


Statement from President Joe Biden on the Occasion of an Agreement between the Republic of Mauritius and the United Kingdom on the Status of the Chagos Archipelago  拜登總統在模里西斯共和國與聯合王國就查戈斯群島地位協議的聲明

I applaud the historic agreement and conclusion of the negotiations between the Republic of Mauritius and the United Kingdom on the status of the Chagos Archipelago. It is a clear demonstration that through diplomacy and partnership, countries can overcome long-standing historical challenges to reach peaceful and mutually beneficial outcomes. This agreement affirms Mauritian sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago, while granting the United Kingdom the authority to exercise the sovereign rights of Mauritius with respect to Diego Garcia我讚賞模里西斯共和國和英國之間就查戈斯群島地位達成的歷史性協議和談判的結論。它清楚地表明,透過外交和夥伴關係,各國可以克服長期存在的歷史挑戰,從而取得和平和互利的結果。該協議確認了模里西斯對查戈斯群島的主權,同時授予英國行使模里西斯對迪戈加西亞的主權的權力。

Diego Garcia is the site of a joint U.S.-UK military facility that plays a vital role in national, regional, and global security. It enables the United States to support operations that demonstrate our shared commitment to regional stability, provide rapid response to crises, and counter some of the most challenging security threats we face. The agreement secures the effective operation of the joint facility on Diego Garcia into the next century.  迪戈加西亞是美英聯合軍事設施的所在地,該設施在國家、地區和全球安全方面發揮著至關重要的作用。它使美國能夠支援表明我們對地區穩定的共同承諾的行動,對危機做出快速反應,並應對我們面臨的一些最具挑戰性的安全威脅。該協議確保了迪戈加西亞聯合設施在下個世紀的有效運行。

We look forward to continuing our strong partnership with Mauritius and the United Kingdom in upholding a free and open Indo-Pacific.  我們期待繼續與模里西斯和英國建立牢固的夥伴關係,以維護自由和開放的印太地區。



