

20211116 (視訊會議後)拜登吹風與登機前簡短談話 Taimocracy摘譯

Remarks by President Biden in PressGaggle     白宮 20211116 Taimocracy 摘譯

Q    Mr. President, can we have a reaction to your meeting with President Xi last night?  How did it go?(對昨晚視訊有何要說的?)
THE PRESIDENT:  It was a good meeting.  We got a lot to follow up on.  We set up four groups, and we’re going to get our folks together on a whole range of issues.

I’ll have more to report for you in the next two weeks.(我們建立4個工作組,整合對應整體議題。下兩週我會向各位報告。)

Q    Any progress on Taiwan?(台灣議題有何進展?)
THE PRESIDENT:  Yes.  We have made very clear we support the Taiwan Act, and that’s it.  It’s independent.  It makes its own decisions.(是的,我們清楚表達將支持台灣法案,就是這樣。它(台灣)是獨自的。它(台灣)自己決定。)

Q    How about a Fed chair nominee?  Any closer to a decision?(至於FED主席人選)
THE PRESIDENT:  Yes, as my grandfather would say, “with the grace of God and the goodwill of the neighbors,” you’re going to hear that in about four days.(我阿公說:在上帝的慈愛與鄰居的善意下,約4天內會有決定)

3:24 P.M. EST 

Remarks by President Biden Before AirForce One Departure    白宮20211116  Taimocracy摘譯

Q    Mr. President, what happens next on Taiwan?  You said you talked to President Xi about it —(台灣接下來會怎樣?)

Q    — but it’s clear that there’s a lot of tension on both sides. (美中很緊張)

Q    Nothing happens?(當真沒事?)
THE PRESIDENT:  Nothing happens.  We’re not going to change our policy at all.

Q    Can you clarify what the policy is?  Because you said today “independence,” and in the past you said —(你提到「獨立」這字眼)
THE PRESIDENT:  No, no, I said that they have to decide“they” — Taiwan.  Not us.  And we are not encouraging independence, we’re encouraging that they do exactly what the Taiwan Act requires, and that’s what we’re doing.  Let them make up their mind.  Period.  Taiwan make up —

Q    Can you give us any more specifics about what you talked about last night on this topic?(講清楚一點)
THE PRESIDENT:  Well, we talked for three and a half hours, and that’s the essence of the bottom line.  Look, I made it clear — I made it clear all along that we’re going to abide by the rules of road.  What constitutes international airspace is international airspace, no matter what they say.  There’s no air identification zones — is what they’re called.
Secondly, the Law of the Seas requires and dictates what constitutes territorial waters.  We’re going to stay outside of their territorial waters, but we’re not going to be intimidated or change to not go up through the South China Sea.  And we talked about that, and it was — there was no argumentation, just a matter of fact.
Thank you.  You’re going to freeze.

Q    Sir, will there be a government delegation to the Olympics?(北京東奧政府代表團)
THE PRESIDENT:  I’m the delegation, and I dealt with it.
4:58 P.M. EST


