

90%美國軍援烏克蘭高危軍火 竟然不見了! 新頭殼 20221104

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Not tracking military support and humanitarian relief is not an error the US government should make.  Up to 90% of US aid to Ukraine was lost, including HIMAS.
 When the US eased the famine of the Russian people in WW I, the former depended on the Russian government to process the distributions at the beginning.  Most of the relief was plundered.  They never reached out to those who needed it most.  Acknowledging the error, the US quickly shifted the process into the new one: the US distributed the relief by itself and managing by the figures.
It is the root of the theory of "Plan, Do, See," the administration pattern of the Marshall Plan in the relief of WWII in Greece.  As a result, the US developed a public policy theory that involves establishing a detailed plan based on the counterpart's project, providing assistance based on the program, reviewing the outcome, and revising it if necessary, before moving on.
 So, why the US shirked the historical lessons so rashly in the case of the War on Ukraine?  Meanwhile, the US has never forgotten the risk that Taiwan might leak US military technologies to China. 

A Frontline Shadow Economy: Ukrainian Units Swap Tanks and Artillery

我送的武器在哪裏?90%美國軍援烏克蘭高危軍火 竟然不見了!    新頭殼 20221104

近日,美國《華盛頓郵報》援引知情人士表示,近幾個月來,美國政府幾乎對其向烏克蘭提供武器的實際去向一無所知。儘管美方派遣了武器核查人員,但截至目前,美國提供給烏軍的 2.2 萬套需要特別監察的武器中,能明確知道去向的只有大約 10%。俄羅斯外交部 10 月更曾表示,每個月從烏克蘭流入犯罪或極端分子手中的武器價值高達 10 億美元。

美方核查人員本應追蹤毒刺(Stingers 短程防空系統、標槍反坦克導彈在內的約 2.2 萬套高危武器運抵烏克蘭之後的去向,然而在實際執行過程中,絕大部分核查工作都由烏克蘭進行,美國核查人員只進行了兩次面對面的核對,確認去向的武器僅占運抵烏武器總量僅約 10%,其中還不包括海馬斯火箭炮系統等大型武器系統


早在 2022 4 月,就有消息人士向《 CNN 》透露,美國提供給烏軍的武器一旦抵達烏方境內,就如同進入黑洞一般不知去向。《美國哥倫比亞廣播公司》( CBS ) 曾在 8 月援引一家武器商的話爆料稱,美國提供給烏方的武器僅有約 30% 能真正到達烏軍手中。




