


英國簽下1573億元合約 推進AUKUS核動力潛艦計畫    中央社 20231002


法新社報導,這些合約是美國、澳洲和英國在亞太地區抗衡中國的「澳英美三方安全夥伴關係」(AUKUS)的一部分,參與廠商包括英國航太系統公司(BAE Systems)、勞斯萊斯(Rolls-Royce)和巴卜卡克公司(Babcock

英國國防大臣夏普斯(Grant Shapps)今天在曼徹斯特(Manchester)舉行的保守黨年度會議上表示:「這些潛艦將使英國皇家海軍(Royal Navy)維持我們在水下的戰略優勢。」



英國首相蘇納克(Rishi Sunak)讚揚這是「幾個世代以來最重要的多邊防衛協議」。






£3.95bn awarded for next phase of AUKUS submarine programme    BAE Systems 20231002

The Ministry of Defence has awarded £3.95 billion of funding to BAE Systems for the next phase of the UK's next-generation nuclear-powered attack submarine programme, known as SSN-AUKUS.

SSN-AUKUS will be the largest, most powerful and advanced attack submarines the Royal Navy has ever operated and will eventually replace the Astute class, which BAE Systems builds at its site in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria.

The funding follows the AUKUS announcement in March by the leaders of Australia, the UK and the United States. This will eventually see Australia and the UK operate SSN-AUKUS submarines, which will be based on the UK’s next generation design, incorporating technology from all three nations, including cutting-edge US submarine technologies.

Having started early design work in 2021, the £3.95bn funding will cover development work to 2028, enabling BAE Systems to move into the detailed design phase of the programme and begin to procure long-lead items. Manufacture will start towards the end of the decade with the first SSN-AUKUS boat due to be delivered in the late 2030s.

The award will also fund significant infrastructure investment at BAE Systems' site in Barrow-in-Furness, investment in its supply chain and recruitment of a more than 5,000 people.

This multi-billion-pound investment in the AUKUS submarine programme will help deliver the long term hunter-killer submarine capabilities the UK needs to maintain our strategic advantage and secure our leading place in a contested global order. I’m committed to backing our defence industry, because it’s only with the mission critical support of businesses like BAE Systems that the UK can develop the advanced equipment our Armed Forces need to defend the British people in a more dangerous world. -- Grant Shapps, Defence Secretary

We’re incredibly proud of our role in the delivery of this vitally important, tri-nation submarine programme. This funding reinforces the Government’s support to our UK submarine enterprise and allows us to mature the design, and invest in critical skills and infrastructure to support our long-term national security. -- Charles Woodburn, BAE Systems’ Chief Executive

BAE Systems has already delivered five of seven Astute class submarines to the Royal Navy with the remaining two boats at advanced stages of construction. The Company is also designing and building the UK's next-generation nuclear deterrent submarines, Dreadnought, with work underway on three of the four new boats.

Delivery of the UK’s submarine programmes is a national endeavour between government and industry. BAE Systems’ Submarines business plays a vital role in the UK economy, particularly in the north west of England. By the end of this year, its workforce will grow to 12,500, including around new 900 apprentices and graduates.

The business plans to recruit an additional 2,700 people next year, which will include a further 900 apprentices and graduates providing a significant employment boost for the region.


