


【縛雞之見】英文請拷到 Google / DeepL 找中文翻譯
The Financial Times reported that name of Taiwan’s representative office to the U.S. is to be change in the near future.  Although the FT reported conservatively the U.S. “is moving toward allowing” the name “to include the word ‘Taiwan’”, there were clues a year ago, a week ago and toady.
On September 9th, 2020, President Tsai held a dinner party to host Keith Krach, Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment during Trump administration, among others.  Tsai expressed unusually that “Taiwan resolves to move a critical step.”  The commentators were no aware of what it might mean.
On September 9th, 2021, Shen Lyu-shun, a former diplomat and a maverick, wrote an letter to the news media discussing the name changing.  He unexpectedly supported the change, if not opposed.

Today, a retire diplomat Chen Chien-jen said the name changing with a positive attitude.
It seems to me that the undetermined Taiwan status might shift lately.  During the last five decades, the U.S. keeps a one-China policy to include Taiwan as a part of China in the future as long as the PRC honors the rule based international law and the world system.  For a period moment, China promised and seemed to move on the track.  However, China reuses to honor its commitment after it finds that it is getting richer and stronger.
The rest of the world has to establish another option in terms of Taiwan.  They have to renounce the old schooled one-China policy.  A new strategy to engage the hawkish China, in which Taiwan is not a part of China, is about to be put out.
The Economic Rehabilitation of Taiwan has long reached in 1960s; yet the political rebuilding of Taiwan trapped due to the objection of China.
It is about time to solve the issue.
駐外館處名稱使用的斟酌 沈呂巡 20210909
台美要建交?小英一句話專家驚呆 三立20200921

台灣請求更改駐美代表處名稱 傳華府正認真考慮    中央社 20210911

(中央社華盛頓10日綜合外電報導)「英國「金融時報」(Financial Times)報導,美國拜登政府正認真考慮允許台北當局加入「Taiwan(台灣)」字眼以更改駐華盛頓代表處名稱。」

多名聽取美國內部簡報的人士指出,華盛頓正在認真考慮台灣提出的請求,即將駐華盛頓的使節團駐所名稱由「台北經濟文化代表處」(Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative OfficeTecro)改為「台灣代表處」(Taiwan Representative Office)。

根據兩名知悉這些討論的人士,白宮印太事務協調官坎貝爾(Kurt Campbell)支持更名。其中1人指出,台灣這項請求已獲美國國家安全會議(National Security Council)內部和國務院亞洲事務官員的廣泛支持





傳台盼駐美處更名 美國務院重申對台堅定支持


英國金融時報(Financial Times)報導,華府正在認真考慮台灣提出的請求,即將駐華盛頓的使節團駐所名稱由「台北經濟文化代表處」(Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative OfficeTecro)改為「台灣代表處」(Taiwan Representative Office)。


美國國務院副發言人波特(Jalina Porter)今天被問及華府是否考慮允許駐美代表處更名時並未正面回應,但她重申美國對台灣的支持堅若磐石,美國仍致力於維持與台灣的關係。台灣是領先的民主政體,也是關鍵的經濟與安全夥伴。



