

實驗的Efficacy vs. 實際的Effectiveness

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
真實世界疫苗保護效益(real-world effectiveness),是疾管署(CDCCECC

What is the difference between efficacy and effectiveness?    GAVI.org 20201118

The two terms used to describe how well a drug or vaccine works are often used interchangeably, but they are not actually the same thing – here’s why. 用於描述藥物或疫苗效果如何的兩個術語通常可以互換使用,但它們實際上並不是一回事——以下就是原因。

Efficacy is the degree to which a vaccine prevents disease, and possibly also transmission, under ideal and controlled circumstances – comparing a vaccinated group with a placebo group. Effectiveness meanwhile refers to how well it performs in the real world. Although a vaccine that has high efficacy – such as Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine with 94.5% efficacy and Pfizer’s with 90% efficacy – would be expected to be highly effective in the real world, it is unlikely to translate into the same effectiveness in practice.  Efficacy是疫苗在理想和受控情況下預防疾病和可能傳播的程度——比較接種疫苗組和安慰劑組。 同時,有效性是指它在現實世界中的表現。 儘管具有高效能的疫苗——例如 Moderna COVID-19 疫苗的功效為 94.5%,輝瑞的疫苗功效為 90%——預計在現實世界中會非常effective,但在實踐中不太可能轉化為同樣的功效。

What is efficacy?  Efficacy是什麼?

A vaccine with an efficacy of 90% in a trial, for instance, means there was a 90% reduction in cases of disease in the vaccinated group compared to the unvaccinated (or placebo) group. But efficacy in laboratory conditions does not always translate to effectiveness, and so an efficacy trial can overestimate a vaccine’s impact in practice. 例如,在試驗中(實驗)efficacy 90% 的疫苗意味著與未接種疫苗(或安慰劑)組相比,接種疫苗組的疾病病例減少了 90% 但在實驗室條件下的(實驗)efficacy並不總是轉化為effectiveness,因此功效試驗可能會高估疫苗在實踐中的影響。

In clinical trials, the conditions under which a participant is taking a vaccine are carefully designed – people are often not included in trials if they have underlying health issues, or are taking medication – and side effects are closely monitored. 臨床試驗中,參與者服用疫苗的條件是經過精心設計的——如果人們有潛在的健康問題或正在服用藥物,他們通常不會被納入試驗——並且會密切監測副作用。

Moreover, participants in the trial represent a subsection of the full age range of a population. For example, not many COVID-19 vaccine trials have included young children, even though they may also need to receive the vaccine when one is ready. 此外,試驗的參與者代表了整個年齡段人群的一小部分。例如,沒有多少 COVID-19 疫苗試驗包括幼兒,儘管他們可能還需要在準備好疫苗時接種。

How do we measure effectiveness?  Effectiveness要如何測量?

When a vaccine is given to the population, factors, such as the medication people are taking, underlying chronic illnesses, age, and how the vaccine is stored and administered under everyday conditions, can reduce how effective the vaccine is at preventing disease. 當向人群接種疫苗時,諸如人們正在服用的藥物、潛在的慢性病、年齡以及疫苗在日常條件下的儲存和施用方式等因素會降低疫苗在預防疾病方面的effective

Once the efficacy of a vaccine has been determined, measuring its effectiveness is critical to ensuring uptake of the vaccine and to understand how to develop better vaccines. Surveillance data is vital to understanding effectiveness, as is immunisation data – capturing data, for example, on when people get the vaccine and what proportion of the population in a given country is covered. 一旦確定了疫苗的(實驗)efficacy,衡量其有效性對於確保疫苗的吸收和了解如何開發更好的疫苗至關重要。監測數據對於了解有效性至關重要,免疫數據也是如此——例如,獲取有關人們何時接種疫苗以及覆蓋特定國家人口比例的數據。

Effectiveness of a vaccine is measured in what epidemiologists call observational studies because participants are not randomly assigned to a treatment versus a placebo group.  For example, case-control studies assess effectiveness by comparing the vaccination status of individuals who develop the disease (cases) with a group of individuals without the disease (controls) who are also representative of the population from which the cases arise. If the vaccine is effective, the cases are more likely to be the unvaccinated individuals. 疫苗的(實際)Effectiveness是在流行病學家所謂的觀察性研究中衡量的,因為參與者不是被隨機分配到治療組和安慰劑組 例如,病例控制研究透過比較患病個體(病例組)與一組未患病個體(控制組)的疫苗接種狀態來評估(實際)effectiveness,這些個體也代表病例出現的人群。如果疫苗effective,則病例更有可能是未接種疫苗的個體。

Vaccines do not always need to have an exceptionally high effectiveness to be useful, for example the influenza vaccine is 40-60% effective yet saves thousands of lives every year. 疫苗並不總是需要具有非常高的(實際)effectiveness才能發揮作用,例如流感疫苗的有效率為 40-60%,但每年可以挽救數千人的生命。



