

20190410 〈台灣保證法〉通過 H.R.273

Reaffirming the United States commitment to Taiwan and to the implementation of the Taiwan Relations ActH.Res. 273

1st Session
H. RES. 273

Reaffirming the United States commitment to Taiwan and to the implementation of the Taiwan Relations Act.


April 1, 2019

Mr. Engel (for himself, Mr. McCaul, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Yoho, Mr. Connolly, Mr. Chabot, Mr. Sires, and Mr. Diaz-Balart) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs



Reaffirming the United States commitment to Taiwan and to the implementation of the Taiwan Relations Act.

Whereas the Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) was signed into law on April 10, 1979, codifying into law the basis for continued commercial, cultural, and other relations between the people of the United States and the people of Taiwan, and serving as the foundation to preserve and promote continued bilateral bonds;

Whereas the TRA enshrines the United States commitment to make available to Taiwan such defense articles and defense services in such quantity as may be necessary to enable Taiwan to maintain a sufficient self-defense capability;

Whereas pursuant to section 1206 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act,
Fiscal Year 2003 (Public Law 107-228; 22 U.S.C. 2321k note.), Taiwan is
to be treated as though it were designated a major non-NATO ally for
transfers of defense articles or defense services;

Whereas in 1982, President Ronald Reagan further clarified the importance and resilience of the United States-Taiwan relationship with the issuance of the Six Assurances;

Whereas the TRA and the Six Assurances are cornerstones of United States policy with respect to Taiwan, as was reaffirmed by the House of Representatives with the adoption of H. Con. Res. 88 in 2016;

Whereas the TRA and the Six Assurances have been essential components in helping
to maintain peace, security, and stability in the Western Pacific, thereby furthering the political, security, and economic interests of the United States and Taiwan;

Whereas the United States and Taiwan have forged ever closer economic and security relations over the last four decades based on their shared commitment to democracy, human rights, the rule of law and free market principles, and their willingness to partner in efforts to combat global terrorism and to address other global challenges, such as those related to the environment, public health, energy security, education, women's empowerment, digital economy, poverty, and natural disasters;

Whereas the United States-Taiwan partnership has been further strengthened since the 2015 memorandum of understanding establishing the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF), which has allowed the two parties to cohost many workshops on critical topics, including one in December 2018 on humanitarian assistance and disaster relief to which ten regional governments sent participants;
Whereas Taiwan has the expertise, willingness, and capability to engage in international efforts to mitigate global challenges related to such issues as public health, aviation safety, crime, and terrorism, but its participation in such efforts has been constrained by conditions imposed by the People's Republic of China (PRC);
Whereas successive Congresses have called upon the executive branch to develop
strategies to obtain meaningful participation for Taiwan in
international organizations, such as the World Health Organization
(WHO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and
International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL);

Whereas the Congress most recently expressed support for Taiwan's participation
t the World Health Organization's World Health Assembly as an observer on January 22, 2019, with the adoption of H.R. 353 by the House of Representatives;

Whereas communication on bilateral security, cultural, and commercial interests would be greatly enhanced with the full implementation of the Taiwan Travel Act (Public Law 115-135), which became law on March 16, 2018, and which states that the United States Government ``should encourage visits between officials from the United States and Taiwan at all levels'';

Whereas the United States and Taiwan have built a strong economic partnership, with the United States now Taiwan's third largest trading partner and with Taiwan the 11th largest trading partner of the United States and a key destination for United States agricultural exports;

Whereas strong United States-Taiwan economic relations have been a positive factor in stimulating economic growth and job creation for the people of both the United States and Taiwan; and

Whereas successive Congresses have publicly reaffirmed United States commitments to Taiwan under the Taiwan Relations Act and Six Assurances, including most recently on December 31, 2018, with the enactment into law of the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018 (Public Law 115-409), which stated among other things that--

    (1) it is United States policy ``to support the close economic, political, and security relationship between Taiwan and the United States'';

    (2) ``The President should conduct regular transfers of defense articles to Taiwan that are tailored to meet the existing and likely threats from the People's Republic of China, including supporting the efforts of Taiwan to develop and integrate asymmetric capabilities, as appropriate, including mobile, survivable, and cost-effective capabilities into its military forces.''; and

    (3) ``The President should encourage the travel of high-level United States officials to Taiwan, in accordance with the Taiwan Travel Act.'': Now, therefore, be it
    Resolved, That the House of Representatives--
    (1) reaffirms that the Taiwan Relations Act, together with the Six Assurances, are and will remain cornerstones of United States relations with Taiwan;

    (2) encourages United States officials at all levels to travel to meet with their counterparts in Taiwan, and for high-level Taiwan officials to enter the United States and meet with United States officials, per the Taiwan Travel Act;

    (3) reiterates that the President should conduct regular transfers of defense articles to Taiwan consistent with Taiwan's national security requirements in accordance to prior legislation, including the Asia Reassurance Initiative Act of 2018 (Public Law 115-409);

    (4) calls on the Secretary of State to actively engage internationally in support of Taiwan's meaningful participation in international organizations engaged in addressing transnational threats and challenges such as those related to health, aviation security, and crime and terrorism;

    (5) recognizes Taiwan's partnership in combating global terrorism, including as a full partner in the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, and in addressing other global challenges through the Global Cooperation and Training Framework (GCTF) and other such initiatives;

    (6) underscores the importance of the close people-to-people ties cultivated through initiatives such as the Fulbright Program, which has supported thousands of scholar and grantee exchanges between the United States and Taiwan over the past 60 years; and

    (7) acknowledges the important work done by the American Institute in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in support of United States-Taiwan interests.

6 則留言:

  1. 值此「台灣保證法」通過之際, 又出現下面這則新聞, 其後續發展也非常值得大家持續追蹤與關注:

    留美台灣人集資登報 倡議支持推動:美國眾議院第248號(H.Res.248)「挑戰一中原則」決議案

    美國一個接一個的通過各式與"台灣"有關的美國國內法, 山姆大叔眼前階段性採取這種"美式切香腸"漸進式策略(諸法案分進合擊), 到最後所有這些相關法案加總起來, 似乎一切隱隱約約指向未來某一天(Nobody knows when)"某一個最終極的勁爆大法案"的催生, (也許就是遙指某一個大家深藏心中深處、暗暗期盼已久的台美關係大翻盤"終極法案", 噓~ , 現在不要說出口來, 太敏感了, 小心隔牆有耳哪!)

    若該等「台美關係大翻盤"終極法案"」一旦經過如此鋪陳醞釀而果真催生出來, 屆時必然須與當初二戰後台灣佔領的種種未決之法理遺緒, 做出合理且合法的(近乎)"無縫接軌", 如此才能在國際上站得住腳, 屆時台灣這一端若要接招, 也必須在朝野之間要有人先明悟其中種種歷史法脈前後因果銜接, 所以 雲大 (及其他幾位致力於此方面研究的台派前輩們)目前所一直默默付出心力深入研究與傳播的一切種種, 就更有其必要性與價值性了!

    咦~ 突然憶起許久前某次留言說過這句相同的話: "美式切香腸", 好像是在一年前與各位關心台灣的大俠們在此"逗嘴鼓"之時 :

    啊! 一切彷彿是昨天而已, 實則時光已然飛逝, 不知不覺已在 雲大的部落格裡又叨擾一年了.

    下一個X年後, 再回顧今日所言種種之時, 不知台灣那時會是何種光景?

    希望到時的回憶感言是兩個字: 「呼! "終於"」........

    衷心希望上天能真正地悲憫疼惜台灣 ! 不要一再的煎熬折磨台灣了 !

    from 楓巢求悟

    (同時也再次感謝 雲大 及 Ajin大 各自所苦心維持的部落格, 給我們許多(雖彼此觀點不見得一致)但同樣都關愛台灣的人們, 在飽受憂國心情煎熬折磨之餘, 能有個匯聚眾人愛台情感抒發與精神寄託之台派小天地。 )

    1. 多謝
      2019.03.21 H.Res248 〈美國一中政策非北京一中原則〉

    2. 楓巢大太客氣了。大大給我們的回饋,才是彌足珍貴。有理論也有實務。

      想到了吧?這就是「極權主義社會」,那個 Hannah Arendt所描述的社會。

      電影Ground Zero中,Mossad首長告訴主角,他有奉行「The Tenth」(第10人原則)



