boson scientists: The universe should have collapsed○Crashonline (2014.06.24) http://www.crashonline.eu/higgs-boson-scientists-the-universe-should-have-collapsed/
Last year’s discovery
of the Higgs boson was thought to answer a
number of questions regarding how particles derive their mass. Now, however, it seems the
discovery of the elusive particle is raising more questions than answers, the Daily Digest News report.
Physicists at King’s
College in London now say they have recreated conditions for the Big Bang now
with the information from the discovery of the Higgs boson, and they report
that the universe should have expanded too quickly and collapsed.
“During the early
universe, we expected cosmic inflation — this is a rapid expansion of the
universe right after the Big Bang,” said study co-author Robert Hogan ,
a Ph.D. student in physics at King’s College in London. “This expansion causes lots of stuff to shake
around, and if we shake it too much, we could go
into this new energy space, which could cause the universe to collapse.”
While the data shows
the universe should not exist, it clearly does,
leading some to question exactly how the findings should be interpreted.
“We are here talking
about it,” Hogan told Live Science. “That means we have
to extend our theories to explain why this didn’t happen.”
A telescope in the
Antarctic called Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization
(BICEP¬2) –so named for its extraordinary detection capabilities —is believed
to have detected slivers of cosmic inflation in background microwave radiation
that permeates the universe. The data collected by
BICEP¬2 could provide further evidence as to why the Big Bang occurred and why
the universe remains stable.
Already some
scientists have put forth theories as to how to interpret the Higgs data. One
theory holds that supersymmetry, the theory that all currently known particles
have superpartner particles, may be partly responsible. Hogan
believes with more powerful particle accelerators—more intense than the Large
Hadron Collider which found the Higgs Boson—these particles may one day be
The discovery of the
Higgs Boson has already led to many apocalyptic visions by researchers, who
believe out of its fundamental instability, the universe should collapse in a
few billion years. For now, scientists will have to mold and adapt their theories to
explain why we’ve been here for the first 13.8 billion years.
宇宙其實有N個....= = 即使同一宇宙 也有多重(看似重疊的)空間 我不知道這樣說有沒有人看得懂就是了....= =