

拜登總統西點軍校畢業典禮演講(全文翻譯) 白宮 / Taimocracy翻譯 20240525

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20240525 拜登總統西點軍校畢業典禮演講(全文翻譯)。

Remarks by President Biden in Commencement Address to the United States Military Academy at West Point | West Point, NY    The White House 20240525


United States Military Academy at West Point
West Point, New York

10:38 A.M. EDT


THE PRESIDENT: Thank you, thank you, thank you. (Applause.) 總統:謝謝大家,謝謝,謝謝。 (掌聲。)


General Gilland, Secretary Wa- — Wormuth, General George, members of Congress. And, by the way, one of the members of Congress up here, I’m flying up with him, and he’s bragging about being from this district and maybe graduated from this academy. Stand up, Ryan. Stand up, Congressman. Fellow graduate right there. (Applause.)  吉蘭將軍、沃部長、沃穆斯、喬治將軍,國會議員。順便說一句,這裡的一位國會議員,我和他一起飛來,他吹噓自己來自這個地區,也許畢業於這所學院。站起來,瑞安。站起來,國會議員。他是校友,他就在那裡。 (掌聲。)

Faculty, staff, soldiers, officers, family, and friends –most of all, West Point Class of 2024.  各位教職員工、士兵、軍官、家人和朋友——最重要的還有 2024 年西點軍校畢業生們。


In 1776, British forces had driven General Washington’s army out of New York City. The British Navy dominated the coast of New England. If they could control the Hudson, they could cut colonies half — divide and conquer, a classic strategy.  1776 年,英國軍隊將華盛頓將軍的軍隊趕出了紐約市。英國海軍統治新英格蘭海岸。如果他們能夠控制哈德遜河,他們就可以將殖民地削減一半——分而治之,這是一個經典的戰略。


But General Washington saw it coming. He knew there was a place on the Hudson where the river bent with a plateau overhead. The Americans placed artillery batteries along the river, stretched an iron chain across the water, and built a fort on a plain called West Point.  但華盛頓將軍預見了它的戰略。他知道哈德遜河上有一個地方,河流彎曲,上方有一個高台。美國人沿著河流佈置了砲台,在水面上拉起了一條鐵鍊,並在一個叫做西點軍校的平原上建造了一座堡壘。


West Point, George Washington said — (applause) — George Washington said West Point was the “key of America.” He was right. The British never captured the Hudson. They failed to divide and conquer us. And a few years later, they surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown. (Applause.)  喬治華盛頓說西點軍校——(掌聲)——喬治華盛頓說西點軍校是「美國的鑰匙」。他是對的。英國人從未佔領哈德遜河。他們未能分裂並征服我們。幾年後,他們在約克鎮戰役中投降。 (掌聲。)


AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yeah!  觀眾:爽啦!


THE PRESIDENT: You got it, man. (Applause.)  總統:那你就明白了,各位。 (掌聲。)

The most powerful empire in the world defeated by an army of ordinary people driven by the sacred cause of freedom. And I might add, you’re about to become full-time members of the most honorable and the most consequential fighting force in the history of the world — that’s not hyperbole — of the world. That’s the truth. (Applause.)  世界上最強大的帝國被一支由神聖自由事業驅動的普通人民軍隊擊敗。我還想補充一點,你們即將成為世界歷史上最光榮、最有影響力的戰鬥部隊的全職成員——這並不誇張。這是事實。 (掌聲。)


Ever since, men and women of West Point have stayed true to this mission. And today, 1,036 graduates of the Class of 2024 will join the Long Gray Line that has never failed us and never, ever will. (Applause.)  從那時起,西點軍校的男女就一直忠於這項使命。今天,1,036 2024 年畢業生將加入長長的灰色隊伍,這條長長隊伍從未讓我們失望過,也永遠不會讓我們失望。 (掌聲。)


Together, you survived the Beast Barracks and countless hours of PT. You completed rigorous academics at th- — America’s first, toughest engineering school in the country. You met the highest standards of discipline.  你們一起度過了野獸軍營和無數小時的體能訓練。您在美國第一所、最困難的工程學校完成了嚴格的學業。您符合最高的紀律標準。


And, of course, no one is perfect. Even Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower were written up from time to time — you know I’m not kidding — (laughter) — when they were cadets here at West Point.  當然沒有人是完美的。就連尤利西斯·S·格蘭特和德懷特·D·艾森豪威爾在西點軍校當學員時,也時不時地被報導——你知道我不是在開玩笑——(笑聲)。


If that sounds familiar to you, maybe I can help you today. In keeping with a If that sounds familiar to you, maybe I can help you today. In keeping with a longstanding tradition, as Commander-in-Chief, I absolve all cadets on restriction for minor conduct offenses. (Applause.) If you have any questions, the Superintendent can clarify what “minor” means. (Laughter.)  如果您聽起來很熟悉,也許我今天可以幫助您。按照長期以來的傳統,身為總司令,我免除了所有學員因輕微行為違規而受到的限制。 (掌聲)如果您有任何疑問,總監可以澄清「輕微」的意思。 (笑聲。)


Of course, your time here wasn’t all difficult. The class did plenty of celebrating every time you beat Navy. (Applause.) Now, look, lots of West Point classes have some wins over Navy. But not every class, over a four-years period, beats Navy 51 times. (Applause.) As they say in Delaware, “You done good.”  當然,你在這裡的時光並不全是難熬的。每次你擊敗海軍時,全班都會進行很多慶祝活動。 (掌聲)現在,看,很多西點軍校班級都戰勝了海軍。但並非每個班級在四年內都擊敗了海軍 51 次。 (掌聲)正如德拉瓦州人所說,「你做得很好。」


A few weeks ago, I was honored to present the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to the Black Knights at the White House. I told them I don’t take sides. But my son, Beau, was a decorated major in the United States Army. He spent a year in Iraq. And he always made it clear who he expected the family to root for in the game in Philadelphia. (Laughter.)  幾週前,我很榮幸在白宮向黑騎士頒發了總司令獎盃。 我告訴他們我不偏袒任何一方。 但我的兒子Beau是美國陸軍的授勳少校。 他在伊拉克待了一年。 他總是明確表示他希望家人在費城的比賽中支持誰。 (笑聲。)


Parenthetically, I was appointed by my — the fellow I ran against when I was 29 years old to the Naval Academy. I was one of 10. I wanted to play football. And my — the day I was supposed to go down for the interview, a classmate of mine who was also one of the 10 appointed to be chosen from — a kid named Steve Dunning — came to pick me up. And I had found out two days earlier they had a quarterback named Roger Staubach and a halfback named Joe Bellino. I said, “Hell, I’m not going there.” (Laughter.)  順便說一句,我是由我的—— 29 歲時與我競爭的那個人——任命我進入海軍學院的。我是十個人之一。而我的——在我應該去面試的那天,我的一位同學,也是被指定的 10 名被選中的人之一——一個名叫史蒂夫·鄧寧的孩子——來接我。兩天前我發現他們有一個叫羅傑·斯托巴赫的四分衛和一個叫喬·貝利諾的中衛。我說:「見鬼,我不會去那裡。」(笑聲。)


I went to Delaware. (Laughter.) Not a joke. (Laughter.)  我去了德拉瓦州,真的,不是開玩笑。 (笑聲。)


And, by the way, that — that same fellow, he was a wonderful man. I had — in our last debate, when I was 29 years old, he — the first question he was asked at the debate was, “Do you have any regrets, Senator Boggs?” And he said, “No.” Then we came to the very end of the debate, where I spoke and then he was to conclude. He stood up, and he said, “You know, I was asked if I had any regrets. I said no, but I have one: Had Joe Biden gone to the Naval Academy when I appointed him, he’d still have seven months left on and wouldn’t be able to run.” (Laughter.)  順便說一句,那個——同一個傢伙,他是一個很棒的人。我 - 在我們上次辯論中,當時我 29 歲,他 - 在辯論中被問到的第一個問題是,「博格斯參議員,你有什麼遺憾嗎?」他說:「不。」然後我們就進入了辯論的最後階段,我發言,然後他總結。他站起來,說:「你知道,有人問我是否有任何遺憾。我說不,但我有一個想法:如果喬·拜登在我任命他時去了海軍學院,他還有七個月的時間,無法參選。」 (笑聲。)


Cadets, as proud as your country is today, your families are even prouder. (Applause.) At R-Day four years ago, because of the pandemic, they could not spend the day on post. It was a challenging way to begin the West Point experience. So, I’m thrilled today so many of your loved ones get to see you here.  學員們,今天你們的國家感到自豪,你們的家人更感到自豪。 (掌聲)四年前的R-Day,因為疫情,他們無法在崗位上度過這一天。這是開始西點軍校經歷的一種具有挑戰性的方式。所以,今天我很高興你們的許多親人能在這裡見到你們。


To everyone who helped raise these remarkable young people, this is your day as well. Because we know, as the English poet John Milton wrote, “They also serve who only stand and wait.”  對於所有幫助撫養這些傑出年輕人的人來說,這也是你們的日子。因為我們知道,正如英國詩人約翰·彌爾頓所寫,「即使他們可能只是默默地站在旁邊等待,也同樣在為他們的發展做出貢獻。他們的付出和支持同樣值得被認可和感謝。」


Cadets, it’s time for you to stand up now and thank your parents. Stand up. (Applause.) Turn and thank them. You owe them big.  學員們,現在是你們站起來感謝你們父母的時候了。起立。 (掌聲)轉身感謝他們。你欠他們很多。


The Class of ‘24 is an extraordinary group. You include the Army’s all-time home run leader; athletes who have swum laps around Manhattan Island, which I could never quite figure out — (applause) — and the son of an Iraqi interpreter for the American forces, one of your class’s two Rhodes Scholars.  24屆畢業生是個非凡的團體。其中包括陸軍歷史上本壘打領先者;繞著曼哈頓島遊了幾圈的運動員,我永遠無法弄清楚——(掌聲)——還有一名伊拉克美軍翻譯的兒子,你們班的兩名羅德學者之一。


You hail from all 50 states and 12 countries. Some of you are third-generation West Pointers. Others are the first in your family to join the U.S. Armed Forces. (Applause.) And at least one of you has a twin brother graduating from Annapolis this year. (Laughter and applause.)  你們來自全美 50 個州和 12 個國家。你們有些人是第三代西點軍校隊員。其他人是您家族中第一個加入美國武裝部隊的人。(掌聲)你們中至少有一個人有一個今年從安納波利斯畢業的雙胞胎兄弟。 (笑聲和掌聲。)


I tell you what, I don’t want to be at that family reunion. (Laughter.) Every time you show up to the Army-Navy game, I don’t know how the hell you’re going to do it. But any rate. (Laughter.)  讓我告訴你,我可不想參加那個聚會。(笑聲。)每次你參加陸軍-海軍比賽時,我都不知道你該如何應付。不過算了吧。(笑聲。)


Look, I wish I could praise every single cadet one by one, because you deserve it. You make our entire nation proud, and that’s not hyperbole. You do.  每一位學員,因為你值得。你讓我們整個國家感到自豪,這並不誇張。真的是如此。


As your Commander-in-Chief, let me say again: Congratulations. You’ve earned every bit of what you’ve (inaudible) going to get today.  你看,我希望我能一一稱讚 身為你們的總司令,讓我再說一次:恭喜你們。今天(聽不清楚)得到的一切都是你們應得的。


Look, the motto of this class, “Like None Before,” was an appropriate choice for your class, because you’re graduating into a world — as a student of history, I can tell you — “like none before.” I’ve been a senator since I was 29 years old, never left government. And ladies and gentlemen, the world is not only changing rapidly, it’s also the pace of change is accelerating. And the range of missions that our servicemen are carrying out are “like none before” as well. 各位,這門課的座右銘「前無古人」,對你的班級來說是一個合適的選擇,因為你即將畢業,進入一個「前無古人」的世界——作為一名歷史系的學生,我可以告訴你。我從 29 歲起就擔任參議員,從未離開過政府。女士們、先生們,世界不僅在快速變化,而且變化的步伐還在加快。我們的軍人正在執行的任務範圍也是「前所未有的」。


There’s never been a time in history when we’ve asked our military to do so many different things in so many different places around the world all at the same time.  歷史上從未有過這樣的時刻:我們要求我們的軍隊同時在世界各地這麼多不同的地方做這麼多不同的事情。


Right now, American soldiers are supporting brave Ukrainians in their fight for freedom. Our soldiers are working around the clock to keep munitions and equipment moving by land, sea, and air. They’re training Ukrainians on how to use advanced weapons systems, like HIMARS, Patriots, and Abrams tanks, and they’re sharing lessons in Tactical Combat Casualty Care with Ukrainian medics and surgeons.  目前,美國士兵正在支持勇敢的烏克蘭人爭取自由的鬥爭。我們的士兵正在日以繼夜地工作,以確保彈藥和裝備通過陸地、海上和空中運輸。他們正在培訓烏克蘭人如何使用先進武器系統,如 HIMARS、愛國者和艾布蘭坦克,並與烏克蘭醫務人員和外科醫生分享戰術戰鬥傷亡護理課程。


There are no American soldiers at war in Ukraine. I’m determined to keep it that way. But we are standing strong with Ukraine, and we will stand with them. (Applause.) We’re standing against a man who I’ve known well for many years, a brutal tyrant. We may not — we — and we will not — we will not walk away.  烏克蘭沒有參戰的美國士兵我決心要維持這種狀態但我們堅定地與烏克蘭站在一起,我們也將與他們站在一起。 (掌聲)我們面對的是一個我認識多年的人,一個殘暴的暴君。我們可能不會——我們——也不會——我們不會走開


Putin was certain that NATO would fracture. I remember them — right after being elected president, before — right after I was sworn in, and we talked about this very issue. In the fall, he had tied — that fall, he decided to — look, I shouldn’t get into this, probably — (laughter) — because it gets me a little excited. But Putin was certain that NATO would fracture.  普丁確信北約將會分裂。我記得他們——就在當選總統之後,之前——就在我宣誓就職之後,我們討論了這個問題。秋天,他打成平手——那年秋天,他決定——看,我可能不應該參與其中——(笑聲)——因為這讓我有點興奮。但普丁確信北約將會分裂。 20210616 〈美俄會談共同宣言〉拜登白宮記者會 Taimocracy翻譯,2024/02/18修訂)


I said to him in Switzerland that, “You want the Finlandization of Ukraine; you’re going to get the Finlandization — you’re going to get the NATO-ization of Europe.” He had a brazen vision, which we stepped up and stopped. Instead, today, the greatest defense alliance in the history of the world is stronger than ever. Finland and Sweden are our newest members, and they’re tough.  我在瑞士對他說:「你希望烏克蘭芬蘭化;你希望烏克蘭化。」你將會得到芬蘭化——你將會得到歐洲的北約化。他有一個厚顏無恥的願景,我們上前制止了。相反,今天,世界歷史上最偉大的防禦聯盟比以往任何時候都更強大。芬蘭和瑞典是我們的最新成員,他們很強硬。


In the Middle East, while we conduct urgent diplomacy to secure an immediate ceasefire that brings hostages home, our Army and Navy have deployed a temporary pier in — on the Mediterranean in record time to increase lifesaving aid to the Palestinians. The U.S. Air Force has conducted food drops, delivering tens of thousands of meals to the people of Gaza.  在中東,當我們進行緊急外交以確保立即停火、讓人質回家時,我們的陸軍和海軍以創紀錄的時間在地中海部署了一個臨時碼頭,以增加對巴勒斯坦人的救生援助。美國空軍進行了食品空投,為加薩人民提供了數萬份餐點。


In the face of Iran’s recent unprecedented attack on Israel, we brought partners together, including Arab nations, to repel the sustained assault.  面對伊朗最近對以色列發動的史無前例的攻擊,我們將包括阿拉伯國家在內的合作夥伴聚集在一起,擊退持續的攻擊。


The man running the operation on the ground: General Erik Kurilla, head of U.S. Central Command, West Point ‘88. General Kurilla did a superb job.  負責地面行動的人是埃里克·庫里拉 (Erik Kurilla) 將軍,西點軍校 88 年美國中央司令部司令。庫里拉將軍做得非常出色。


I was in the Situation Room with our national security team. He was on the screen from the region. He knew the attack was coming, but we weren’t sure precisely when it would begin. Then, at 6:34 p.m., the general said to me, “Mr. President, we just got multiple ballistic missile launches from Iran toward Israel.” Six minutes later, he said, “There are 30 missiles in the air.” Four minutes after that, he said, “There’s 75 missiles in the air.” Then he said, “Over 100 missiles in the air.”  我和我們的國家安全團隊一起在戰情室。他出現在該地區的螢幕上。他知道襲擊即將到來,但我們不確定襲擊何時開始。然後,下午 6 34 分,將軍對我說:「總統先生,我們剛剛承受從伊朗向以色列發射了多枚彈道飛彈。」六分鐘後,他說:「空中有 30 枚導彈。」四分鐘後,他說:「空中有 75 枚導彈。」然後他說:「空中有一百多枚導彈。」


Under incredible pressure, General Kurilla and the Combined Joint Task Force performed exceptionally from sea, air, and bases nearby. Thanks to the — 99 percent of the missiles and drones of Iran never reached their targets because of the quality of our forces. We swiftly ended — (applause) — we swiftly ended what could have been a devastating attack, and we deescalated the conflict, when it easily could have gone the other way.  在令人難以置信的壓力下,庫里拉將軍和聯合特遣部隊在海上、空中和附近的基地表現出色。感謝——由於我們部隊的素質,伊朗 99% 的飛彈和無人機從未達到目標。我們迅速結束了——(掌聲)——我們迅速結束了可能是毀滅性的襲擊,我們緩和了衝突,而衝突本來很容易走向相反的方向。


On the other side of the world, in the Indo-Pacific, we deepened our alliances. We’ve created new ones, like AUKUS, our new strategic partnership with Australia and the United Kingdom. Or the trilateral cooperation we’ve forged with Japan and the Republic of Korea that no one thought was possible: two of our allies cooperating on strategic defense thanks to our leadership. We’ve begun the new trilateral partnership with Japan and the Philippines as well.  在世界的另一邊,在印度-太平洋地區,我們加深了我們的聯盟。我們創建了新的聯盟,例如 AUKUS,我們與澳洲和英國建立了新的戰略夥伴關係。或者我們與日本和韓國建立的三邊合作,沒人認為這是可能的:我們的兩個盟友在我們的領導下在戰略防禦方面合作我們也與日本和菲律賓建立了新的三邊夥伴關係。


We elevated the Quad — together with Japan, India, and Australia — to advance free, open, secure, and prosperous Indo-Pacific. We’re standing up for peace and stability across the Taiwan Straits. And we’ve depended on our strategic partnership with Vietnam.  我們與日本、印度和澳洲一起提升了四方機制的地位,以推進自由、開放、安全和繁榮的印太地區。我們堅決維護台海和平穩定。我們依賴與越南的戰略夥伴關係


I wonder if the classes of ‘74 are here today could have imagined that they were sitting where you were at the same time and ar- — during Vi- — Vietnam.  我想知道今天在這裡的 74 屆學生是否可以想像他們同時坐在你們所在的地方,而且是在越南。


The upshot of all this: Across vastly different regions and very different challenges, our women and men in uniform are hard at work strengthening our alliances, because no country has allies like ours; investing in deterrence, so anyone who thinks they can threaten us thinks again; defending our values by standing up to tyrants; and safeguarding the peace by protecting freedom and openness.  所有這一切的結果是:跨越截然不同的地區和截然不同的挑戰,我們的男女軍人正在努力加強我們的聯盟,因為沒有一個國家擁有像我們這樣的盟友;投資威懾,讓任何認為自己可以威脅我們的人三思而後行;透過對抗暴君來捍衛我們的價值;透過保護自由和開放來維護和平。


Thanks to the U.S. Armed Forces, we’re doing what only America can do as the indispensable nation, the world’s only superpower, and the leading democracy in the world.  感謝美國武裝部隊,我們正在做只有美國作為一個不可或缺的國家、世界唯一的超級大國和世界領先的民主國家才能做的事情 


Never forget: America is the strongest when we lead not only by our example of our power but by the power of our example. You can clap for that. (Applause.)  永遠不要忘記:當我們不僅以我們的力量為榜樣,而且以我們的榜樣的力量來領導時,美國就是最強大的。大家可以為此鼓掌。 (掌聲。)


I want to mention one additional way we’ve made progress. Every member of our Armed Forces must always be safe and respected in the ranks. For the first time in nearly a decade, rates of sexual assault and sexual harassment have gone down across the active-duty forces. (Applause.) It’s long past time to end the scourge of sexual violence in the military once and for all. And we can do this.  我想提一下我們取得進展的另一種方式。我們武裝部隊的每一位成員在隊伍中都必須始終安全並受到尊重。近十年來,現役部隊的性侵犯和性騷擾率首次下降。 (掌聲)一勞永逸地結束軍隊中的性暴力禍害早已過去了。我們可以做到這一點。


Cadets, make no mistake, there remains a hard-power world. You can’t draw any other conclusion when powerful nations try to coerce their neighbors or terrorists attempt evil plots. That’s why I’m making historic investments in our military, overhauling our defense industrial base.  學員們,別搞錯了,這仍然是個硬實力的世界當強國試圖脅迫鄰國或恐怖分子企圖進行邪惡陰謀時,你不會有第二種答案這就是為什麼我要對我們的軍隊進行歷史性投資,徹底改革我們的國防工業基礎。


For decades, America has had the most powerful military in the world. And that happens because we choose to make it happen. I have always been willing to use force when required to protect our nation, our allies, our core interests.  幾十年來,美國擁有世界上最強大的軍隊。這是因為我們選擇讓它發生當需要保護我們的國家、我們的盟友和我們的核心利益時,我一直願意使用武力。


And when anyone targets American troops, we will deliver justice to them. That happened earlier this year, when three heroic members of the U.S. Army Reserve were killed in an unmanned drone attack near — in northeast Jordan.  當有人針對美國軍隊時,我們將為他們伸張正義。這種情況發生在今年早些時候,當時美國陸軍預備役的三名英雄成員在約旦東北部附近的無人機襲擊中喪生。


In response, we launched dozens of successful airstrikes against Iran-backed militants. And we’ll never forget to honor the memory of those warriors who gave their lives in the fight against terrorism.  作為回應,我們對伊朗支持的武裝分子發動了數十次成功的空襲我們永遠不會忘記紀念那些在反恐鬥爭中獻出生命的戰士。


Cadets, West Point had made you — has made you leaders of character. In minutes, you’ll be United States Army officers. In time, some of you will serve in powerful roles at headquarters, the Pentagon, even in the White House. You’ll confront challenges that previous generations of soldiers couldn’t imagine.

When that happens, hold fast to your values you learned here at West Point: duty, honor, country.  學員們,西點軍校培養了你們-使你們成為了有品格的領導者。幾分鐘後,您將成為美國陸軍軍官。隨著時間的推移,你們中的一些人將在總部、五角大樓,甚至白宮擔任重要職位。你將面臨前幾代士兵無法想像的挑戰。當這種情況發生時,請堅守你在西點軍校學到的價值觀:責任、榮譽、國家。


Hold fast to your honor code, which says, quote, “We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate those who do,” end of quote.  堅持你的榮譽準則,其中引用了「我們不會說謊、偷竊或欺騙,也不會容忍那些這樣做的人」,引用結束。


And above all, hold fast to your oath. On your very first day at West Point, you raised your right hands and took an oath — not to a political party, not to a president, but to the Constitution of the United States of America — against all enemies, foreign and domestic. (Applause.)  最重要的是,堅持你的誓言。在西點軍校的第一天,你們舉起右手,宣誓──不是向某個政黨,不是向總統,而是向美利堅合眾國憲法──對抗所有敵人,無論是國內外的敵人。 (掌聲。)


Members of the Long Gray Line have given their lives for that Constitution. They have fought to defend the freedoms that it protects: the right to vote, the right to worship, the right to raise your voice in protest. They have saved and sacrificed to ensure, as President Lincoln said, a “government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the Earth.”  長長的灰衣部隊成員為這部憲法獻出了生命。他們為捍衛它所保護的自由而奮鬥:投票權、禮拜權、大聲抗議的權利。正如林肯總統所說,他們進行了拯救和犧牲,以確保「民有、民治、民享的政府不會從地球上消失」。


West Pointers know better than anyone: Freedom is not free. It requires constant vigilance. 西點軍校的人比任何人都清楚:自由不是免費的。需要時時保持警惕


And for ev- — from the very beginning, nothing is guaranteed about our democracy in America. Every generation has an obligation to defend it, to protect it, to preserve it, to choose it. Now, it’s your turn.  從一開始,美國的民主就沒有任何保證。每一代人都有義務捍衛它、保護它、保存它、選擇它。現在輪到你了。


Remember what over a thousand graduates of West Point wrote to the Class of 2020 four years ago: The oath you’ve taken here, quote, “has no expiration date,” they said. Not for you, not for your country. It’s important to your nation now as it’s ever been. Keep it, honor it, and live it.  還記得四年前,超過 1000 名西點軍校畢業生寫給 2020 屆畢業生的話:他們說,你們在這裡宣誓的誓言「無有效期」。不適合你,也不適合你的國家。這對你們的國家來說一如既往地重要。保留它,尊重它,並與其共存。


Cadets, let me close with this. In the early days of our nation, as General Washington said, West Point was the “key of America.” Today, you’re still the key because of your commitment to protect what makes America “America.”  學員們,讓我以此作結。在建國之初,正如華盛頓將軍所說,西點軍校是「美國的鑰匙」。今天,你仍然是關鍵,因為你致力於保護使美國成為「美國」的東西。


We’re unique in the world. We’re the only country in the world founded on an idea. Other countries are founded based on geography, ethnicity, religion, or other attributes, but we’re the only one founded on an idea — not figuratively, literally. And the idea is we’re all created equal, deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives.   我們在世界上是獨一無二的。我們是世界上唯一一個建立在理念上的國家其他國家都是基於地理、種族、宗教或其他屬性而建立的,但我們是唯一一個建立在一種理念上的國家——不是像徵性的,也非口號一句。這個想法是我們生而平等,值得一生受到平等對待。 但想法需要捍衛者才能使其成為現實。


But ideas need defenders to make them real. That’s what you, the Class of 2024, are all about: defenders of freediom –fr- — freedom, champions of liberty, guardians — and I mean this — guardians of American democracy.  這就是你們,2024 年畢業生的全部意義:自由的捍衛者──自由、自由的捍衛者、守護者──我的意思是──美國民主的守護者


And just as this historic institution helped make America free over two centuries ago, and just as generations of West Point graduates have kept us free through every challenge and danger, you must keep us free at this time, “like none before.”  正如這個歷史性的機構在兩個多世紀前幫助美國實現自由一樣,正如一代又一代的西點軍校畢業生讓我們在每一次挑戰和危險中保持自由一樣,你們在這個時候也必須讓我們自由,「前所未有」。


I know you can. I know you will.我知道你們可以辦到。我知道你們一定會辦到。


For we are the United States of America, and there is nothing — nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together.  因為我們是美利堅合眾國,當我們共同努力時,沒有任何事情超出我們的能力範圍。


May God bless you all. And may God protect our troops.  願上帝保佑你們大家。願上帝保護我們的軍隊。


Congratulations, Class of 2024. (Applause.)  恭喜 2024 年畢業生。

10:58 A.M. EDT 上午 10:58美東時間



