

Taiwan was then given the power of self-determine by HoonTing  於是,台灣被賦予自決權力(長)

於是,台灣被賦予自決權力 雲程
Taiwan was then given the power of self-determine by HoonTing 

After a lengthy teleconference for 3.5 hours on November 16, President Biden made a short remark in a press gaggle in responding to the question of the journalist: “we support the Taiwan Act, and that’s it. It’s independent. It makes its own decisions.” 

Later, he responded "Nothing" until he made a further explanation on the issue before his departure on Air Force one when a journalist touched the term "independence." Biden said more clearly: "they have to decide — “they” — Taiwan. Not us. And we are not encouraging independence, we’re encouraging that they do exactly what the Taiwan Act requires, and that’s what we’re doing. Let them make up their mind. Period. Taiwan make up." 

President Bide comments on one issue of a single conference twice in a short period. 

First, the terms "independent" (adjective) and "independence"(a noun) are used to refer very differently though they look alike in colloquial Chines. Taiwan is yet to be an independent or sovereign state before it acquires the "recognition of state" by other states. That is why Presiden Biden made clear that the U.S. does not support Taiwan's independence. Biden's stance follows the "one China policy" of the U.S. and the Taiwan Relations Act. President Biden's language of "independent," neither Taiwan nor China is subject to the other, but not Taiwan's independence.  

Under the context, the fully democratized Taiwan is an autonomous nation, similar to the Dominios of the Wealth of Nations. 

當美國總統說,應該由台灣來決定,不僅表達美國不會也不應干涉自決的進程,中國圖以統一之名來兼併台灣,是片面改變台灣海峽現狀的舉動。從而根據〈台灣關係法〉是美國所嚴重關切,更是包括台灣前「管理國」(administering authority)日本在內,國際社會所將共同關切的事物。
Autonomous Taiwan in Biden's head also signifies the fully democratized Taiwan should decide for itself, neither the U.S. shall instruct, nor China has the power to interfere. China's annexation of Taiwan under the name of "re-unification" alters the status quo of the Taiwan Strait. According to the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA), the "peace and stability in the area are in the political, security, and economic interests of the United States, and are matters of international concern," including Japan. 

Moreover, the President of the U.S. and the TRA held the dominant position over Taiwan is from January 1, 1942, where the member states willing to give a part of sovereign rights to the league by signing the Declaration of the United Nations to defeat the Axes. Winston Churchill, the then Premier of the UK described the U.S. as a prime status. The signing member, including China, though represented by the Nationalist Government, has given such power to the U.S. 

After the end of the Pacific War, the member states of the "Declaration of the United Nations" mandated "the Principal Occupying Power" to the U.S. in the Treaty of Peace with Japan on September 8, 1951. 

The shift of power or mandate does not only through all the combats an theaters in the multi-national war, but also extends to the post-war occupation, the rehabilitation of the economy, and the political reconstruction. The mandate performs in legal documents such as the Declaration, the General Order No.1 (the proxy military occupation"), to the Treaty of Peace with Japan. For the issue of Taiwan, it performs through the Treaty of Peace between ROC-Japan, the Mutual Defence Treaty between ROC-U.S., to the TRA. The key role, the prime place refers to the President of the United States. 

拜登總統是資深政治家,親身參與過〈台灣關係法〉的制訂過程,有重申該立法來龍去脈的權威。他日前的 Taiwan agreement 與近日的 Taiwan Act,並不是失言,而是有一組法律文件在規範著台灣,以及主要佔領國的權力和義務。
President Biden is a senior political of America, who has been involved in the draft of the TRA in person. He then has the authority to prove and interpret what the TRA refers to in 1979. Biden's words such as Taiwan agreement or Taiwan Act may not be a "slip of tongue," but to express the serial legal and diplomatic documents in the White House, signifying the status as the "Principal Occupying Power." 

For twice, President Biden revealed Taiwan makes it up indicating the President of the "Pricipal Occupying Power," or the U.S. mandates Taiwan "the power to self-decide." President Tsai Ing-wen expressed that Taiwan resolves to make a critical step, when she hosted a welcome dinner in her residence on September 8, 2020, for Keith J. Krach, the Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment. It is Tsai’s response to the decision made by the U.S.


2 則留言:

  1. 拜登總統是基督徒。於1973年至2009年間擔任家鄉德拉瓦州的聯邦參議員,是美國政壇資深政治人物。
    美國的台灣人(裔)基督徒、牧師,在當時 1972,台灣戒嚴,蔣介石總統的時代,曾發起一波「臺灣人自決運動」。

    1.回看「臺灣人自決運動」May 08, 2015 ,王昭文(高雄應用科技大學兼任助理教授)



    主編: 張炎憲等編 總編輯: 曾秋美 陳朝海 出版社:財團法人吳三連台灣史料基金會
    出版日期:2005/06/01 語言:繁體中文 ISBN: 9789579765695


  2. “We're encouraging that they do exactly what the Taiwan act requires. “

    What exactly does the TRA requires “them” -- i.e. “Taiwan” or, I assume, the authorities that have jurisdiction over Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu Separate Customs Territory -- to do?

    I take notice that “Taiwan” from January 1, 1979 onward means the authorities whom the US recognized as the “ROC ON TWN” up to December 31, 1978.

    In my humble opinion, TRA requires the authorities that enjoy unfettered jurisdiction over TPKM Separate Customs Territory to toe the TRA line in using “Taiwan” instead of “ROC” in official documents and drastically decommission the “ROC on Taiwan” phrasing, as hinted in TRA, a document ratified by the legislative branch of the principal occupying power.

    I have an issue with the Chinese Kinmen and Matsu Territory (Chinese KMT) area of the ungainly contraption under which Tsai Ing-wen registered TPKM Separate Customs Territory with the WTO. But Ing-wen, poor thing, had to deal with what cards were dealt to her.

    Did the principal occupying power give the nod to a Taiwanese Kinmen and Matsu? So many things and people that used to be deemed Chinese are now assumed “Taiwanese” in the US. Is Taiwanese KM okay, now?

    Do I read too much into the TRA? You tell me.

    Jerome M. Besson

