

Doorstep statement 新任北約秘書長訪倫敦在首相官邸前階梯聲明 NATO 20241011 / Taimocracy翻譯

Doorstep statement  新任北約秘書長訪倫敦在首相官邸前階梯聲明    20241011 / Taimocracy翻譯

by NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte outside Number 10 Downing Street

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte: Good to see you. I had very good talks with, of course, the trilat together with President Zelenskyy and Prime Minister Starmer, and then after that, my bilat with the Prime Minister.  很高興見到你。當然,我與三方會談、澤倫斯基總統和斯塔默總理進行了很好的會談,然後是我與首相的會談。

And can I say again that when we discuss Ukraine, we know it's tough, because Russians are more making small advances in the east, by the way, at a considerable loss of life on the Russian side. So they lose a lot of people, people dying, people getting seriously wounded. But still, the Russians are making those small advances.  我可以再說一遍當我們討論烏克蘭時我們知道這很艱難因為俄羅斯人在東部進一步取得小幅進展順便說一句俄羅斯方面造成了相當大的生命損失。所以他們失去了很多人,有人死亡,有人重傷。但俄羅斯人仍然取得了這些小進步。

We are not only into this because of the fact that we want to support Ukraine, yes, of course, that is the main reason, but also because supporting Ukraine in this fight against Russia is crucial for our collective safety here in this part of Europe, in Canada, in the United States, all over NATO territory, because if Putin would get his way in Ukraine, that will mean a serious security implication. Have a serious security implication for all of us in NATO, and that is why we are in this. Yes, for Ukraine, but also to make sure that we stay, that we stay safe.  我們這樣做不僅是因為我們想要支持烏克蘭,是的,當然,這是主要原因,而且還因為支持烏克蘭對抗俄羅斯對於我們在歐洲這一地區、在加拿大,在美國,在整個北約領土的集體安全至關重要,因為如果普丁在烏克蘭如願以償,那將意味著嚴重的安全影響。這對北約所有人都有嚴重的安全影響,這就是我們參與其中的原因。是的,為了烏克蘭,但也是為了確保我們留下來,確保我們安全

And then in my bilat with Keir Starmer, I very much said that we are really appreciative of everything the UK is doing, first of all, being already before 2014 when we committed to the 2% already the UK being one of the few countries being above the 2% and consistently doing that.  然後在我與Keir Starmer 的討論中,我非常感謝英國所做的一切,首先,我們在2014 年之前就已經承諾將2% 的目標實現,英國已成為少數幾個實現這一目標的國家之一。

The UK delivering unique capabilities, like the nuclear deterrent, but also what UK is doing for Ukraine in terms of aid, in terms of weapons, but also training, really, the UK is doing a lot, and this is crucial.  英國提供了獨特的能力,例如核嚇阻力量,而且英國在援助、武器和培訓方面為烏克蘭所做的事情,實際上,英國正在做很多事情,這是至關重要的。

Let me also make use of this occasion to say that the annual nuclear Exercise Steadfast Noon will start on Monday, we will have more than 60 aircraft involved in training sessions. The whole exercise will particularly focus on the United Kingdom, the North Sea, but also Belgium and the Netherlands.  我也藉此機會說,年度的「堅定正午」核子演習將於週一開始,我們將有60多架飛機參加訓練。整個演習將特別關注英國、北海,還有比利時和荷蘭

And in an uncertain world, it is vital that we test our defence, and that we strengthen our defence so that our adversaries know that NATO is ready and is able to respond to any threat.  在一個不確定的世界中,至關重要的是我們要測試我們的防禦並加強我們的防禦,以便我們的對手知道北約已準備好並能夠應對任何威脅。

Thank you.  謝謝。

Question: President Zelenskyy has persistently asked for long range weapons and an agreement that he can use those weapons against Russia, against Russian targets in Russia, have you changed your stance? Are you going to deliver those weapons? Are you going to give that permission?  澤倫斯基總統一直要求提供遠程武器,並同意他可以使用這些武器來對抗俄羅斯、針對俄羅斯境內的俄羅斯目標,你的立場有改變嗎?你要運送這些武器嗎?你會同意嗎?

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte: First of all, that is up to the Allies, the individual Allies, to decide how weapons they deliver into Ukraine can be used. Legally, that is possible because legally Ukraine is allowed to use its weapons if they can hit targets in Russia, if these targets present a threat to Ukraine. But whether, individual Allies do that. This in the end, also always up to individual Allies. Of course, we discussed this. I was last week in Kyiv. We discussed it today. But in the end, it is up to the individual Allies.  首先,這取決於盟國,各個盟國,來決定如何使用他們運送到烏克蘭的武器。從法律上講,這是可能的,因為從法律上講,如果烏克蘭的武器能夠擊中俄羅斯境內的目標,而這些目標對烏克蘭構成威脅,那麼烏克蘭就可以使用其武器。但個別盟友是否會這樣做。最終,這也始終取決於個別盟友。當然,我們討論過這一點。我上週在基輔。我們今天討論了這個問題。但最終,這取決於各個盟友。

Question: Would you back its use on Russian target in Russia?  您是否支持將其用於俄羅斯境內的俄羅斯目標?

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte: Well, again, legally, yes, that is possible. And legally, there is a case to be made to do that. But now you are asking not only about that legality, but also you linking it to one specific weapon, and that's not up to me, that in the end is up to the individual Allies.  嗯,從法律上講,是的,這是可能的。從法律上講,有理由這樣做。但現在你不僅要問這種合法性,還要把它與一種特定武器連結起來,這不取決於我,最終取決於各個盟友。

Question: Has a decision been made today? About these long-range missiles?  今天做出決定了嗎?關於這些遠程導彈?

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte: I didn't say that. No, no, no, there's no change on that, because that in the end is up to the Allies who deliver certain weapon systems into Ukraine, whether they can be used for long range distance into Russia. But again, legally, that's possible, but in the end, it is up to the Allies.  我沒這麼說。不不不,這一​​點沒有改變,因為最終取決於向烏克蘭提供某些武器系統的盟國,它們是否可以用於遠距離進入俄羅斯。但同樣,從法律上講,這是可能的,但最終取決於盟軍

Question: Do you sympathize with Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who said he is effectively having to fight with one hand tied behind his back because countries like the UK will not give permission to use Storm Shadow missiles at targets inside Russia?  你是否同情澤倫斯基,他說他實際上不得不用一隻手綁在背後進行戰鬥,因為英國等國家不允許對俄羅斯境內的目標使用「風暴之影」導彈?

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte: Well, I think it is a bit more nuanced, because when you look at what the UK is doing, I think it is now 3 billion a year, you guys are providing Ukraine with military aid, with training. But you look at the US, the US has just agreed again, 8 billion military aid going into Ukraine. And we know that many other Allies, including Germany, France, and many smaller Allies, like Denmark, I'm not going to mention them all, but all of the Alliance is in this.  嗯,我認為這有點微妙,因為當你看看英國正在做的事情時,我認為現在每年有 30 億美元,你們正在向烏克蘭提供軍事援助和培訓。但你看看美國,美國剛剛又同意向烏克蘭提供80億美元的軍事援助。我們知道許多其他盟國,包括德國、法國和許多較小的盟國,例如丹麥,我不會全部提及,但所有聯盟都在其中

And let's not focus on one system, one weapon system at all. It will not be one weapon system which will make the change. So I understand what Zelenskyy is asking, but at the same time, he also agrees that there is a broader issue to be debated to make sure that they prevail.  我們不要專注在一種系統、一種武器系統。單一武器系統不會帶來改變。所以我理解澤倫斯基的要求,但同時,他也同意有一個更廣泛的問題需要討論,以確保他們獲勝。

Question: President Trump has signalled numerous times that Ukraine does not have his unwavering support. He could be re-entering the White House soon. What is your message to President Trump川普總統多次表示,烏克蘭並未得到他堅定不移的支持。他可能很快就會重新進入白宮。您想向川普總統傳達什麼訊息?

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte: I don't have a message for President Trump, because I know him well. I worked in my previous role as Prime Minister for four years with him. I know that he understands completely and agrees with me that this fight in Ukraine is not only about Ukraine, it's also about the safety and the future security of the United States. He knows this. We also know that in the US, in Congress and in the Senate, there is broad bipartisan support for this.  我沒有訊息要給川普總統,因為我很了解他。我在之前擔任總理期間與他一起工作了四年。我知道他完全理解並同意我的觀點,烏克蘭的這場戰鬥不僅關係到烏克蘭,也關係到美國的安全和未來的安全。他知道這一點。我們也知道,在美國國會和參議院,兩黨都對此表示廣泛支持。

So, really, stop worrying about a Trump presidency. We do not know who will win. I will work with Kamala Harris if she is chosen. I will work with Donald Trump if he will be chosen, and in the end...  所以,真的,別再擔心川普當選總統了。我們不知道誰會贏。如果卡瑪拉·哈里斯被選中,我將與她合作。如果唐納德·川普當選,我將與他合作,最終......

Question: Are you not worried that President Trump may withdraw support for Ukraine?  您不擔心川普總統可能會撤回對烏克蘭的支持嗎?

NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte: I'm not worried about that, because I'm absolutely convinced that the US is in this, because they understand it is not only for Ukraine, but also for them, and that from Washington to San Francisco, the whole of the US would be less secure if Putin would be successful in Ukraine.  我對此並不擔心,因為我絕對相信美國參與其中,因為他們明白這不僅是為了烏克蘭,也是為了他們,從華盛頓到舊金山,如果普丁在烏克蘭取得成功,整個美國都會變得不那麼安全

Thank you so much. Thank you so much.  太感謝了。太感謝了。



