In a striking coincidence, former U.S. President
川普總統訪談 第一部分(有關魏哲家)
FullMeasure 20250317
Sharyl: So you put a tariff on what,
for example, to try to counter the milk tariff? 沙麗爾:那麼,你對哪些東西徵收關稅,是為了抵銷牛奶關稅嗎?
Trump: Well, I can put a tariff on anything, but in the case of Canada, I put
it on steel and aluminum. 川普:好吧,我可以對任何東西徵收關稅,但就加拿大而言,我對鋼鐵和鋁徵收關稅。
Sharyl: Because they wanna sell their
stuff to us? 莎莉爾:因為他們想把東西賣給我們?
Trump: We have a lot of tariffs, that we're going to be putting on. It really
hits on April 2nd. And actually we've been very consistent. I think a lot of
people are loving what I'm doing. The real business people are loving it. We're
gonna make America rich again, but we're gonna have tariffs on automobiles.
We're gonna have tariffs on steel, we're gonna have tariffs on aluminum and
copper and many, many different things. And they're gonna be very consistent
and I’ve been very consistent. I did give General Motors and our Big 3
actually, a month of relief because they would've had a very unfair
disadvantage over other car makers, which I didn't want. So I did that, and I
think it was something I did from the fact that, you know, I want to take care
of our car companies. But you have, and you've been reading about it and seeing
it. We have companies moving into the United States at levels that has never
been seen before. We have many, many car factories going up. 川普:我們將要徵收很多關稅。它確實在 4 月 2 日到來。事實上我們一直非常堅持。我想很多人都喜歡我所做的事情。真正的商人都喜歡它。我們要讓美國再次富裕起來,但我們要對汽車徵收關稅。我們將對鋼鐵、鋁、銅以及許多其他產品徵收關稅。他們會非常始終如一,我也一直非常一致。我確實給了通用汽車和我們的三大汽車製造商一個月的救濟期,因為他們會比其他汽車製造商處於非常不公平的劣勢,而這不是我想要的。所以我這樣做了,我認為我這樣做是出於這樣的原因,你知道,我想照顧好我們的汽車公司。但你已經看到了它,並且已經讀到了它。我們有大量的公司正在以前所未有的規模湧入美國。我們有許多汽車工廠正在興建中。
Sharyl: If I understand it correctly,
the benefits that would come from some of that may largely be down the road,
which leads Sharyl:如果我理解正確的話,其中的一些好處可能在很大程度上是未來的,這導致
Well, no, I think, I think immediate. Look, when you're building those plants,
a lot of money comes in from those plants. You know, you're using companies,
subcontractors, contractors, concrete companies and steel companies. And you're
gonna see it initially, but you're gonna see it more down the road when they
open up. And I would rather have that, by the way that I could get, you get
money or you get jobs. And I'd rather see the jobs the biggest hit is when they
move in. So you have the biggest chip maker in the world coming in with $200
billion. You know that you saw that number one in the world by far.
Sharyl: Well, I simply mean it may
take some time, obviously, for the plants to be built 莎莉爾:嗯,我的意思是,顯然建造工廠可能需要一些時間
Trump: It
will. 川普:會的。
Sharyl: And the people to be hired. 沙麗爾:還有要雇用的人。
Trump: It
will. But remember, the building of the plant is a lot of money also. 川普:會的。但請記住,建造工廠也需要大量資金。