intelligence, the United States Trade Representative, the Director of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy, and the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report that— 減少脆弱性和影響力的建議。——在提交第 (a) 款要求的報告後 180 天內,商務部長與國防部長、國務卿、國防部長協商國家情報局、美國貿易代表、聯邦採購政策辦公室主任和科學技術政策辦公室主任應向國會適當委員會提交一份報告,說明——

(1) identifies critical sectors within the United States economy that rely on trade with the People’s Republic of China and other inputs from the People’s Republic of China (including active pharmaceutical ingredients, rare earth minerals, and metallurgical inputs), such that those sectors present a strategic vulnerability and source of leverage that the Chinese Communist Party could exploit; and 確定美國經濟中依賴與中華人民共和國貿易和來自中華人民共和國的其他投入包括活性藥物成分、稀土礦物和冶金投入關鍵部門這些部門目前中國共產黨可利用的戰略弱點和槓桿來源

(2) makes recommendations to Congress on steps that can be taken to reduce the sources of leverage described in paragraph (1) and subsection (a)(1), including through— 就可採取的措施向國會提出建議以減少第 (1) 款和 (a)(1) 款所述的槓桿來源包括透過——

(A) provision of economic incentives and making other trade and contracting reforms to support United States industry and job growth in critical sectors and to indigenize production of critical resources; and 提供經濟激勵措施並進行其他貿易和建立改革以支持美國工業和關鍵部門的就業增長並使關鍵資源的生產本土化

(B) policies to facilitate “near- or friend-shoring”, or otherwise developing strategies to facilitate that process with allies and partners of the United States, in other sectors for which domestic reshoring would prove infeasible for any reason. 制定政策以促進供應鏈「靠近市場或在友好國家」,或以其他方式制定戰略,以與美國的盟友和夥伴在其他行業中促進此過程,對於由於任何原因國內重返可能不可行的情況。

(d) Form.—The reports required by subsections (a), (b), and (c) shall be submitted in unclassified form but may include a classified annex. 形式——(a)(b) (c) 小節要求的報告應以非機密形式提交但可以包括機密附件

(e) Appropriate Committees Of Congress Defined.—In this section, the term “appropriate committees of Congress” means—  國會適當委員會的定義——在本節中,「國會適當委員會」一詞是指——

(1) the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Committee on Armed Services, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Finance, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate; and  參議院外交關係委員會、軍事委員會、情報特別委員會、財政委員會、銀行、住房和城市事務委員會以及商業、科學和交通委員會;

(2) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Armed Services, the Committee on Financial Services, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives.  眾議院外交事務委員會、軍事委員會、金融服務委員會、能源和商業委員會以及情報常設特別委員會。



