

降低方風險講人權 德國外長訪中聲明

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock prior to her departure for China and South Korea    German Federal Foreign Ministry 20230412

Partner, competitor, systemic rival – that is the compass of Europe’s policy on China. The direction in which the dial will shift in the future also depends on which path China chooses. With our new China strategy, we will take into account China’s changed role in the world. For our country, a great deal depends on whether we achieve the right balance in our future relations with China – as our biggest trading partner and as a global player that increasingly wants to shape the world order according to its own designs. China has changed, and after the end of the COVID‑19 restrictions, I want to gain a first-hand impression of the direction that the new leadership is heading in, also with regard to the balance between political control and economic openness. 夥伴、競爭者、系統性對手——這是歐洲對華政策的指南針。未來的轉盤走向,也取決於中國選擇哪條道路。在我們新的中國戰略中,我們將考慮到中國在世界上角色的變化。對我們國家來說,很大程度上取決於我們能否在未來與中國的關係中取得適當的平衡——中國是我們最大的貿易夥伴,也是一個越來越希望按照自己的設計塑造世界秩序的全球參與者。中國已經發生了變化,在 COVID‑19 限制措施結束後,我想對新領導層的前進方向,以及政治控制與經濟開放之間的平衡有一個第一手的印象。

I want to explore opportunities for greater cooperation in the promotion of civil society, in climate protection and in sectors of the future such as renewable energies. For me, it is clear that we have no interest in economic decoupling – this would be difficult to achieve in a globalised world in any case – but we must take a more systematic look at the risks of unilateral dependencies and reduce them, in the sense of de‑risking. This is especially true in view of the terrifying scenario of a military escalation in the Taiwan Strait, through which 50 percent of the world’s trade flows every single day. During my visit, I will therefore also underline the common European conviction that a unilateral change to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait, and especially military escalation, would be unacceptable. 我想探索在促進公民社會、氣候保護和可再生能源等未來領域加強合作的機會。對我來說,很明顯,我們對經濟脫鉤沒有興趣——無論如何,這在全球化世界中都很難實現——但我們必須更系統地審視單邊依賴的風險,並在某種意義上減少它們去風險化。考慮到每天有 50% 的世界貿易流經台灣海峽的可怕軍事升級情景,情況尤其如此。因此,在我訪問期間,我也將強調歐洲的共同信念,即單方面改變台海現狀,尤其是軍事升級,是不可接受的。

At the top of my agenda on this trip, however, is our interest in bringing the war on our European doorstep in Ukraine to a swift, lasting and just end. As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China bears a special responsibility for world peace. China’s willingness to weigh in on global affairs was recently demonstrated by its mediation efforts to normalise diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. The role that China plays with its influence vis‑à‑vis Russia will have consequences for the whole of Europe and for our relationship with China. 然而,在我此行的首要議程中,我們有興趣讓發生在我們歐洲家門口的烏克蘭戰爭迅速、持久和公正地結束。作為聯合國安理會常任理事國 ,中國對世界和平負有特殊責任。中國最近在沙特阿拉伯和伊朗外交關係正常化方面的斡旋努力表明了中國參與全球事務的意願。中國在對俄羅斯的影響力中所扮演的角色將對整個歐洲以及我們與中國的關係產生影響。

It goes without saying that I want to talk in China about the protection of universal human rights – which must be part of a level playing field. And with China, which is now the world’s biggest emitter of CO2 and also the market leader in renewable energies, a focus will be on how we can do more together to tackle the climate crisis. 不用說,我想在中國談談保護普遍人權——這必須是公平競爭環境的一部分。中國現在是世界上最大的 CO2排放國,也是可再生能源市場的領導者,重點將放在我們如何共同努力應對氣候危機上。

South Korea is a close ally and stands firmly by our side. This shows that political proximity cannot be measured in terms of geographical distance. In addition to robust democratic values, the experience of national division is something that unites us with South Korea. Our shared interest in regional stability in the Indo-Pacific, which has recently come under serious threat due to North Korea’s missile tests in violation of international law, will also be on the agenda. It is all the more significant that, thanks to the historic rapprochement of South Korea and Japan, two of Germany’s good friends have come together. After all, our external strength as allies is derived from our internal cohesion as partners with shared values around the world. 韓國是我們的親密盟友,堅定地站在我們一邊。這說明政治上的接近不能用地理上的距離來衡量。除了強大的民主價值觀外,民族分裂的經歷也讓我們與韓國團結在一起。最近因朝鮮違反國際法進行導彈試驗而受到嚴重威脅的印度洋-太平洋地區穩定,也是我們對地區穩定的共同利益,也將提上議程。更重要的是,由於韓國和日本的歷史性和解,德國的兩個好朋友走到了一起。畢竟,我們作為盟友的外部力量來自於我們作為在世界各地具有共同價值觀的合作夥伴的內部凝聚力。


