


20241003  Joint statement between the governments of the Republic of Mauritius and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the Chagos Archipelago, including Diego Garcia:  模里西斯共和國和大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國政府關於查戈斯群島(包括迪亞戈加西亞島)的聯合聲明:

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland today confirm that they have reached an historic political agreement on the exercise of sovereignty over the Chagos Archipelago.  模里西斯共和國總理和大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國首相今天確認,他們已就對查戈斯群島行使主權達成歷史性政治協議。

Following two years of negotiation, this is a seminal moment in our relationship and a demonstration of our enduring commitment to the peaceful resolution of disputes and the rule of law.  Negotiations have been conducted in a constructive and respectful manner, as equal sovereign States, on the basis of international law, and with the intention of resolving all outstanding issues between the United Kingdom and Mauritius concerning the Chagos Archipelago, including those relating to its former inhabitants.  經過兩年的談判,這是我們關係中的一個重要時刻,也體現了我們對和平解決爭端和法治的持久承諾。作為平等主權國家,談判是在國際法基礎上以建設性和相互尊重的方式進行的,旨在解決聯合王國和模里西斯之間關於查戈斯群島,包括與其前住民有關的所有未決問題

Today’s political agreement is subject to the finalisation of a treaty and supporting legal instruments, which both sides have committed to complete as quickly as possible. Under the terms of this treaty the United Kingdom will agree that Mauritius is sovereign over the Chagos Archipelago, including Diego Garcia. At the same time, both our countries are committed to the need, and will agree in the treaty, to ensure the long-term, secure and effective operation of the existing base on Diego Garcia which plays a vital role in regional and global security.  For an initial period of 99 years, the United Kingdom will be authorised to exercise with respect to Diego Garcia the sovereign rights and authorities of Mauritius required to ensure the continued operation of the base well into the next century.  今天的政治協議將由條約和配套法律文件最終確定,雙方都承諾盡快完成這些工作。根據該條約條款,聯合王國將同意模里西斯對包括迪亞戈加西亞島在內的查戈斯群島擁有主權。同時,我們兩國都致力於確保迪亞戈加西亞現有基地的長期、安全和有效運作,並將在該條約中達成一致,該基地在區域和全球安全中發揮著至關重要的作用。在最初的 99 年期限內,聯合王國將被授權行使模里西斯對迪亞戈加西亞島的主權權利和管轄權力,以確保基地在下個世紀持續運作。

The treaty will address wrongs of the past and demonstrate the commitment of both parties to support the welfare of Chagossians.  Mauritius will now be free to implement a programme of resettlement on the islands of the Chagos Archipelago, other than Diego Garcia, and the UK will capitalise a new trust fund, as well as separately provide other support, for the benefit of Chagossians.  該條約將解決過去的錯誤,並表明雙方支持查戈斯人福利的承諾。模里西斯現在可以自由地在查戈斯群島(迪亞戈加西亞島除外)上實施重新安置計劃,聯合王國將為一個建立新的信託基金,並單獨提供其他支持,以造福查戈斯人。

It will also herald a new era of economic, security and environmental partnership between our two nations. To enable this partnership the UK will provide a package of financial support to Mauritius.  This will include an indexed annual payment for the duration of the agreement and the establishment of a transformational infrastructure partnership, underpinned by UK grant funding, to deliver strategic projects generating meaningful change for ordinary Mauritians and boosting economic development across the country.  More broadly, the UK and Mauritius will cooperate on environmental protection, maritime security, combating illegal fishing, irregular migration and drug and people trafficking within the Chagos Archipelago, with the shared objective of securing and protecting one of the world’s most important marine environments.  This will include the establishment of a Mauritian Marine Protected Area.  它也將預示著我們兩國之間經濟、安全和環境夥伴關係的新時代。為了實現這一夥伴關係,聯合王國將向模里西斯提供一系列財政支持。這將包括在協議期限內按指數每年付款,以及在聯合王國贈款資金的支持下建立轉型基礎設施夥伴關係,以實施戰略項目,為普通模里西斯人帶來有意義的變化,並促進全國經濟發展。更廣泛地說,聯合王國和模里西斯將在環境保護、海事安全、打擊查戈斯群島內的非法捕魚、非正常移民以及毒品和人口販運等方面開展合作,共同目標是確保和保護世界上最重要的海洋環境之一。這將包括建立模里西斯海洋保護區

In resolving all outstanding issues between the United Kingdom and Mauritius, the treaty will open a new chapter in our shared history, one which will continue to be based on mutual respect and trust as close Commonwealth partners committed to the security and prosperity of the Indian Ocean Region.  In reaching today’s political agreement, we have enjoyed the full support and assistance of our close partners, the United States of America and the Republic of India.  在解決聯合王國和模里西斯之間所有懸而未決的問題上,該條約將開啟我們共同歷史的新篇章,這一歷史將繼續建立作為密切國協夥伴,以相互尊重和信任為基礎致力於印度洋地區的安全與繁榮。在達成今天的政治協議中,我們獲得我們的親密夥伴美利堅合眾國印度共和國的全力支持和協助。


