

IPAC對2758號的決議範本 IPAC Taipei Summit 2024 / Taimocracy翻譯 20240730

IPAC2758號的決議範本IPAC MODEL RESOLUTION ON 2758    IPAC Taipei Summit 2024 / Taimocracy翻譯  20240730

We, members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, gathered in Taipei on 30th July 2024, resolve to inform the public about the distortion of United Nations Resolution 2758. We will work to support Taiwan's justified claims for meaningful participation in UN Agencies and beyond. As a first step, we will seek to pass the following resolution in our respective parliaments.  我們,各國國會對華聯盟的成員,於 2024 7 30 日齊聚台北,決心向公眾通報聯合國第 2758 號決議的扭曲行為。我們將努力支持台灣有意義地參與聯合國機構及其他機構的正當要求。作為第一步,我們將尋求在各自的議會中通過以下決議。


Recalling that United Nations Resolution 2758 (2758) of the 25th October 1971, which established the People's Republic of China (PRC) as the "only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations" (UN):  回顧19711025聯合國第 27582758)號決議,該決議將中華人民共和國(PRC)確立為中國在聯合國的唯一合法代表UN):

• Does not mention Taiwan;  未提及台灣

• Does not address the political status of Taiwan;  未解決台灣的政治地位問題;

• Does not establish PRC sovereignty over Taiwan;  未建立中華人民共和國對台灣的主權;

• Is silent both on the status of Taiwan in the United Nations, and  未對台灣在聯合國的地位,以及

on Taiwanese participation in UN agencies;  台灣參與聯合國機構有加以規範


Recalling with regret.  遺憾的回顧

• Sustained efforts made by representatives of the PRC to distort the meaning of 2758 in support of the "One China Principle";  中華人民共和國代表為支援「一個中國原則」而持續扭曲 2758 的含義

• The alteration of historic documents by representatives of the PRC, changing "Taiwan" to "Taiwan, Province of China";  中華人民共和國代表篡改歷史文件,將「台灣」改為「中國台灣省」


Resolves that  茲決議如下

• 2758 does not establish the "One China Principle" as a matter of international law, but principally the right of the PRC to represent China to the UN;  2758 決議並未將「一個中國原則」建立為國際法議題,而主要是建立中華人民共和國在聯合國代表中國的權利

• Nothing in law prevents the participation of Taiwan in international organizations;  法律上沒有任何規定阻止台灣參與國際組織

• 2758 has no bearing on the sovereign choices of other countries with respect to their relationship with Taiwan;  2758不影響其他國家在與台灣關係方面的主權選擇

• The lack of effective engagement in the UN bodies for 23.5 million Taiwanese must urgently be remedied.  2350萬台灣人缺乏在聯合國機構中的有效參與,必須立即予以糾正

30th July 2024


