

20210616 〈美俄會談共同宣言〉拜登白宮記者會 Taimocracy翻譯,2024/02/18修訂


As a statement of two great powers, it seems to be much shorter than we expected.


U.S.-Russia Presidential Joint Statement on Strategic Stability

"We, President of the United States of America Joseph R. Biden and President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, note the United States and Russia have demonstrated that, even in periods of tension, they are able to make progress on our shared goals of ensuring predictability in the strategic sphere, reducing the risk of armed conflicts and the threat of nuclear war.  我們,美利堅合眾國總統約瑟夫-拜登和俄羅斯聯邦總統弗拉基米爾-普丁,注意到美國和俄羅斯已經表明,即使在緊張時期,他們也能夠在我們的共同目標上取得進展,即確保戰略領域的可預測性,減少武裝衝突的風險和核戰爭的威脅。

The recent extension of the New START Treaty exemplifies our commitment to nuclear arms control. Today, we reaffirm the principle that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.  最近〈新削減戰略武器條約〉的延期體現了我們對核軍控的承諾。今天,我們重申了核戰爭不可能贏,也決不能打的原則

Consistent with these goals, the United States and Russia will embark together on an integrated bilateral Strategic Stability Dialogue in the near future that will be deliberate and robust. Through this Dialogue, we seek to lay the groundwork for future arms control and risk reduction measures."  根據這些目標,美國和俄羅斯將在不久的將來共同開始一個綜合的雙邊戰略穩定對話,該對話將是深思熟慮的和強有力的。通過這次對話,我們尋求為未來的軍備控制和減少風險措施奠定基礎。


Having read the remark of President Biden that he made after the summit between the heads of the U.S. and Russia, I believe that Biden will be a great President. 
He is both an idealist and a realist.  He persuades Putin not only by introducing the ideal but also by explaining the benefits and why.
But the fundamental concept is that Biden topples the pattern of the U.S. engagement with China, which was established by Kissinger in the 1970s: giving up U.S. critical national interest to China and allows it playing word games.
Biden likes things to be straightforward.  No matter you agree or not, it is fine to say it straight.  There is always a fair settlement to reach.  It is nothing but a waste of time to make word games.
Let’s see if I am right. 

Remarks by President Biden in Press Conference



THE PRESIDENT:  It’s been a long day for you all.  (Laughs.)  I know it was easy getting into the — the pre-meeting.  There was no problem getting through those doors, was it — was there?  對你們所有人來說,這是漫長的一天。(笑)我知道進入會前會議很容易。穿過那些門沒有問題,是嗎——或不是嗎?

Anyway, hello, everyone.  Well, I’ve just finished the — the last meeting of this week’s long trip, the U.S.-Russian Summit. 
And I know there were a lot of hype around this meeting, but it’s pretty straightforward to me — the meeting.  One, there is no substitute, as those of you who have covered me for a while know, for a face-to-face dialogue between leaders.  None.  And President Putin and I had a — share a unique responsibility to manage the relationship between two powerful and proud countries — a relationship that has to be stable and predictable.  And it should be able to — we should be able to cooperate where it’s in our mutual interests.  
And where we have differences, I wanted President Putin to understand why I say what I say and why I do what I do, and how we’ll respond to specific kinds of actions that harm America’s interests.  
Now, I told President Putin my agenda is not against Russia or anyone else; it’s for the American people: fighting COVID-19; rebuilding our economy; reestablishing our relationships around the world with our allies and friends; and protecting our people.  That’s my responsibility as President.  
I also told him that no President of the United States could keep faith with the American people if they did not speak out to defend our democratic values, to stand up for the universal rights and fundamental freedoms that all men and women have, in our view.  That’s just part of the DNA of our country.  
So, human rights is going to always be on the table, I told him.  It’s not about just going after Russia when they violate human rights; it’s about who we areHow could I be the President of the United States of America and not speak out against the violation of human rights? 
I told him that, unlike other countries, including Russia, we’re uniquely a product of an idea.  You’ve heard me say this before, again and again, but I’m going to keep saying it.  What’s that idea?  We don’t derive our rights from the government; we possess them because we’re born — period.  And we yield them to a government.  我告訴他,與俄羅斯等其他國家不同,我們是獨特的一種理念產物。你已經聽我說過這句話,一次又一次,但我會繼續說。那個理念是什麼?我們的權利不是來自政府;我們之所以擁有這些權利,是因為我們一出生就是這樣。是我們將這些權利讓渡給政府
And so, at the forum, I pointed out to him that that’s why we’re going raise our concerns about cases like Aleksey Navalny.  I made it clear to President Putin that we’ll continue to raise issues of fundamental human rights because that’s what we are, that’s who we are.  The idea is: “We hold these truths self-evident that all men and women…”  We haven’t lived up to it completely, but we’ve always widened the arc of commitment and included more and more people.  
因此,在論壇上,我向他指出,這就是為什麼我們要對阿列克謝·納瓦爾尼(Aleksey Navalny)這樣的案件表示擔憂。我向普丁總統明確表示,我們將繼續提出基本人權問題,因為這就是我們的本質,這就是我們是誰。這個理念是:「我們視這些真理為不證自明,即所有男女生而平等」我們並沒有完全實踐它,但我們總是擴大了承諾的範疇,並包容了越來越多的人。
And I raised the case of two wrongfully imprisoned American citizens: Paul Whelan and Trevor Reed.  
我提出了兩個被錯誤監禁的美國公民的案例:Paul WhelanTrevor Reed
I also raised the ability of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty to operate, and the importance of a free press and freedom of speech.  
I made it clear that we will not tolerate attempts to violate our democratic sovereignty or destabilize our democratic elections, and we would respond.  
The bottom line is, I told President Putin that we need to have some basic rules of the road that we can all abide by.  
I also said there are areas where there’s a mutual interest for us to cooperate, for our people — Russian and American people — but also for the benefit of the world and the security of the world.  One of those areas is strategic stability.  我還說,在某些領域,我們合作有共同利益,為了我們的人民——俄羅斯和美國人民——也為了世界的利益和世界的安全。其中之一是戰略穩定性
You asked me many times what was I going to discuss with Putin.  Before I came, I told you I only negotiate with the individual.  And now I can tell you what I was intending to do all along, and that is to discuss and raise the issue of strategic stability and try to set up a mechanism whereby we dealt with it.  

We discussed in detail the next steps our countries need to take on arms control measures — the steps we need to take to reduce the risk of unintended conflict.  我們詳細討論了我們的國家需要採取的軍備控制措施的下一步,即我們需要採取的措施來減少意外衝突的風險。
And I’m pleased that he agreed today to launch a bilateral strategic stability dialogue — diplomatic speak for saying, get our military experts and our — our diplomats together to work on a mechanism that can lead to control of new and dangerous and sophisticated weapons that are coming on the scene now that reduce the times of response, that raise the prospects of accidental war.  And we went into some detail of what those weapons systems were.  
Another area we spent a great deal of time on was cyber and cybersecurity.  I talked about the proposition that certain critical infrastructure should be off limits to attack — period — by cyber or any other means.  I gave them a list, if I’m not mistaken — I don’t have it in front of me — 16 specific entities; 16 defined as critical infrastructure under U.S. policy, from the energy sector to our water systems.  
我們花了大量時間討論的另一個領域是網路和網路安全。我提到了一個命題,即應該禁止攻擊某些關鍵基礎設施無論是透過網絡還是其他手段。我給了他們一份清單,如果我沒記錯的話我眼前沒有 — 16個具體實體;在美國政策下被定義為關鍵基礎設施,從能源部門到我們的用水系統。
Of course, the principle is one thing.  It has to be backed up by practice.  Responsible countries need to take action against criminals who conduct ransomware activities on their territory.  
So we agreed to task experts in both our — both our countries to work on specific understandings about what’s off limits and to follow up on specific cases that originate in other countries — either of our countries.  
There is a long list of other issues we spent time on, from the urgent need to preserve and reopen the humanitarian corridors in Syria so that we can get food — just simple food and basic necessities to people who are starving to death; how to build it and how it is in the interest of both Russia and the United States to ensure that Iran — Iran — does not acquire nuclear weapons.  We agreed to work together there because it’s as much interest — Russia’s interest as ours.  And to how we can ensure the Arctic remains a region of cooperation rather than conflict. 
I caught part of President’s — Putin’s press conference, and he talked about the need for us to be able to have some kind of modus operandi where we dealt with making sure the Arctic was, in fact, a free zone.  
And to how we can each contribute to the shared effort of preventing a resurgence of terrorism in Afghanistan.  It’s very much in — in the interest of Russia not to have a resurgence of terrorism in Afghanistan.  
There are also areas that are more challenging.  I communicated the United States’ unwavering commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
We agreed to pursue diplomacy related to the Minsk Agreement.  And I shared our concerns about Belarus.  He didn’t disagree with what happened; he just has a different perspective of what to do about it.  
But I know you have a lot of questions, so let me close with this: It was important to meet in person so there can be no mistake about or misrepresentations about what I wanted to communicate. 
I did what I came to do: Number one, identify areas of practical work our two countries can do to advance our mutual interests and also benefit the world.  
Two, communicate directly — directly — that the United States will respond to actions that impair our vital interests or those of our allies.  
And three, to clearly lay out our country’s priorities and our values so he heard it straight from me.  
And I must tell you, the tone of the entire meetings — I guess it was a total of four hours — was — was good, positive.  There wasn’t any — any strident action taken.  Where we disagreed — I disagreed, stated where it was.  Where he disagreed, he stated.  But it was not done in a hyperbolic atmosphere.  That is too much of what’s been going on.
Over this last week, I believe — I hope — the United States has shown the world that we are back, standing with our Allies.  We rallied our fellow democracies to make concert — concerted commitments to take on the biggest challenges our world faces.  
And now we’ve established a clear basis on how we intend to deal with Russia and the U.S.-Russia relationship.  
There’s more work ahead.  I’m not suggesting that any of this is done, but we’ve gotten a lot of business done on this trip.  
And before I take your questions, I want to say one last thing.  Folks, look, this is about — this about how we move from here.  This is — I listened to, again, a significant portion of what President Putin’s press conference was, and as he pointed out, this is about practical, straightforward, no-nonsense decisions that we have to make or not make.  
We’ll find out within the next six months to a year whether or not we actually have a strategic dialogue that matters.  We’ll find out whether we work to deal with everything from release of people in Russian prisons or not.  We’ll find out whether we have a cybersecurity arrangement that begins to bring some order.  
Because, look, the countries that most are likely to be damaged — failure to do that — are the major countries.  For example, when I talked about the pipeline that cyber hit for $5 million — that ransomware hit in the United States, I looked at him and I said, “Well, how would you feel if ransomware took on the pipelines from your oil fields?”  He said it would matter.  
因為,未能這樣做後最有可能受到損害的國家是主要國家。例如,當我談到網路攻擊 500 萬美元的管道——勒索軟體在美國受到攻擊時,我看著他說:「如果勒索軟件攻擊了你們的油田管道,你會感覺如何?」他說這很重要。
This is not about just our self-interest; it’s about a mutual self-interest.
I’ll take your questions.  And as usual, folks, they gave me a list of the people I’m going to call on.  
So, Jonathan, Associated Press.

Q  Thank you, sir.  U.S. intelligence has said that Russia tried to interfere in the last two presidential elections, and that Russia groups are behind hacks like SolarWinds and some of the ransomware attacks you just mentioned.  Putin, in his news conference just now, accepted no responsibility for any misbehavior.  Your predecessor opted not to demand that Putin stop these disruptions.  So what is something concrete, sir, that you achieved today to prevent that from happening again?  And what were the consequences you threatened?  謝謝你,先生。美國情報部門表示,俄羅斯試圖干涉過去兩次總統選舉,俄羅斯團體是 SolarWinds 等駭客攻擊的幕後黑手,以及您剛才提到的一些勒索軟體攻擊。普丁在剛才的記者會上,對任何不當行為不承擔任何責任。你的前任選擇不要求普丁停止這些破壞。那麼,先生,您今天取得了哪些具體成果來防止這種情況再次發生? 你威脅的後果是什麼?
THE PRESIDENT:  Whether I stopped it from happening again — he knows I will take action, like we did when — this last time out.  What happened was: We, in fact, made it clear that we were not going to continue to allow this to go on.  The end result was we ended up withdrawing — they went withdrawing ambassadors, and we closed down some of their facilities in the United States, et cetera.  And he knows there are consequences.  
Now, look, one of the consequences that I know — I don’t know; I shouldn’t say this; it’s unfair of me — I suspect you may all think doesn’t matter, but I’m confidence it matters to him — confident it matter to him and other world leaders of big nations: his credibility worldwide shrinks.  我知道其中一個後果我不知道;我不應該說這個;這對我來說是不公平的我懷疑你們可能會認為這不重要,但我確信這對他很重要我相信這對他和其他世界大國的領導人來說都很重要:普丁他在全球的可信度正在下降
Let’s get this straight: How would it be if the United States were viewed by the rest of the world as interfering with the elections directly of other countries, and everybody knew it?  What would it be like if we engaged in activities that he is engaged in?  It diminishes the standing of a country that is desperately trying to make sure it maintains its standing as a major world power.  
And so it’s not just what I do; it’s what the actions that other countries take — in this case, Russia — that are contrary to international norms.  It’s the price they pay.  They are not — they are not able to dictate what happens in the world.  There are other nations of significant consequence — i.e. the United States of America being one of them.  

Q  Mr. President, just a quick follow on the same theme of consequences.  You said, just now, that you spoke to him a lot about human rights.  What did you say would happen if opposition leader Aleksey Navalny dies?  總統先生,請簡要介紹一下後果。你剛才說,你和他談了很多關於人權的問題。你說如果反對派領導人阿列克謝·納瓦爾尼去世會發生什麼?
THE PRESIDENT:  I made it clear to him that I believe the consequences of that would be devastating for Russia.  
I’ll go back to the same point: What do you think happens when he’s saying, “It’s not about hurting Navalny,” this — you know, all the stuff he says to rationalize the treatment of Navalny — and then he dies in prison?  我會回到同樣的觀點:當他說「這不是要傷害納瓦爾尼的」之時,你認為會發生什麼——你知道,他說的所有話都是為了讓納瓦爾尼的待遇合理化——然後他會死在監獄裡?
I pointed out to him that it matters a great deal when a country, in fact — and they asked me why I thought that it was important to continue to have problems with the President of Syria.  I said, “Because he’s in violation of an international norm.  It’s called a Chemical Weapons Treaty.  Can’t be trusted.”  我向他指出,事實上,當一個國家——他們問我為什麼我認為繼續認定敘利亞總統有問題很重要時,這很重要。我說,「因為他違反了被稱為化學武器條約的國際規範。他不能被信任。」
It’s about trust.  It’s about their ability to influence other nations in a positive way.
Look, would you like to trade our economy for Russia’s economy?  Would you like to trade?  And, by the way, we talked about trade.  I don’t have any problem with doing business with Russia, as long as they do it based upon international norms. It’s in our interest to see the Russian people do well economically.  I don’t have a problem with that.  
But if they do not act according to international norms, then guess what?  That will not — that only won’t it happen with us, it will not happen with other nations.  And he kind of talked about that — didn’t he, today? — about how the need to reach out to other countries to invest in Russia.  They won’t as long as they are convinced that, in fact, the violations —  但如果他們不按照國際標準行事,那會怎樣?這不僅會發生在我們身上,也會發生在其他國家。他今天有點談到了這一點,對吧?關於如何需要與其他國家合作投資俄羅斯。只要他們確信實際存在違規行為,他們就不會投資俄羅斯
For example, the American businessman who was in house arrest.  And I pointed out, “You want to get American business to invest?  Let him go.  Change the dynamic.”  Because American businessmen, they’re not — they’re not ready to show up.  They don’t want to hang around in Moscow.  例如,被軟禁的美國商人。我指出,「你想讓美國企業投資嗎?釋放他。改變狀態。因為美國商人,他們沒有——他們還沒有準備好露面。他們不想前往莫斯科。
I mean, I — look, guys, I know we make foreign policy out to be this great, great skill that somehow is, sort of, like a secret code.  Pract- — all foreign policy is, is a logical extension of personal relationships.  It’s the way human nature functions.  
And understand, when you run a country that does not abide by international norms, and yet you need those international norms to be somehow managed so that you can participate in the benefits that flow from them, it hurts you.  That’s not a satisfying answer: “Biden said he’d invade Russia.”  You know, it is not — you know.  By the way, that was a joke.  That’s not true.  
But my generic point is, it is — it is more complicated than that.  
David Sanger.  I thought I saw David.  There he is.

Q  Thank you, Mr. President.  In the run-up to this discussion, there’s been a lot of talk about the two countries spilling down into a Cold War.  And I’m wondering if there was anything that you emerged from in the discussion that made you think that he —  謝謝總統先生。在這次討論之前,有很多關於兩國陷入冷戰的討論。我想知道你在討論中是否有什麼東西讓你認為他——
THE PRESIDENT:  With your permission, I’m going to take my coat off.  The sun is hot. 

Q  — anything that would make you think that Mr. Putin has decided to move away from his fundamental role as a disrupter, particularly a disrupter of NATO and the United States?  有什麼東西會讓你認為普丁先生已經決定擺脫他作為破壞者的基本角色,尤其是北約和美國的破壞者?
And if I could also just follow up on your description of how you gave him a list of critical infrastructure in the United States.  Did you lay out very clearly what it was that the penalty would be for interfering in that critical infrastructure?  Did you leave that vague?  Did he respond in any way to it?  
THE PRESIDENT:  Let me answer your first — well, I’ll second question, first. 
I pointed out to him that we have significant cyber capability.  And he knows it.  He doesn’t know exactly what it is, but it’s significant.  And if, in fact, they violate these basic norms, we will respond with cyber.  He knows.  


Q  In the cyber way.  以網路的方式。
THE PRESIDENT:  In the cyber way. 
Number two, I — I think that the last thing he wants now is a Cold War.  Without quoting him — which I don’t think is appropriate — let me ask a rhetorical question: You got a multi-thousand-mile border with ChinaChina is moving ahead, hellbent on election, as they say, seeking to be the most powerful economy in the world and the largest and the most powerful military in the world.  
You’re in a situation where your economy is struggling, you need to move it in a more aggressive way, in terms of growing it.  And you — I don’t think he’s looking for a Cold War with the United States.  
I don’t think it’s about a — as I said to him, I said, “Your generation and mine are about 10 years apart.  This is not a ‘kumbaya’ moment, as you used to say back in the ’60s in the United States, like, ‘Let’s hug and love each other.’  But it’s clearly not in anybody’s interest — your country’s or mine — for us to be in a situation where we’re in a new Cold War.”  And I truly believe he thinks that — he understands that.
But that does not mean he’s ready to, quote, figuratively speaking, “lay down his arms,” and say, “Come on.”  He still, I believe, is concerned about being, quote, “encircled.”  He still is concerned that we, in fact, are looking to take him down, et cetera.  He still has those concerns, but I don’t think they are the driving force as to the kind of relationship he’s looking for with the United States. 
我不認為這是一個正如我對他說的那樣,我說:「你和我這一代相差大約10年。這不是一個天真時刻,就像你在60年代在美國所說的那樣,『讓我們擁抱和彼此相愛。』但顯然,無論對你的國家還是對我的國家,我們都不希望陷入新的冷戰。」我真心相信他也這樣認為他明白這一點。但這並不意味著他準備好了,引述一下,打個比方地說,「放下武器」,並說:「來吧。」我相信他仍然擔心被「圍堵」。 他仍然擔心我們實際上是在尋求推翻他,等等。他仍然有這些擔憂,但我不認為這些是他想要的與美國關係的主要動力。
Jennifer.  Jennifer Jacobs.

Q  Thank you, Mr. President.  Is there a particular reason why the summit lasted only about three hours?  We know you had maybe allotted four to five hours.  Was there any reason it ran shorter?  謝謝總統先生。峰會只持續了三個小時左右,有什麼特別的原因嗎?我們知道您可能預計四到五個小時。有什麼原因讓它跑得更短嗎?
Also, did — President Putin said that there were no threats or scare tactics issued.  Do you agree with that assessment, that there were no threats or scare tactics? 

Q  And also, did you touch on Afghanistan and the safe withdrawal of troops?  談話有觸及到從阿富汗撤軍?
THE PRESIDENT:  Yes.  Yes, yes, and yes.  Let me go back to the first part. 
The reason it didn’t go longer is: When is the last time two heads of state have spent over two hours in direct conversation across a table, going into excruciating detail?  You may know of a time; I don’t.  I can’t think of one.  
So we didn’t need, as we got through, when we brought in the larger group — our defense, our intelligence, and our foreign — well, our — my foreign minister — wasn’t the foreign minister — my Secretary of State was with me the whole time — our ambassador, et cetera.  We brought everybody in.  We had covered so much.
And so there was a summary done by him and by me of what we covered.  Lavrov and Blinken talked about what we had covered.  We raised things that required more amplification or made sure we didn’t have any misunderstandings.  And — and so it was — it was — kind of, after two hours there, we looked at each other like, “Okay, what next?”  
What is going to happen next is we’re going to be able to look back — look ahead in three to six months, and say, “Did the things we agreed to sit down and try to work out, did it work?  Do we — are we closer to a major strategic stability talks and progress?  Are we further along in terms of…” — and go down the line.  That’s going to be the test.  
I’m not sitting here saying because the President and I agreed that we would do these things, that all of a sudden, it’s going to work.  I’m not saying that.  What I’m saying is I think there’s a genuine prospect to significantly improve relations between our two countries without us giving up a single, solitary thing based on principle and/or values. 

Q  There were no threats issued?  沒有威脅嗎?
THE PRESIDENT:  No, no, no.  No.  There were no threats.  There were — as a matter of fact, I heard he quoted my mom and quoted other people today.  There was — it was very, as we say — which will shock you, coming from me — somewhat colloquial.  And we talked about basic, basic, fundamental things.  There was a — it was — and you know how I am: I explain things based on personal basis.  “What happens if,” for example.  
And so, there are no threats, just simple assertions made.  And no “Well, if you do that, then we’ll do this” — wasn’t anything I said.  It was just letting him know where I stood; what I thought we could accomplish together; and what, in fact — if it was — if there were violations of American sovereignty, what would we do.  

Q  Can you share what you asked him about Afghanistan?  What was your particular request for Afghanistan and the U.S. troops?  你能分享一下你問他關於阿富汗的問題嗎? 您對阿富汗和美軍有什麼特別的要求?
THE PRESIDENT:  No, he asked us about Afghanistan.  He said that he hopes that we’re able to maintain some peace and security, and I said, “That has a lot to do with you.”  He indicated that he was prepared to, quote, “help” on Afghanistan — I won’t go into detail now; and help on — on Iran; and help on — and, in return, we told him what we wanted to do relative to bringing some stability and economic security or physical security to the people of Syria and Libya.  
So, we had those discussions. 

Q  Thanks so much, Mr. President.  Did you — you say that you didn’t issue any threats.  Were there any ultimatums made when it comes to ransomware?  And how will you measure success, especially when it comes to these working groups on Russian meddling and on cybersecurity?  非常感謝,總統先生。你——你說你沒有發出任何威脅。在勒索軟體方面,是否有任何最後通牒?您將如何衡量成功,尤其是當涉及到這些關於俄羅斯干預和網路安全的工作組時?
THE PRESIDENT:  Well, it’s going to be real easy.  They either — for example, on cybersecurity, are we going to work out where they take action against ransomware criminals on Russian territory?  They didn’t do it.  I don’t think they planned it, in this case.  And they — are they going to act?  We’ll find out.  
Will we commit — what can we commit to act in terms of anything affecting violating international norms that negatively affects Russia?  What are we going to agree to do?  
And so, I think we have real opportunities to — to move.  And I think that one of the things that I noticed when we had the larger meeting is that people who are very, very well-informed started thinking, “You know, this could be a real problem.”  What happens if that ransomware outfit were sitting in Florida or Maine and took action, as I said, on their — their single lifeline to their economy: oil?  That would be devastating.  And they’re like — you could see them kind of go, “Oh, we do that,” but like, “Whoa.” 
So it’s in — it’s in everybody’s interest that these things be acted on.  We’ll see, though, what happens from these groups we put together. 

Q  Can I ask a quick follow-up question?  我可以問一個快速的後續問題嗎?
THE PRESIDENT:  (Laughs.)  The third one, yes.  Go ahead. 

Q  Mr. President, when President Putin was questioned today about human rights, he said the reason why he’s cracking down on opposition leaders is because he doesn’t want something like January 6th to happen in Russia.  And he also said he doesn’t want to see groups formed like Black Lives Matter.  What’s your response to that, please?   總統先生,當普丁總統今天被問及人權問題時,他說他之所以鎮壓反對派領導人,是因為他不希望像16日這樣的事情發生在俄羅斯。他還表示,他不希望看到像「黑人的命也是命」這樣的團體。請問你對此有何回應?
THE PRESIDENT:  (Laughs.)  My response is kind of what I communicated — that I think that’s a — that’s a ridiculous comparison.  It’s one thing for literally criminals to break through cordon, go into the Capitol, kill a police officer, and be held unaccountable than it is for people objecting and marching on the Capitol and saying, “You are not allowing me to speak freely.  You are not allowing me to do A, B, C, or D.”
And so, they’re very different criteria.  
Steve.  Steve Holland, Reuters.

Q  President — sorry — President Putin said he was satisfied with the answer about your comment about him being a “killer.”  Could you give us your side on this?  What did you tell him?  總統——對不起——普丁總統說,他對你關於他是「殺手」的評論的回答感到滿意。你能告訴我們,你跟他說了什麼?
THE PRESIDENT:  He’s satisfied.  Why would I bring it up again?  (Laughs.)  

Q  And now that you’ve talked to him, do you believe you can trust him?  既然你已經和他談過了,你認為你能相信他嗎?
THE PRESIDENT:  Look, this is not about trust; this is about self-interest and verification of self-interest.  That’s what it’s about.  So, I — virtually almost — almost anyone that I would work out an agreement with that affected the American people’s interests, I don’t say, “Well, I trust you.  No problem.”  Let’s see what happens.
You know, as that old expression goes, “The proof of the pudding is in the eating.”  We’re going to know shortly.  你正如那句老話所說,「一吃就知道了」。我們很快就會知道。
Igor, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.

Q  Hello, Mr. President.  Hello, Mr. President
THE PRESIDENT:  You want to go on the shade?  You can’t — can you see?

Q  Thank you.  Yeah.  Yeah, yeah.  (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT:  All right.

Q  Yeah.  So, I think you know attacks in civil society and the free — free press continue inside Russia.  所以,我想你知道對公民社會和自由的攻擊——新聞自由在俄羅斯境內繼續存在。

Q  For example, Radio Free Europe —

Q  — Radio Liberty; Voice of America; Current Time TV channel, where I work, are branded foreign agents — and several other independent media.  So, we are essentially being forced out in Russia 30 years after President Yeltsin invited us in.  自由電台美國之音我工作的Current Time電視頻道是外國代理商和其他幾家獨立媒體的品牌。因此,在葉爾欽總統邀請我們進入俄羅斯30年後,我們基本上是被迫離開的
My question is: After your talks with President Putin, how interested do you think he is in improving the media climate in Russia?
THE PRESIDENT:  I wouldn’t put it that way, in terms of improving the climate.  I would, in fact, put it in terms of how much interest does he have in burnishing Russia’s reputation that is not — is viewed as not being contrary to democratic principles and free speech.  
That’s a judgment I cannot make.  I don’t know.  But it’s not because I think he — he is interested in changing the nature of a closed society or closed government’s actions relative to what he thinks is the right of government to do what it does; it’s a very different approach.  
And, you know, there’s a couple of really good biogra- — I told him I read a couple — I read most everything he’s written and the speeches he’s made.  And — and I’ve read a couple of very good biographies, which many of you have as well.
And I think I pointed out to him that Russia had an opportunity — that brief shining moment after Gorbachev and after things began to change drastically — to actually generate a democratic government.  But what happened was it failed and there was a great, great race among Russian intellectuals to determine what form of government would they choose and how would they choose it.  
And based on what I believe, Mr. Putin decided was that Russia has always been a major international power when it’s been totally united as a Russian state, not based on ideology — whether it was going back to Tsar and Commissar, straight through to the — the revolution — the Russian Revolution, and to where they are today.  
And I think that it’s clear to me — and I’ve said it — that I think he decided that the way for Russia to be able to sustain itself as a great — quote, “great power” is to in fact unite the Russian people on just the strength of the government — the government controls — not necessarily ideologically, but the government
And I think that’s the — that’s the choice that was made.  I think it — I — I’m not going to second guess whether it could have been fundamentally different.  But I do think it does not lend itself to Russia maintaining itself as one of the great powers in the world.  

Q  Sir, one more question —
Q  One more on COVID — on COVID-19, Mr. President —
Q  Sir, could we ask you one more question, please, sir?  Thank you, sir.  Did military response ever come up in this conversation today?  Did you — in terms of the red lines that you laid down, is military response an option for a ransomware attack?
 先生,請問您一個問題,先生? 謝謝你,先生。 在今天的談話中,有沒有出現過軍事反應? 你有沒有——就你設定的紅線而言,軍事反應是勒索軟體攻擊的一種選擇嗎?
And President Putin had called you, in his press conference, an “experienced person.”  You famously told him he didn’t have a soul.  Do you now have a deeper understanding of him after this meeting?  
普丁總統在新聞發佈會上稱你為「有經驗的人」。 你告訴他他沒有靈魂。 這次會面後,你現在對他有了更深入的瞭解嗎?
THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  Thank you very much. 

Q  Mr. President —
Q  But on the military — military response, sir?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, we didn’t talk about military response.

Q  In the spirit, Mr. President, of you saying that there is no substitute for face-to-face dialogue, and also with what you said at NATO that the biggest problems right now are Russia and China — you’ve spoken many times about how you have spent perhaps more time with President Xi than any other world leader.  總統先生,本著你所說的面對面對話的精神,以及你在北約所說的,目前最大的問題是俄羅斯和中國——你已經多次談到您與習主席相處的時間可能比任何其他世界領導人都多。
So is there going to become a time where you might call him, old friend to old friend, and ask him to open up China to the World Health Organization investigators who are trying to get to the bottom of COVID-19?  
那麼,是否會有一天你可以給他打電話,以老朋友對老朋友,並要求他向試圖深入了解 COVID-19 的世界衛生組織調查人員開放中國?
THE PRESIDENT:  Let’s get something straightWe know each other well; we’re not old friends.  It’s just pure business.

Q  So, I guess, my question would be that you’ve said that you were going to press China.  You signed on to the G7 communiqué that said you — the G7 were calling on China to open up to let the investigators in.  But China basically says they don’t want to be interfered with anymore.  So, what happens now?  所以,我想,我的問題是,你說過你要向中國施壓。你簽署了七國集團(G7)的公報,上面寫著你——七國集團呼籲中國開放,讓調查人員進入。但中國基本上表示,他們不想再受到干涉了。那麼,會發生什麼?
THE PRESIDENT:  The impact — the world’s attitude toward China as it develops.  China is trying very hard to project itself as a responsible and — and a very, very forthcoming nation; that they are trying very hard to talk about how they’re taking and helping the world in terms of COVID-19 and vaccines.  And they’re trying very hard. 
衝擊——隨著中國的發展,世界對中國的態度。中國正非常努力地將自己塑造成一個負責任的國家,而且是一個非常、非常積極的國家;他們正在努力談論他們如何在 COVID-19 和疫苗方面採取和説明世界。他們非常努力。
Look, certain things you don’t have to explain to the people of the world.  They see the results.  Is China really actually trying to get to the bottom of this? 
One thing we did discuss, as I told you, in the EU and at the G7 and with NATO: What we should be doing and what I’m going to make an effort to do is rally the world to work on what is going to be the physical mechanism available to detect, early on, the next pandemic and have a mechanism by which we can respond to it and respond to it early.  It’s going to happen.  It’s going to happen.  And we need to do that.  
正如我告訴過你的那樣,我們確實在歐盟、G7 和北約討論過一件事:我們應該做什麼以及我將要努力做的事情是團結全世界致力於將要實現的目標成為可用於及早發現下一次大流行的物理機制,並擁有一種我們可以對其做出反應並及早做出反應的機制。它會發生。它會發生。我們需要這樣做。
Thank you.

Q  Any progress on the detained Americans, sir?
Q  What did Putin say about Paul Whelan and Trevor Reed?
Q  Sir, what do you say to the families of the detained Americans?
Q  President Biden, why are you so confident Russia —

THE PRESIDENT:  The families of the detained Americans, I have hope for.

Q  Say it again; we can’t hear you.
THE PRESIDENT:  I said the families of the detained Americans came up and we discussed it.  We’re going to follow through with that discussion.  I am — I am not going to walk away on that issue.

Q  Why are you so confident he’ll change his behavior, Mr. President?  總統先生,為何你對普丁改變行為有信心?
  I’m not confident he’ll change his behavior.  Where the hell — what do you do all the time?  When did I say I was confident?  I said —  我不相信普丁會改變他的行為。我什麼時候說過我有信心?你到底在幹什麼?我說的是

Q  You said in the next six months you’ll be able to determine —  你說在接下來的六個月裡,你將能夠確定——
THE PRESIDENT:  I said — what I said was — let’s get it straight.  I said: What will change their behavior is if the rest of world reacts to them and it diminishes their standing in the world.  I’m not confident of anything; I’m just stating a fact.  

Q  But given his past behavior has not changed and, in that press conference, after sitting down with you for several hours, he denied any involvement in cyberattacks; he downplayed human rights abuses; he even refused to say Aleksey Navalny’s name.  So how does that account to a constructive meeting, as President — President Putin framed it?  但鑒於他過去的行為沒有改變,在那次新聞發佈會上,在與你坐下來幾個小時後,他否認參與了網路攻擊他淡化了侵犯人權的行為他甚至拒絕說出阿列克謝·納瓦尼的名字。那麼,這如何解釋一次建設性的會晤,正如普丁總統所構築的那樣?

THE PRESIDENT:  If you don’t understand that, you’re in the wrong business.
Thank you. 


