

北約中東歐會員國總統對俄羅斯企圖非法兼併烏克蘭領土的聯合聲明 20221002

【縛雞之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

Joint statement of Presidents of Central and Eastern Europe    20221002

Joint statement of Presidents of Central and Eastern European NATO Member States on Russian attempts to illegally annex Ukrainian territories.  北約中東歐會員國總統對俄羅斯企圖非法兼併烏克蘭領土的聯合聲明

We Presidents of Central and Eastern Europe, countries whose leaders have visited Kyiv during the war and witnessed with their own eyes the effects of Russian aggression, cannot stay silent in the face of the blatant violation of international law by the Russian Federation, and therefore are issuing the following statement:  我們中東歐國家的總統,這些國家的領導人在戰爭期間訪問了基輔,親眼目睹了俄羅斯侵略的影響,面對俄羅斯聯邦公然違反國際法的行為,我們不能保持沉默,因此發表以下聲明:

We reiterate our support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We do not recognize and will never recognize Russian attempts to annex any Ukrainian territory.  我們重申,我們支持烏克蘭的主權和領土完整。我們不承認也永遠不會承認俄羅斯吞併任何烏克蘭領土的企圖。

We firmly stand behind the 2008 Bucharest NATO Summit decision concerning Ukraine’s future membership.  我們堅決支持2008年布加勒斯特北約峰會關於烏克蘭未來成員資格的決定。

We support Ukraine in its defence against Russia's invasion, demand Russia to immediately withdraw from all the occupied territories and encourage all Allies to substantially increase their military aid to Ukraine.  我們支持烏克蘭抵禦俄羅斯的入侵,要求俄羅斯立即從所有被占領土撤出,並鼓勵所有盟國大幅增加對烏克蘭的軍事援助。

All those who commit crimes of aggression must be held accountable and brought to justice.  所有犯下侵略罪行的人都必須被追究責任並繩之以法。

Miloš Zeman President of the Czech Republic

Alar Karis President of the Republic of Estonia

Egils Levits President of the Republic of Latvia

Gitanas Nausėda President of the Republic of Lithuania

Stevo Pendarovski President of the Republic of North Macedonia

Milo Đukanović President of Montenegro

Andrzej Duda President of the Republic of Poland

Klaus Iohannis President of Romania

Zuzana Čaputová President of the Slovak Republic



