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AUKUS2支柱 擬納入日韓加紐    自由 20240919





澳洲戰略政策研究所(ASPI)資深國防分析師戴維斯(Malcolm Davis)指出,與日方的合作將聚焦於「一系列能力」上,而潛艦和自主載具配對可能是優先事項。



Joint Leaders Statement to Mark the Third Anniversary of AUKUS 紀念AUKUS 三週年的聯合領導人聲明   白宮 20240917

We the leaders of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, mark the third anniversary of AUKUS – an enhanced security partnership that promotes a free and open Indo-Pacific that is secure and stable.  We reaffirm our shared commitment to this historic partnership and acknowledge the considerable progress to date.  我們澳洲、英國和美國領導人共同慶祝 AUKUS 三週年——這是一種強化的安全夥伴關係,旨在促進安全穩定的自由開放的印太地區。我們重申對這一歷史性夥伴關係的共同承諾,並承認迄今為止的巨大進展。  


Pillar I – Conventionally-Armed, Nuclear-Powered Submarines  第一支柱-常規武裝核動力潛艦

In March 2023, our nations announced a pathway to deliver Australia’s conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarine (SSN) capability, while setting the highest non-proliferation standard.  2023 3 ,我們兩國宣布了一項為澳洲提供常規武裝核動力潛艦 (SSN) 能力的途徑,同時制定了最高的防擴散標準。


We are steadily building Australia’s capabilities to steward and operate its own fleet of conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines from the early 2030s.  The United Kingdom and the United States welcomed Australian naval officers and sailors into their submarine training schools and embedded Australian personnel into the UK Ministry of Defence and U.S. naval shipyards.  Our nations have made enormous strides towards the establishment of a rotational presence of U.S. and UK SSNs at HMAS Stirling in Western Australia as early as 2027.  Increased visits by U.S. SSNs to Australia have supported steady progress in Australian workforce development, and, in August 2024, Australian personnel demonstrated their progress through participation in the first maintenance activity conducted on a U.S. nuclear-powered submarine in Australia.  2030 年代初期開始,我們正在穩步建立澳洲管理和營運本國常規武裝核動力潛艦艦隊的能力。英國和美國歡迎澳洲海軍軍官和水手進入其潛艇訓練學校,並將澳洲人員派駐英國國防部和美國海軍造船廠。我們兩國在最早於 2027 年在西澳大利亞斯特靈海軍艦艇上建立美國和英國 SSN 輪換駐紮方面取得了巨大進展。8月澳洲人員透過參加在澳洲首次對美國核動力潛艇進行的維護活動展示了他們的進步。


We have made significant investments to lift our respective submarine industrial bases.  The United Kingdom has made an initial allocation of nearly £4 billion to continue work on SSN-AUKUS, and £3 billion to expand production capabilities across its Defence Nuclear Enterprise.  The United States decided to invest USD 17.5 billion into its submarine industrial base.  Australia has committed to invest over AUD 30 billion in the Australian defense industrial base and make proportionate contributions to the United Kingdom and the United States to support the production of SSN-AUKUS and to accelerate the delivery of Virginia class submarines respectively.  In March 2024, Australia announced the selection of ASC Pty Ltd and BAE Systems to build SSN-AUKUS and ASC Pty Ltd to sustain Australia’s SSNs.  These respective investments and decisions will deliver thousands of highly skilled jobs across our three nations.  我們已經進行了大量投資來提升我們各自的潛水艇工業基礎。英國已撥款近 40 億英鎊用於繼續SSN-AUKUS的工作,並撥款 30 億英鎊用於擴大其國防核能企業的生產能力。美國決定投資175億美元興建潛艦工業基地。澳洲承諾向澳洲國防工業基地投資超過300億澳元,並向英國和美國分別提供相應撥款,支持SSN-AUKUS的生產和加快維吉尼亞級潛艇的交付。  2024 3 月,澳洲宣布選擇 ASC Pty Ltd BAE Systems 來建造 SSN-AUKUS,並選擇 ASC Pty Ltd 來維持澳洲的 SSN。這些各自的投資和決策將為我們三個國家帶來數千個高技能就業機會


In August this year, the AUKUS partners signed a historic international agreement for cooperation relating to naval nuclear propulsion.  Once it enters into force, this agreement will enable AUKUS partners to go beyond sharing naval nuclear propulsion information to include allowing the United States and the United Kingdom to transfer the material and equipment required for the safe and secure construction, operation, and sustainment of Australia’s conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines.  今年8AUKUS合作夥伴簽署了一項歷史性的海軍核子推進合作國際協議。一旦生效,該協議將使 AUKUS 合作夥伴不僅能夠共享海軍核推進資訊,還包括允許美國和英國轉讓澳大利亞核動力系統安全可靠的建設、運營和維護所需的材料和設備


The agreement reaffirms AUKUS partners’ existing non-proliferation obligations and Australia’s safeguards agreements with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).  The agreement will make our non-proliferation commitments under AUKUS legally-binding between the partners.  Our nations continue to consult with the IAEA to develop a non-proliferation and safeguards approach that sets the highest non-proliferation standard.  該協議重申了AUKUS合作夥伴現有的防擴散義務以及澳洲與國際原子能總署(IAEA的保障協議。該協議將使我們在 AUKUS 下做出的防擴散承諾在合作夥伴之間具有法律約束力。我們各國繼續與國際原子能總署協商,制定防擴散與保障措施,設定最高的防擴散標準。 


Pillar II – Advanced Capabilities  第二支柱-進階功能

When AUKUS was first announced, we pledged to pursue information and technology sharing and unprecedented integration of our innovation communities, industrial bases, and warfighter capabilities in support of a shared goal to build the advanced capabilities needed to bolster deterrence in support of security and stability in the Indo-Pacific.  AUKUS 首次宣佈時,我們承諾追求資訊和技術共享以及我們的創新社區、工業基地和作戰能力的前所未有的整合,以支持共同目標,即建立加強嚇阻所需的先進能力,以支持國家的安全與穩定。


This work is delivering as our Navies are strengthening undersea warfare capabilities by integrating the ability to launch and recover undersea vehicles from submarine torpedo tubes to deliver effects such as strike and reconnaissance.  We are also deploying advanced Artificial Intelligence algorithms across our shared military systems to process sonar-buoy data, assisting anti-submarine operators in making better decisions, faster.  We are strengthening maritime autonomy through a series of joint exercise and experimentation known as the Maritime Big Play, where we will conduct ground-breaking tests on the collective use of autonomous and un-crewed systems in maritime operations.  Together, we are making further strides in quantum technologies, cyber capabilities, hypersonics, and electronic warfare.  這項工作正在取得進展因為我們的海軍正在透過整合從潛艇魚雷管發射和回收水下載具的能力來加強水下作戰能力以提供打擊和偵察等效果。我們還在我們的共享軍事系統中部署先進的人工智慧演算法來處理聲納浮標數據,協助反潛操作員更快做出更佳決策。我們正在透過一系列被稱為「海上自主行動」的跨軍種聯合演習和實驗來加強海上自主權,我們將對在海上行動中集體使用自主和無人系統進行開創性的測試。我們共同在量子技術、網路能力、高超音速和電子戰方面取得進一步進展。


In April 2024 our Defense Ministers announced principles for additional AUKUS Pillar II partner engagement on specific projects where new partners could contribute to, and benefit from, AUKUS.  Following initial consultations this year and leveraging Japan’s deep technical expertise, AUKUS partners and Japan are exploring opportunities to improve interoperability of their maritime autonomous systems as an initial area of cooperation.  Recognizing these countries’ close bilateral defense partnerships with each member of AUKUS, we are consulting with Canada, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea to identify possibilities for collaboration on advanced capabilities under AUKUS Pillar II.   2024 4 ,我們的國防部長宣布了 AUKUS 第二支柱合作夥伴參與特定專案的原則,新合作夥伴可以為 AUKUS 做出貢獻並從中受益。經過今年的初步諮詢並利用日本深厚的技術專長,AUKUS 合作夥伴和日本正在探索提高其海上自主系統互通性的機會,作為初步合作領域。我們意識到這些國家與 AUKUS 每個成員都建立了密切的雙邊國防夥伴關係,我們正在與加拿大、紐西蘭和韓國進行磋商,以確定 AUKUS 第二支柱下的先進能力合作的可能性。   


To promote innovation and realize the goals of AUKUS, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States have implemented momentous amendments to our respective export control regimes, including reforms to the U.S. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).  These critical reforms will facilitate billions of dollars in secure, license-free defense trade and maximize innovation across the full breadth of our defense collaboration and mutually strengthen our three defense industrial bases.  為了促進創新並實現 AUKUS 的目標,澳洲、英國和美國對各自的出口管制制度進行了重大修訂,包括對美國《國際武器貿易條例》(ITAR)的改革。這些關鍵改革將促進數十億美元的安全、免許可的國防貿易,並在我們的整個國防合作範圍內最大限度地提高創新,並相互加強我們的三個國防工業基礎。





