The Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yia makes a two-week tour of Europe to reduce the effort of the U.S. consolidating European countries to counter China’s hard-line diplomacy.
However, Wang uses an identical way to threaten his counterparts, meaning
China decides not to alter its hard-line course at all.
The visit of Miloš Vystrčil, Czech Republic Senate President, with some
90 members to Taiwan makes Beijing rage.
China’s rage is a gesture, yet the first time a medium country like Czech
fights back. Pavel Novotny, Czech’s
Mayor of Prague district Reporyje, demands an immediate apology for Wang's threat
on his FB.
Novotny’s move not only represents his opinion but also a new atmosphere
toward China.
Wang visits Germany, with an identical hard-line attitude threatening the German government. Though Heiko Maas, the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, refused the threat from China by saying softer: Europe would not countenance threats, "no matter what direction" they come from, an apparent reference to both China and the U.S. On the other hand, Norbert Röttgen, chair of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee, refused Chinese threats straighter by expressing that Europe should urgently agree on a common line that protects individual member states against Chinese retaliation (Europa sollte sich dringend auf eine gemeinsame Linie verständigen, die einzelne Mitgliedstaaten gegen chinesische Vergeltung schützt) on his Twitter. Their moves need further observation.
王毅恐嚇捷克「將付出代價」德國外長當面警告:不准威脅歐盟成員 新頭殼 20200902
捷克參議院議長韋德齊(Miloš Vystrčil)率團訪問台灣,引發中國強烈抗議!甚至讓正在歐洲訪問的中國外交部長王毅忍不住怒火,出言恐嚇捷克「將付出代價」。德國外長馬斯(Heiko Maas)1日與王毅會面後,公開對外表示,「歐洲人尊重國際夥伴,但我們也希望獲得同樣的尊重」,「威脅不適合這裡」。
德國外長馬斯(Heiko Maas)1日與王毅會面後,雙方在會後記者會上針鋒相對,王毅重申捷克參議院議長韋德齊率團訪問台灣的行為是「干預中國內政」,「台灣是中國一部分是國際共識」,對於捷克參院議長的「公開挑釁」行為,中國政府「不會…坐視不管」,一定要讓其「為自己的短視行為和政治投機付出沉重代價」,還稱「挑戰一個中國原則,是與14億中國人民為敵,也是國際背信行為」;更指稱「中國不是麻煩製造者,都是因為他人行為而『被迫反擊』」。
除了馬斯「強烈捍衛」,就連德國國會聯邦議院外交事務委員會主席羅特根(Norbert Röttgen)痛批,中國外長在訪問德國時竟親自「出言恐嚇另一個歐盟成員國以及議員」,「不僅是外交上,也是對民主的褻瀆」,歐盟成員國是承認一個中國政策,但仍有可能訪問台灣,「台灣不是全球地圖上的空白地」。