

以色列模式:20160914〈美以諒解備忘錄〉延續概要 Taimocracy翻譯

FACT SHEET: Memorandum of Understanding Reached with Israel    The White House 20160914  Taimocracy翻譯

Under President Obama’s leadership, the multifaceted cooperation between the United States and Israel has reached unprecedented levels.  This is particularly true with regard to the security of Israel.  The new 10-year security assistance Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to Israel is the most recent reflection of President Obama’s unshakeable commitment to Israel’s security. 在歐巴馬總統的領導下,美國和以色列之間的多方面合作達到了前所未有的水準。在以色列的安全方面尤其如此。對以色列的新〈10年安全援助諒解備忘錄〉(MOU),是歐巴馬總統對以色列安全不可動搖的承諾的最新反映。

Under the new MOU with Israel, the Obama Administration has made the largest single pledge of military assistance in U.S. history: 根據與以色列的新諒解備忘錄,歐巴馬政府做出了美國歷史上最大的單一軍事援助承諾

  • The total value of the new MOU, which covers FY2019- FY2028, is $38 billion ($3.8 billion per year).  It will succeed the current $30 billion MOU signed in 2007, which will expire at the end of FY2018. 涵蓋2019會計年度至2028會計年度的新諒解備忘錄的總價值為380億美元(每年38億美元)
  • This amount represents a significant increase over the current MOU by every measure, and will enable Israel to acquire additional advanced military capabilities from the United States. 它將接替2007年簽署的300億美元諒解備忘錄,該諒解備忘錄將於2018會計年度末到期。這一數額在各方面都比目前的諒解備忘錄大幅增加,將使以色列能夠從美國獲得更多的先進軍事能力。
  • It includes $33 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) funds and an unprecedented $5 billion commitment in missile defense assistance.  This funding will be disbursed in equal increments of $3.3 billion in FMF and $500 million in missile defense funding each year for the duration of the understanding. 它包括330億美元的外國軍事融資FMF)資金和前所未有的50億美元導彈防禦援助承諾。 在備忘錄有效期間,這筆資金將按每年33億美元的FMF5億美元的導彈防禦資金等額支付。
  • In practical terms, the level of funding specified in the MOU will permit Israel to update the lion’s share of its fighter aircraft fleet -  including through the acquisition of additional F-35s - increase its missile defense, and acquire other defense capabilities needed to meet its threat environment. 實際上,〈諒解備忘錄〉中規定的資金水準將允許以色列更新其戰鬥機機隊的大部分包括通過購買額外的F-35增加其導彈防禦能力,並獲得滿足其威脅環境所需的其他防禦能力。
  • The multi-year missile defense commitment in the MOU will greatly facilitate long-term planning rather than missile defense assistance levels continuing to be appropriated year-to-year. 〈諒解備忘錄〉中的多年導彈防禦承諾將極大地促進長期規劃,而不是繼續逐年撥款的導彈防禦援助水準。
  • The $500 million in annual missile defense funding under the MOU exceeds the average level of non-emergency support the United States has provided to Israel for missile defense over the last five years. 根據〈諒解備忘錄〉,每年5億美元的導彈防禦資金超過了美國在過去五年中向以色列提供的導彈防禦非緊急支援的平均水準。
  • Moreover, our decision with Israel to discontinue two anomalies in the defense relationship that no longer serve our mutual interests - Off Shore Procurement (the arrangement under the current MOU through which Israel has been uniquely permitted to spend 26.3 percent of its annual FMF package within Israel on non-U.S. products) and Israel’s use of FMF funds to purchase fuel – means that Israel will spend more funding, as much as $1.2 billion per year, on the advanced military capabilities that only the United States can provide.  The acquisition of additional U.S.-produced capabilities and technology provide the best means to ensure Israel preserves its Qualitative Military Edge (QME). 此外,我們與以色列決定終止防務關係中不再符合我們共同利益的兩個異常現象離岸採購(根據當前〈諒解備忘錄〉的安排,以色列被唯一允許將其年度FMF計劃的26.3%用於非美國產品)和以色列使用FMF資金購買燃料意味著以色列將花費更多資金,每年高達12億美元,用於只有美國才能提供的先進軍事能力。獲得美國生產的額外能力和技術是確保以色列保持其品質軍事優勢(QME)的最佳手段。

Under President Obama to date, Israel has received a record amount of Foreign Military Financing (FMF) funds: 迄今為止,在歐巴馬總統的領導下,以色列已經獲得了創紀錄的外國軍事融資(FMF)資金:

  • Israel remains the leading recipient worldwide of U.S. FMF.  Since President Obama took office, the United States has provided Israel over $23.5 billion in FMF assistance (from 2009-2016). 以色列仍然是美國FMF的全球主要接受國。自歐巴馬總統就職以來,美國已向以色列提供了超過235億美元的FMF援助(從2009年到2016年)。
  • In FY2016, the United States provided Israel $3.1 billion in FMF assistance to support Israel’s ability to defend against threats.  This is in line with assistance provided in FY2014 and FY2015 and represented approximately 51.4% of the U.S. global FMF account in FY2016. 2016會計年度,美國向以色列提供了31億美元的FMF援助,以支援以色列抵禦威脅的能力。這與2014會計年度和2015會計年度提供的援助一致,約佔2016會計年度美國全球FMF帳戶的51.4%
  • For FY2017, which marks the ninth year of the current 10-year, $30 billion MOU between the United States and Israel, the Administration has requested $3.1 billion in FMF for Israel. 2017會計年度是美國和以色列之間為期10年、價值300億美元的〈諒解備忘錄〉的第九年,政府已要求為以色列提供31億美元的FMF
  • This amounts to $8.5 million in FMF funding alone provided to Israel each day, helping it bolster its security and maintain its QME. 這相當於每天向以色列提供的FMF資金就達850萬美元,説明其加強安全並維持其QME

President Obama has also provided Israel with unprecedented levels of missile defense funding: 歐巴馬總統還向以色列提供了前所未有的導彈防禦資金

  • In addition to FMF funding, under President Obama’s leadership, the United States has provided over $3 billion in missile defense funding for programs and systems for Israel. 除了FMF資金外,在歐巴馬總統的領導下,美國還為以色列的計劃和系統提供了超過30億美元的導彈防禦資金。
  • Since 2011, the United States has provided Israel with over $1.3 billion for the Iron Dome system alone.  Iron Dome batteries and interceptors have saved an untold number of Israeli lives, particularly during the conflict with Hamas in 2014. 2011年以來,美國僅為「鐵穹」系統就向以色列提供了超過13億美元。鐵穹平台和攔截器挽救了無數以色列人的生命,特別是在2014年與哈馬斯的衝突期間。
  • During that conflict, when Israeli civilians were subjected to rocket fire, the President worked with Congress to successfully provide $225 million in short-fuse funding for the Iron Dome system above the $504 million that had already been provided to Israel in FY2014 for missile defense support. 在那場衝突中,當以色列平民遭到火箭彈襲擊時,總統與國會合作,成功地為鐵穹系統提供了2.25億美元的短引信資金,高於2014會計年度已經提供給以色列的5.04億美元用於導彈防禦支援。
  • In addition to Iron Dome, the United States has invested significantly in the co-development of longer range defense systems such as David’s Sling and Arrow-3. 除「鐵穹」外,美國還投入鉅資共同開發大衛吊索」和「-3」等遠端防禦系統。
  • In FY2016 Israel received $487 million in missile defense support, including for David’s Sling. Arrow-3, and Iron Dome. 2016會計年度,以色列獲得了4.87億美元的導彈防禦支援,包括大衛的吊索。箭-3和鐵穹。
  • After successful joint tests of David’s Sling and Arrow-3 last year, FY16 is the first year in which missile defense funding for Israel also included funding for coproduction of these systems– further deepening our missile defense cooperation with Israel. 繼去年成功聯合測試大衛的吊索和箭-3之後,16會計年度是以色列導彈防禦資金也包括聯合生產這些系統的第一年進一步深化了我們與以色列的導彈防禦合作。

With over $26 billion in total assistance during President Obama’s tenure in office, Israel has been able to acquire new advanced capabilities to bolster its security: 在歐巴馬總統任職期間,以色列的援助總額超過260億美元,以色列已經能夠獲得新的先進能力來加強其安全:

  • The United States provides Israel with unparalleled access to some of the most advanced military equipment in the world, including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.  Using FMF, Israel is scheduled to receive 33 F-35 aircraft, the first two of which will be delivered to Israel in December 2016.  美國為以色列提供了無與倫比的獲得世界上一些最先進的軍事裝備的機會,包括F-35聯合攻擊戰鬥機。使用FMF,以色列計劃接收33F-35飛機,其中前兩架將於201612月交付給以色列。  以色列將是第一個接收這種第五代戰鬥機的外國合作夥伴。
  • Israel will be the first foreign partner to take delivery of this fifth-generation fighter aircraft. 以色列將是第一個接收這種第五代戰鬥機的外國合作夥伴。
  • The United States has also provided Israel with several C-130 heavy-lift cargo planes; four SAAR 6 Corvettes; ten additional F-15 aircraft; Merkava tanks and Namer Armored Personnel Carriers; Hellfire missiles; the Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) and other Precision Guided Munitions. 美國還向以色列提供了幾架C-130重型貨機;四艘薩爾 6 克爾維特;另外十架F-15飛機;梅卡瓦坦克和納默裝甲運兵車;地獄火導彈;聯合直接攻擊彈藥(JDAM)和其他精確制導彈藥。
  • In terms of missile defense, the United States has paid for the majority of the production costs for the Iron Dome system since 2011, the centerpiece of Israel’s missile defense architecture. 在導彈防禦方面,自2011年以來,美國支付了鐵穹系統的大部分生成本,這是以色列導彈防禦架構的核心。

In addition to FMF and missile defense funds, the United States under President Obama has provided other forms of valuable support to Israel: 除了FMF和導彈防禦基金外,歐巴馬總統領導下的美國還向以色列提供了其他形式的寶貴支援:

  • Signed by President Obama in December 2014, the U.S.-Israel Strategic Partnership Act authorizes $3 million to be spent on research pilot programs between Israeli government agencies and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 歐巴馬總統於201412月簽署的〈美國-以色列戰略夥伴關係法案〉授權將300萬美元用於以色列政府機構與美國國土安全部之間的研究試點專案。
  • The Department of Defense’s chemical-biological defense response units work with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to provide equipment and training. 國防部的化學生物防禦反應部隊與以色列國防軍(IDF)合作,提供設備和培訓。
  • The Department of Defense has sold or provided free of charge millions of dollars’ worth of U.S. excess defense articles to the IDF, supporting their need for spare parts, weapons, and simulators to maintain their current fleets. 國防部已向以色列國防軍出售或免費提供價數百萬美元的美國過剩國防物品,以支持他們對備件、武器和模擬器的需求,以維持其目前的艦隊。
  • Since FY14, the United States has allocated more than $47 million on research and development task plans for tunnel detection and mapping technologies.  2014會計年度以來,美國已撥款4700多萬美元用於隧道探測和測繪技術的研發任務計劃。



