

遠端遙控工具機?早就如此 Remote service machining centers

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The machining center industry, among others, has reached a brand new level in its service after the advent of IoT. The manufacturers of machining centers now have the ability to monitor their machines 24/7, particularly high-precision 5-axis control machining centers, and provide timely repair and maintenance advice when the machines encounter issues during regular operation. This system is not new, as news reports suggest; it has been in use for several years. Even Taiwan's largest wooden manufacturing machine provider offers the same ability to serve customers.
As far as I know, the current service of precision machining center manufacturers can receive real-time information about the processing object through the internet. If a customer is processing sensitive parts prohibited by the UN and the regulations of the manufacturing country, the machine process will terminate instantly. The countries in question were Iran and North Korea, and now also Russia and China.
What the member of the US House of Representatives, Seth Moulton, said on "making it very clear to the Chinese that if you invade Taiwan, we are gonna blow up TSMC," Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., in a conference panel organized by the California-based think tank Milken Institute on May 6th, is nonsense. The technology currently used would terminate the machines on time without physically blowing them up. This is precisely what Morris Chang, the founder of TSMC, described a year ago when he said that even if China takes over TSMC, it cannot operate the factory.


防中國挪用製造武器 日德合資DMG設工具機遠程管理系統    自由 20230514

根據英國「金融時報」514日報導,德日合資的全球最大先進工具機製造商之一DMG Mori(德馬吉森精機),4月開始就開始跟踪其產品的使用情況,以確保它們不會在地緣政治緊張局勢加劇之際被用於軍事目的,中國將首當其衝。

 DMG今年3月下旬發送給客戶的1封信,要求客戶安裝1種遠程管理系統,一旦設備被移除或拆除,該系統將關閉設備,並說安裝該系統的目的在於防止其設備「非法轉移給可能威脅國際安全的個人或國家」。該信指出,如果設備的使用違反「適用的出口規則」,該公司將拒絕重新啟動該設備DMG 製造的工具機可用於製造小客車到戰鬥機的各種產品。


 DMG是日本森精機(Mori Seiki)與德國競爭對手Gildemeister合併成立,該公司最新舉動正值歐盟與中國因俄烏戰爭而緊張關係升溫之際。中國外長秦剛59日譴責歐盟對支持俄國戰爭機器的中企實施制裁的提議,並誓言將嚴厲而堅定地做出回應,以捍衛其企業。


 中國在 2022 年連續第7年成為德國最大的貿易夥伴,尤其是德國汽車製造商的重要市場。但因武漢肺炎疫情大流行和俄烏戰爭的影響,在美國的推動下,西方國家對於依賴北京的疑慮加深。

 DMG1名前中國主管表示:「儘管這項要求可能適用於許多國家,但它對中國的影響最大,因為中國軍民融合工廠有購買 DMG 機器的歷史,多年來,我們一直裝作不知道我們的產品被中國部署到哪裡。」

 上海Daxue Consulting分析師劉漢宇說,更多西方工具機製造商將追隨DMG的腳步,根據廣州廣發證券上個月發布的報告,這將給向中國出口高端工具機的企業帶來巨大風險。

 加州諮詢公司QY Research的數據顯示,2022年外國品牌佔中國五軸工具機銷量的60%,而同年DMG在中國的市占率達17%。中國工具機用戶表示,DMG 的最新規定可能鼓勵他們增加從本地供應商的採購。


