In line with the remarks made by Wu Rui-ren (on Chinese Imperialism) and Eric Chu (on a civil war for democracy), I will interpret the recent events through the lens of "gray zone warfare" from PLA. 配合吳叡人(中國帝國主義)與朱立倫(民主內戰)的話,我會以中共的「灰色作戰」來理解近周以來的事件。
If Communist China does not invade Taiwan through "conventional
warfare", but instead undermines Taiwan's autonomy through "gray zone
warfare", the situation would be as we are witnessing now - many people
will voluntarily take to the streets to defend our democracy, engaging in a civilian
defense. 假使中共國不以「傳統作戰」侵略台灣,而是以「灰色作戰」侵害台灣主體性並著手實施,狀況就會是現在這樣子---會有很多人自動衝出來,為了保衛民主,進行civilian defense。
In fact, this is precisely what happened in Hong Kong previously, except that Hong Kong has already come under China's sovereignty, with the opportune moment having passed. 其實,先前香港就是這樣,只是已經主權歸屬中國了,時不我與了。
In other words, with the current PLA sudden military drills externally and social unrest internally, the widespread street gatherings represent an implicit "rehearsal" to defend Taiwan - the people are really piss-off, they are reacting whatever nedded. 換言之,現在外有中共軍演,內有社會動盪,遍地的街頭集結,是一種未明言的保台演習---人民生氣了。
This is an extra chapter to the yearly
This perspective allows us to integrate the behavior of Minister of Defense
Koo Li-hHsiung, who did not "get into the cave" (corresponding to
formal warfare), but instead established an new "emergency response
center" (corresponding to a form of gray zone warfare). 這觀點,可以將顧立雄不「進洞」(對應正式作戰),而是新設「應變中心」(對應一種灰色作戰)對處的行為,整合起來看了。
The overall picture is now clearer. 畫面現在大致明白了。