

太平洋與台灣海峽都很寬廣? 你確定北京真這樣想?

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
In 2012, Xi, who was then China's Vice Chairperson, visited the United States at the invitation of Vice President Biden. During the visit, Xi proposed the idea that "the vast Pacific Ocean has enough space for both China and the United States." This vision outlined the future of U.S.-China relations.
In 2022, as China's Chairperson, Xi further stated that "the vast earth is large enough to accommodate China and the United States for their respective development and common prosperity" during a meeting with U.S. President Biden in Indonesia.
On April 23, Taiwan's Vice President Lai Ching-te cited Xi’s words "He believes that the Pacific is vast enough to accommodate competition between the United States and China" at a memorial service for Koo Kwang-ming, a former Taiwanese statesman, businessman, and independence activist.
Some observers think that Lai's citation was an olive branch extended to China. While Lai may have intended to promote reconciliation with China, the appropriateness of this gesture is subject to debate. However, Lai went on to say, "The Taiwan Strait is also wide enough to accommodate the survival and development of Taiwan and China," which is controversial.
Since the Taiwan Strait is an international waterway, not only Taiwan and China can use it, but other countries can as well. Therefore, Lai's statement has sparked concerns about Taiwan's diplomatic position and its relationship with China, particularly in light of China's claims to sovereignty over Taiwan.


引辜寬敏「兄弟之邦」!賴清德:台海很寬可容台灣中國生存發展    中廣 20230423





