

20230501〈美國和菲律賓領導人聯合聲明〉 Joint Statement of the Leaders of the United States and the Philippines the White House / Taimocracy翻譯 20230501

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
I noticed that there will be new establishments of two trilateral modes of cooperation: the Philippine-Japan-US and the Philippine-Australia-US, in the joint statement of the US-Philippines. These arrangements may supplement, if not under, the structure of Quad. The multi-layered defense arrangements will be unbreakable.
From a bilateral perspective, the US will activate article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty to defend the Philippines' official activities, including transporting and delivering essential goods for people's livelihood to the soldiers on the Philippine Navy landing craft BRP Sierra Madre (LT-57) on the Second Thomas Shoal, a shoal within the EEZ of the Philippines. This is in response to coercive interferences by Chinese Coast Guard vessels that used water cannons and blocked Philippine boats from supplying dozens of soldiers on it, causing a humanitarian crisis.

從雙邊角度來看,美國將啟動1951年《美菲共同防禦條約》第四條,以捍衛菲律賓的官方活動,包括向菲律賓專屬經濟區內第二湯瑪斯淺灘上的菲律賓海軍登陸艇BRP Sierra MadreLT-57)上的士兵運輸和運送民生必需品。這是對中國海警船隻的脅迫性干預的回應,這些船隻使用水炮並阻止菲律賓船隻向數十名士兵提供補給,造成人道主義危機。

20230501〈美國和菲律賓領導人聯合聲明〉 Joint Statement of the Leaders of the United States and the Philippines    the White House / Taimocracy翻譯 20230501

President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is honored to welcome Philippine President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to Washington, DC. The leaders recognize the remarkable ties of friendship, community, and shared sacrifice that serve as the foundation of the U.S.-Philippines alliance.  小約瑟夫·拜登總統榮幸地歡迎菲律賓總統小費迪南·馬可仕來到華盛頓特區。雙方領導人認識到作為美菲同盟基礎的友誼、社區和共同犧牲的非凡聯繫。

President Biden and President Marcos welcome the historic momentum in U.S.-Philippine relations, and resolve to continue expanding engagement and cooperation on all issues of common concern.  In efforts to promote inclusive and broad-based prosperity, invest in the clean energy transition and the fight against climate change, uphold international peace and stability, and ensure respect for human rights and the rule of law, the United States and the Philippines will remain the closest of allies, working together to deliver a better future for our citizens and tackle the emerging challenges of the twenty-first century.  拜登總統和馬可仕總統歡迎美菲關係的歷史性局面,並決心繼續擴大在所有共同關心的問題上的接觸與合作。在努力促進包容性和基礎廣泛的繁榮,投資於清潔能源轉型和應對氣候變化,維護國際和平與穩定,並確保尊重人權和法治方面,美國和菲律賓仍將是最親密的盟友,共同努力為我們的公民創造更美好的未來,並應對二十一世紀新出現的挑戰。


Partnering for Peace and Security: Strengthening our Alliance, Upholding International Law, and Expanding Regional Collaboration



President Biden reaffirms the United States’ ironclad alliance commitments to the Philippines, underscoring that an armed attack on Philippine armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft in the Pacific, including in the South China Sea, would invoke U.S. mutual defense commitments under Article IV of the 1951 U.S.-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty.  拜登總統重申美國對菲律賓的堅定同盟承諾,強調太平洋(包括南中國海)對菲律賓武裝部隊、公共船隻或飛機的武裝攻擊將啟動美國根據1951年《美菲共同防禦條約》第四條作出的共同防禦承諾。

The leaders welcome the identification of new sites pursuant to the U.S.-Philippines Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement, which will strengthen Philippine security and support the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ modernization goals, while driving U.S. investment to local communities across the Philippines and improving our shared ability to rapidly deliver humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.  雙方領導人歡迎根據〈美菲加強防務合作協定〉確定新地點,該協定將加強菲律賓的安全並支持菲律賓武裝部隊的現代化目標,同時推動美國對菲律賓各地當地社區的投資,並提高我們迅速提供人道主義援助和救災的共同能力。雙方領導人強調,他們堅定不移地致力於南海的航行和飛越自由,並強調尊重各國在其專屬經濟區內與國際經濟區相一致的主權權利的重要性

The leaders underscore their unwavering commitment to freedom of navigation and overflight in the South China Sea, and the importance of respecting the sovereign rights of states within their exclusive economic zones consistent with international law. The leaders support the right and ability of Filipino fisherfolk to pursue their traditional livelihoods. The leaders note the ruling of the 2016 arbitral tribunal, constituted pursuant to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). They affirm the importance of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element of global security and prosperity. The leaders convey support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, noting that the conflict has adversely affected food and energy security in the Indo-Pacific.  雙方領導人強調,他們堅定不移地致力於南海的航行和飛越自由,以及尊重各國在其專屬經濟區內符合國際法的主權權利的重要性。雙方領導人支持菲律賓漁民追求傳統生計的權利和能力。雙方領導人注意到根據〈聯合國海洋法公約〉(UNCLOS)組成的2016年仲裁庭的裁決。他們申明維護台海和平與穩定的重要性,這是全球安全與繁榮不可或缺的因素。雙方領導人表示支持烏克蘭在其國際公認邊界內的主權、獨立和領土完整,並指出衝突對印太地區的糧食和能源安全產生了不利影響。

The leaders welcome cooperation with partners that share the United States’ and the Philippines’ commitment to international law and mutual respect, and in that spirit, they reaffirm their strong support for ASEAN centrality and the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific. They look forward to establishing trilateral modes of cooperation among the Philippines, Japan, and the United States, as well as the Philippines, Australia, and the United States. Furthermore, they welcome the Quad’s commitment to support a peaceful and stable, rules-based region with ASEAN at the center, through its efforts to advance a free and open Indo-Pacific.  雙方領導人歡迎與美國和菲律賓一樣致力於國際法和相互尊重的夥伴合作,並本著這一精神重申堅決支持東盟的中心地位和東盟對印太地區的看法。他們期待在菲律賓、日本和美國以及菲律賓、澳大利亞和美國之間建立三邊合作模式。此外,他們歡迎「四方安全對話」國家承諾透過努力推進自由和開放的印太地區,支援以東協為核心的和平穩定、以規則為基礎的地區。


Delivering Prosperity and Resilience: Driving Broad-Based Economic Growth, Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition, and Promoting the Well-Being of Our Citizens



President Biden and President Marcos resolve to draw on the strength of their partnership to promote enduring economic growth and prosperity in the United States, the Philippines, and the broader Indo-Pacific region. To that end, President Biden will dispatch a Presidential Trade and Investment Mission to the Philippines on his behalf, to enhance U.S. companies’ investment in the Philippines’ innovation economy, its clean energy transition and critical minerals sector, and the food security of its people. Furthermore, the leaders announce that the United States and the Philippines will co-host the 2024 Indo-Pacific Business Forum – the United States’ marquee commercial event in the region – in Manila, which will further establish the Philippines as a key hub for regional supply chains and high-quality investment. Additionally, the two countries will pursue engagements with stakeholders, including in the business and social sectors, regarding opportunities to enhance bilateral economic engagement in a manner that is worker-centered, sustainability-driven, fair, and transparent, focusing on sectors in which it is critical to develop resilient supply chains and in which significant and meaningful economic value-added and employment can be generated in the United States and the Philippines.  拜登總統和馬可仕總統決心利用夥伴關係的力量,促進美國、菲律賓和更廣泛的印太地區的持久經濟增長和繁榮。為此,拜登總統將代表他派遣一個總統貿易和投資代表團前往菲律賓,以加強美國公司對菲律賓創新經濟、清潔能源轉型和關鍵礦產部門以及人民糧食安全的投資。此外,兩國領導人宣佈,美國和菲律賓將在馬尼拉共同主辦2024年印太商業論壇,這是美國在該地區的大型商務工作,這將進一步確立菲律賓作為區域供應鏈和高品質投資的關鍵樞紐地位。此外,兩國將尋求與包括商業和社會部門在內的利益攸關方就加強雙邊經濟的機會進行接觸。

The leaders welcome their countries’ plans to prioritize bilateral economic cooperation through the U.S.-Philippines Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA). The leaders also applaud progress in developing the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework, which will deliver concrete benefits to our workers, families, and businesses by promoting trade, supply chain resilience, clean economy development, and anti-corruption throughout the region. The two leaders look forward to seeing one another again in San Francisco this November for the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week, to advance sustainable and inclusive economic growth in the region.  雙方領導人歡迎兩國計劃透過美菲貿易和投資框架協定(TIFA優先考慮雙邊經濟合作。兩位領導人還讚揚在制定印太經濟框架方面取得的進展,該框架將透過促進整個地區的貿易、供應鏈韌性、清潔經濟發展和反腐敗,為我們的工人、家庭和企業帶來具體利益。雙方領導人期待今年11月在舊金山舉行的APEC經濟領導人周上再次見面,以促進該地區的可持續和包容性經濟增長。

Recognizing that the climate crisis poses an existential threat to the world, and the Philippines’ particular vulnerability to the effects of climate change, the leaders reaffirm they will undertake urgent action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They resolve to expand collaboration on renewable energy production to accelerate the clean energy transition while bringing down energy costs and expanding energy access for families. The leaders hail progress in negotiating a U.S.-Philippines civil nuclear cooperation agreement (“123 agreement”). The United States and the Philippines will also pursue an ambitious program of cooperation on wind, solar, and geothermal energy, while enhancing cooperation on reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the waste, road, and shipping sectors.  認識到氣候危機對世界構成生存威脅,以及菲律賓特別容易受到氣候變化的影響,雙方領導人重申他們將採取緊急行動減少溫室氣體排放。他們決心擴大可再生能源生產方面的合作,以加速清潔能源轉型,同時降低能源成本並擴大家庭的能源獲取。雙方領導人歡迎談判中的美菲民用核合作協定(〈123協定〉)取得的進展。美國和菲律賓還將在風能、太陽能和地熱能方面開展一項雄心勃勃的合作計劃,同時加強在減少廢物、道路和航運部門溫室氣體排放方面的合作。

The leaders further resolve to expand cooperation on environmental protections, including enhanced domain awareness, marine conservation, and protecting coastal areas from environmental degradation. Acknowledging the paramount significance of science and technology in propelling our countries forward, the leaders pledge to promote increased cooperation and knowledge sharing between the United States and the Philippines through the Science and Technology Agreement (STA), and they welcome U.S. plans to establish an Open-RAN Interoperability Lab in Manila. Recognizing the importance of enhancing and sustaining joint efforts in outer space activities, the leaders also welcome their countries’ plan to prioritize and strengthen bilateral space cooperation, including by convening their first bilateral Civil Space Dialogue this year.  雙方領導人進一步決心擴大在環境保護方面的合作,包括提高領域意識、海洋養護和保護沿海地區免受環境退化的影響。領導人承認科學和技術在推動我們兩國前進方面至關重要,承諾透過〈科技協定〉(STA)促進美國和菲律賓之間加強合作和知識共用,並歡迎美國計劃在馬尼拉建立開放RAN相互操作性實驗室。領導人認識到加強和維持雙邊外太空活動努力的重要性,還歡迎各自國家計劃優先考慮和加強雙邊太空合作,包括今年召開首次雙邊民用太空對話

The leaders underscore the importance of strong democratic institutions, rule of law, and respect for human rights, including freedom of expression, press, and association, and they note the importance of countering any form of violence in our societies, such as that against civil society, women, children, and marginalized groups. The leaders welcome the establishment of a bilateral Labor Working Group as part of the U.S.-Philippines TIFA, which will provide an important opportunity for the United States and the Philippines to work together on implementation of internationally recognized labor rights, and to facilitate exchange and dialogue among U.S. and Philippine governments and labor unions, as well as employer organizations.  雙方領導人強調強有力的民主體制、法治和尊重人權(包括言論、新聞和結社自由)的重要性,並指出打擊我們社會中任何形式的暴力的重要性,例如針對民間社會、婦女、兒童和邊緣化群體的暴力。雙方領導人歡迎成立雙邊勞工工作組,作為美菲TIFA的一部分,這將為美國和菲律賓共同努力落實國際公認的勞工權利提供重要機會,並促進美國和菲律賓政府和工會以及僱主組織之間的交流和對話。

The leaders recognize that the people-to-people ties between the two countries are an indispensable pillar of our partnership, manifested in their immense contributions to both the United States and the Philippines.  The leaders note the service and sacrifice of Filipinos in World War II, and more recently, the significant contributions of Filipino Americans on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic.  雙方領導人認識到,兩國之間的民間關係是我們夥伴關係不可或缺的支柱,這體現在他們對美國和菲律賓的巨大貢獻上。雙方領導人注意到菲律賓人在第二次世界大戰中的服務和犧牲,以及最近菲律賓裔美國人在COVID-19大流行前線的重大貢獻。

Looking to the future, President Biden and President Marcos express the utmost confidence that the special ties between their nations and their people will only grow stronger with time, as the United States and the Philippines continue to realize their shared vision of partnership, peace, and prosperity.  展望未來,拜登總統和馬可仕總統表示堅信,隨著美國和菲律賓繼續實現夥伴關係、和平與繁榮的共同願景,兩國與人民之間的特殊關係只會隨著時間的推移而更加牢固。



