

Where the news source from? 普丁在非洲藏4550億黃金現鈔

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
The day after a dictator steps down from power, he becomes the poorest person in the world. 
Being a dictator, he is not willing to resign from all and any of the political positions.  His fate has been written down: an over-thrown or exiled president.
Thinking of the situation: a dictator must have transferred most of his wealth abroad when he is in power in order not to the confiscation by the next ruler.
However, all asylums from other countries to the dictator are not free from cost.
The dictator, hence, has to build a fort or stronghold and establish troops to protect his wealth.  No matter where the dictator lives, the mafia can blackmail him, the one who is not under the protection of his nation, easily.
Gradually, his dirty wealth becomes less; even the persons who protect the dictator can be a threat to the dictator in one night.
Can Vladimir Putin be an exception? I do not think so.  Will the members of the Wagner Group protect Putin forever?  I doubt it.  Rumors said that Putin revealed that he might visit the Republic of Central Africa soon in a phone call between Putin and the President.  We have reason to predict the day is the exile of Putin.
Despite being anonymous, gold and Jewelry are the assets inconvenient today.   How can the dictator spend his money without paying the high cost?  Can Putin trust the Wagner Group?  Only he knows the answer. 
Putin is one of the wealthiest dictators today, but he will be the poorest one in the world tomorrow.  Huge war debts are waiting for Putin to pay.

英媒揭普丁在非洲藏4550億黃金現鈔「落跑時用的」 派瓦格納傭兵看守    新頭殼 20221119

俄羅斯侵犯烏克蘭遭到國際譴責,俄羅斯總統普丁(Vladimir Putin)成為眾矢之的。由於俄軍在烏克蘭節節敗退,普丁也受到俄國社會輿論撻伐。英國《每日鏡報》踢爆,普丁在中非共和國藏了價值超過4500億台幣的黃金及現鈔,這筆龐大的財富目前由普丁的的私人軍隊傭兵瓦格納集團(Wagner Group)嚴密保護,專門給普丁逃離俄羅斯時使用。


普丁11日才與中非共和國總統圖瓦德拉(Faustin Arcange Touadéra)通過電話,普丁重申,俄羅斯願意為非洲國家提供農產品及化肥2位領導人也同意強化雙邊經貿及政治活動。普丁暗示可能在不久的將來訪問中非共和國首都班基(Bangui

對此,俄羅斯反對派自媒體「General SVR」在Telegram頻道認為,普丁與圖瓦德拉通話真正目的是「驗證忠誠度」。「General SVR」還爆料,普丁選擇中非共和國作為他和親人撤離俄羅斯的避難處之一,他的情婦、39歲的前體操選手卡巴耶娃(Alina Maratovna Kabaeva)也會隨行。


