

CDC的網頁 對實際effectiveness的研究(無關疫苗第三期保護力數據)

COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Research    CDC CDC的(實際)有效性研究
Clinical trials
are conducted to determine vaccine efficacy before the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) determines whether to approve a vaccine. CDC and other partners assess COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness under real-world conditions after the FDA approves a vaccine.  This helps us understand if vaccines are performing as expected outside the more controlled setting of a clinical trial, which tests a vaccine before approval. 在美國食品和藥物管理局 (FDA) 決定是否批准疫苗之前,會進行臨床試驗以確定疫苗的功效。 FDA 批准疫苗後,CDC 和其他合作夥伴在現實條件下評估 COVID-19 疫苗的(實際)effectiveness。臨床試驗在批准之前對疫苗進行測試,有助於我們了解疫苗在更受控制的臨床試驗環境之外是否按預期發揮作用。




Real-World COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness in Healthcare Workers    CDC  對醫護人員的真實世界疫苗(實際)有效性
Vaccine effectiveness studies allow researchers to assess how well vaccines protect people from illness in real-world conditions. The real-world effectiveness of vaccines may be affected if vaccination process requirements, such as vaccine storage and dosing intervals, are less strictly adhered to than they were in clinical trials. These real-world effectiveness studies may also enable researchers to evaluate vaccine effectiveness in groups not included in clinical trials, such as people with underlying medical conditions. Additionally, they can help inform COVID-19 vaccine policy decisions made by the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.  疫苗(實際)effectiveness研究使研究人員能夠評估疫苗在現實條件下保護人們免受疾病侵害的程度。如果疫苗儲存和給藥間隔等疫苗接種過程要求沒有像臨床試驗中那樣嚴格遵守,那麼疫苗的實際有效性可能會受到影響。這些真實世界的(實際)effectiveness研究還可能使研究人員能夠在未包括在臨床試驗中的人群中評估疫苗的(實際)effectiveness,例如患有潛在疾病的人群。此外,它們可以幫助告知美國免疫實踐諮詢委員會做出的 COVID-19 疫苗政策決定。



