

20230331 芬蘭加入NATO

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Finland joined NATO as the most recent country to approve a new ally. Sweden and Finland applied to join NATO due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but Turkey was hesitant to agree to their membership, especially in the case of Sweden.
Fortunately, Finland and Sweden have a close bilateral defense cooperation, and Finland, Sweden, and Norway signed a trilateral Statement of Intent on defense cooperation in September 2020. Additionally, Finland and Sweden maintain a close trilateral cooperation with the United States and the United Kingdom. Moreover, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Estonia, Ireland, Latvia, and Lithuania form a Nordic Battlegroup at the operational level.
This indicates that the Nordic countries have a strong multilateral defense structure that cannot be hindered by any single party.

Statement by the Secretary General on Finlands membership in NATO    NATO 20230331

I welcome the vote by the Turkish Grand National Assembly to ratify Finland’s membership in NATO.

All 30 NATO Allies have now ratified the accession protocol.
And I have just spoken with President Sauli Niinistö to congratulate him on this historic occasion.

Finland will formally join our Alliance in the coming days. 

Their membership will make Finland safer and NATO stronger.

Finland has highly capable forces.
Advanced capabilities.
And strong democratic institutions.

So Finland will bring a lot to our Alliance.
All Allies made a historic decision last year to invite Finland and Sweden to join our Alliance.
Since then, we have seen the fastest ratification process in NATO’s modern history. 
All Allies agree that a rapid conclusion of the ratification process for Sweden will be in everyone’s interest.

I look forward to also welcoming Sweden as a full member of the NATO family as soon as possible.


