

馮德萊恩:充分了解中國從未如此重要 須誠實評估中國演變 法廣 20231122

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Speech by President von der Leyen at the EU Ambassadors Conference 2023

馮德萊恩:充分了解中國從未如此重要 須誠實評估中國演變    法廣 20231122


在北京地緣政治野心引發的一系列貿易和安全擔憂之際,歐盟委員會主席馮德萊恩(Ursula von der Leyen)於117日表示,中國和歐盟峰會將於12月舉行,她和歐洲理事會主席米歇爾(Charles Michel)將赴華出席四年來的首次面對面峰會,預計中國國家主席習近平或國務院總理李強將共同主持峰會。之前歐盟外交負責人博雷利前往北京為此次峰會進行準備。











歐洲對競爭持開放態度 不是為了逐底競爭



馮德萊恩認為,歐盟在保護自身利益的同時,也準備好並願意通過對話解決分歧。歐盟的目標是在與中國的貿易關係中實現公平的競爭環境。她指出,這將是歐盟 12 月初與中國舉行的峰會的核心內容。










Speech by President von der Leyen at the EU Ambassadors Conference 2023    European Commission 20231106


Dear Ambassadors,

I started by saying that the conflicts in Europe, the Middle East or Africa should not mask the other challenges we face – whether linked to climate or digital, trade or economic security. In fact, this instability should make us focus our minds on the key relationships we have across the world. Our relationship with China is one of the most intricate and important anywhere in the world. And how we manage it will be a determining factor for our future economic prosperity and national security. In these turbulent times, there is strong need for strategic stability in how we deal with China. We must get China right. We must recognise that there is an explicit element of rivalry in our relationship. The Chinese Communist Party's clear goal is a systemic change of the international order, of course with China at its centre. We have seen it with China's positions in multilateral bodies, which show its determination to promote an alternative vision of the world order.

But this rivalry can be constructive, not hostile. And this is why we need functioning channels of communication and high-level diplomacy. This is what I have called de-risking through diplomacy. And this is why we have invested in intensive dialogue with Beijing – from four High-Level Dialogues now to the upcoming EU-China Summit that we will have in a couple of weeks. Cooperation with China on global issues is possible and is happening. We see it also in the fight against climate change. There is room to define together common rules and solutions to challenges we all share. But working in the confines of the rules-based system also means respecting it across the board. For instance, the rules of the WTO matter as much as other multilateral rules, like the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea. And today we must recognise that China's views on the ‘global security architecture' are not by default aligned with ours. Think about Ukraine. China says it upholds the UN Charter. But it does not distance itself from Russia's war of aggression. The way forward is to keep engaging with Beijing so that the support to Russia remains as limited as possible. But also to make clear – and that is important – that the way China positions itself on Russia's war will, of course, define our mutual relationship.

The same is true for other theatres – which are increasingly linked. China states that it is impartial and favours peaceful solutions, while enabling and supporting some of the world's most destabilising forces. And yet, China and Europe have a shared interest in stability in the Middle East. So every measure of influence that Beijing has on Hamas and on Iran needs to be used to prevent further escalation. They have to play their role. And if we widen our lens, we are watching very closely the situation in the South China Sea. They affect not just our partners in the region, such as the Philippines, but of course our global interests. China's actions impact our security, our sovereignty and our prosperity. And we have to be very frank on this, as a foundation for a constructive relationship.

We must also be clear-eyed on how China's global posture is changing. We see a strong push to make China less dependent on the world, and the world more dependent on China. Geopolitics and geoeconomics cannot be seen as separate anymore. By now China is our most important trading partner in terms of goods – we should not forget that. But at the same time, concerns about unfair and at times predatory practices distorting our own Single Market are absolutely tangible and rising – measurable. For instance, China has often resorted to trade coercion, boycotts of European goods, and export controls on critical raw materials. This shows that while we do not want to decouple from China, we do need to de-risk parts of our relationship. ‘De-risk, not decouple' is by now a strategy accepted by all major Western partners.

Part of the work has to happen here in the Europe Union. And we have already come quite a long way. Think about our new trade defence instruments. Or our investigation on Chinese electric vehicles. But the global dimension of de-risking is just as important. Our approach has found broad support from key partners – from Japan to Canada, from the United States to Australia. And countries all around the world want to work with Europe. That is good news. Some of them are also overly dependent themselves on a single country for essential supply chains. They care about their own economic security, just like we care about ours. Others, for example, want to develop local industries for processing and refining, instead of just shipping their resources abroad. So, there are multiple interests to work with us. And Europe's offer is truly unique with clear, very precise and transparent benefits for both sides. This is the heart of Global Gateway, our new way to partner with third countries abroad.



