


The European Parliament passed resolutions concerning the EU's 2023 Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, emphasizing that Taiwan and China are not subordinate to each other.
This is a slight difference from President Tsai's statements, where she first said "the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China should not be subordinate to each other[1]" in her National Day Ceremony address in 2021, and later stated "the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the People's Republic of China are not subordinate to each other[2]" on January 14, 2024.
The use of "Taiwan and China" compared to "ROC" and "PRC", or "ROC (Taiwan)" and "PRC", reflects the complex nature of the cross-Strait issue. On one hand, the status of Taiwan remains undetermined since the end of WWII, while on the other hand, Taiwan and China have a history of armed conflicts and China claims sovereignty over Taiwan.

歐盟議會於 2024 2 28 日(星期三)通過了有關歐盟 2023 年共同外交與安全政策 (CFSP) 和共同安全與防禦政策 (CSDP) 的決議,強調台灣和中國互不隸屬。
這與蔡英文總統的聲明略有不同。蔡總統在 2021 年的國慶典禮致辭中首先表示「中華民國和中華人民共和國互不隸屬」,並於 2024 1 14 日進一步表示「中華民國(台灣)和中華人民共和國互不隸屬」。

歐洲議會:台灣、中國互不隸屬 只有台灣民選政府 可在國際上代表台灣人民    自由 20240301


促歐盟及會員國 與台灣緊密合作



譴責中國動武言論 軍事挑釁台灣





Implementation of the common foreign and security policy – annual report 2023

108. Strongly condemns China’s continued military provocations against Taiwan and reiterates its firm rejection of any unilateral change to the status quo in the Taiwan Strait; highlights that China’s territorial claims have no basis in international law; denounces, furthermore, China’s blocking of Taiwan’s participation in multilateral organisations; calls on the Commission and the Member States to support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in relevant international organisations such as the WHO, the International Civil Aviation Organisation and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change; reiterates that Taiwan is a key EU partner and a democratic ally in the Indo-Pacific region; recognises the importance of Taiwan in securing global supply chains, especially in the high-tech sector, and urges the EU and its Member States to engage in closer cooperation with Taiwan; welcomes the visits to Taiwan, since 2021, by consecutive official delegations from Parliament committees and calls on the Commission to launch, without delay, preparatory measures for negotiations on a bilateral investment agreement with Taiwan;  強烈譴責中國繼續對台灣進行軍事挑釁,重申堅決反對任何單方面改變臺灣海峽現狀的行為強調中國的領土主張沒有國際法依據;此外,譴責中國阻止台灣參與多邊組織;呼籲委員會和會員國支援臺灣有意義地參與世界衛生組織、國際民用航空組織和聯合國氣候變化框架公約等相關國際組織;重申台灣是歐盟在印太地區的重要夥伴和民主盟友;認識到臺灣在確保全球供應鏈安全方面的重要性,特別是在高科技領域,並敦促歐盟及其成員國與台灣進行更密切的合作;歡迎自2021年以來,議會各委員會連續派出官方代表團訪問臺灣,並呼籲委員會毫不拖延地啟動與臺灣就雙邊投資協定進行談判的準備措施;

109. Denounces statements by the Chinese President that China will never renounce the right to use force with respect to Taiwan; notes that neither Taiwan nor China is subordinate to the other; expresses grave concern over China’s use of hostile disinformation to undermine trust in Taiwan’s democracy and governance; calls for the EU and its Member States to cooperate with international partners in helping to sustain democracy in Taiwan, keeping it free from foreign interference and threats, and underlines that only Taiwan’s democratically elected government can represent the Taiwanese people on the international stage; notes the need to also focus on preventive diplomacy to avoid any escalation in the Taiwan Strait;  譴責中國國家主席關於中國永遠不會放棄對臺灣使用武力的權利的聲明;注意到臺灣和中國都不從屬於對方;對中國利用敵對的虛假資訊破壞對臺灣民主和治理的信任表示嚴重關切;呼籲歐盟及其成員國與國際夥伴合作,幫助維持臺灣的民主,使其免受外國干涉和威脅,並強調只有臺灣民選政府才能在國際舞臺上代表臺灣人民;指出還需要注重預防性外交,以避免臺灣海峽局勢升級;



Implementation of the common security and defence policy – annual report 2023

AA. whereas malign foreign interference and disinformation campaigns, in particular sponsored by Russia, and in some cases other actors such as China and Iran, are a significant challenge to the EU’s foreign policy;  鑒於惡意的外國干涉和虛假宣傳活動,特別是由俄羅斯贊助的,在某些情況下,還有中國和伊朗等其他行為者,是對歐盟外交政策的重大挑戰;

AB. whereas the rise in the use of hybrid attacks and threats, as demonstrated by Russia’s activities in the EU, in Ukraine, in Africa and elsewhere, necessitate the development of comprehensive instruments to detect, prevent and react to such incidents and protect the Union’s citizens and assets, through transforming traditional military capacities, improving the security of critical infrastructure, countering FIMI and further developing a common high level of cybersecurity; whereas China has also demonstrated an increased use of hybrid warfare tactics, including in the Indo-Pacific and South China Sea, aimed at undermining the stability and security of the EU;  鑒於俄羅斯在歐盟、烏克蘭、非洲和其他地方的活動表明,使用混合攻擊和威脅的情況有所增加,因此有必要制定全面的工具,通過改變傳統軍事能力、改善關鍵基礎設施的安全來發現、預防和應對此類事件並保護歐盟的公民和資產, 打擊FIMI,進一步發展共同的高水準網路安全;鑒於中國還表現出越來越使用混合戰爭戰術,包括在印太和南中國海,旨在破壞歐盟的穩定和安全; 




