

武力威脅中的敵方,不是可原諒或和解的對象 Time matters: An enemy that continues to pose a military threat is not someone to be forgiven or reconciled with.


【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Hu Min-Jan (胡敏珍), the granddaughter of General Hu Lien (胡璉), has proposed establishing a monument to commemorate PLA soldiers who died during the 1958 invasion of Kinmen (also known as the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis).  It seems to be a good thing, though.
However, Hu Lien was no ordinary figure—he was one of the highest-ranking ROC military officers at the time, serving as Deputy Commander of the Kinmen Defense Command in 1958 and later as Commander of the ROC Army. Given her family background, her actions and statements carry significant weight.
Forgiveness and reconciliation between former enemies are virtues that reflect the humanity and moral values upheld by civilization. However, timing is crucial.
The meetings between Japanese and American veterans of battles such as Saipan and Iwo Jima serve as examples of reconciliation, occurring after decades of peace and mutual acknowledgment of past conflicts. Such gestures are meaningful because they are built on a foundation of lasting peace.
In contrast, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) continue to openly threaten to "wash Taiwan in blood"—a stance they have maintained since 1949—they remain Taiwan’s enemy.
Forgiving the enemy before they abandon their ambitions to invade Taiwan and harm its people is a betrayal of Taiwan itself, not an embodiment of humanity and moral values.
Is Hu Min-Jan's loyalty in question, or is it her intelligence?

胡璉將軍的孫女胡敏珍提議建立一座紀念碑,以紀念在 1958 年入侵金門(也稱為第二次台海危機)期間犧牲的解放軍士兵。這似乎是一件好事?
然而,胡連並不是一個普通的人物——他是當時最高級別的中華民國軍官之一,1958 年擔任金門防衛司令部副司令,後來擔任中華民國陸軍司令。鑒於她的家庭背景,她的行為和言論動見觀瞻
相比之下,當中國共產黨和中國人民解放軍自 1949 年以來持續公開威脅要「血洗台灣」時,他們仍然是台灣的敵方。在敵人放棄侵略台灣和傷害台灣人民的野心之前原諒他們,就是對台灣本身的背叛,而不是對人性和道德價值觀的推崇。胡敏珍是忠誠有問題?還是智力?


