

自由世界看李克強之死 The free world sees the sudden death of Li Keqiang HoonTing 20231030

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯

Speaking of the sudden death of Li Keqiang, I believe that there is no need for Taiwanese people to feel regret. Regret is the position of the Chinese people, not the Taiwanese. 提及到李克強之死,我認為台灣人一點都不要感到遺憾。遺憾,是中國人的立場,不是台灣人的。

The position of the Taiwanese people toward Li is kind of relief. 台灣人的立場是欣慰。

The reason is that Li Keqiang's passing is not just the death of one communist high rty member; it's a situation where the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) can no longer hide its ambitions for the world. 理由是,李克強過世不是死了一個共匪而已,而是中共無法再隱藏其對世界的野心。

We, as well as the US government, have discussed whether Taiwan's adversary is Xi Jinping, the CCP, or China (referring to its culture). 我們(美國政府也是)曾經討論過,台灣的敵,是習近平?中共?還是中國(指的是文化)?

In terms of civilization, the answer is undoubtedly China. 就文明而言,當然是中國。

China has a restraining and inhibiting effect on Taiwan and on world civilization as a whole. However, considering China as an adversary is practically unfeasible. Therefore, the feasible approach is to regard the adversary as the CCP. 中國對台灣、對世界文明都有牽制與妨礙的效果。不過,將中國視為敵,在實際上辦不到。因此,可行的部份是:敵是中共。

The reason why the CCP is considered an adversary is rooted in its fundamental goal of "world revolution" - to overthrow existing orders and replace them with everything under the control of the CCP. The CCP cannot abandon the idea of "world revolution," which is the original purpose behind its establishment and the basis for party members joining. 而中共之所以為敵,原因在其存在的根源是「世界革命」---推翻既有秩序,以中共的一切取而代之。中共不可能放棄「世界革命」,這是中共成立與黨員入黨的初衷。

Therefore, regardless of who is in power or holds authority, the Chinese Communist Party's objective remains "world revolution." Different leaders divers merely by means, tactics, or the judgments of the timing. 因此,誰執政或當權都一樣,中共就是要「世界革命」。不同領導者只是手段、戰術,或對時機的判斷不同而已。

Mao believed that anything could be done regardless of circumstances ans strength. Deng believed that the time was not right when there wasn't enough strength. Jiang and Hu shared Deng's perspective. However, Xi believes that the time has come and there's no need to stay low-key. It's as simple as that. 毛,認為不管怎樣可以搞。鄧,認為實力不足時機未到。江與胡,與鄧相同。但是習,認為時機已到,無須低調。如此而已。

Suppose, and indeed it is so, the competition between Li Keqiang and Xi Jinping is a question of "has the time come or not?" rather than a question of "should there be a world revolution?" Then, the heightened vigilance and precautions taken by the free world against China due to Xi's assertive behavior can be seen as a "certain contribution" by Xi Jinping to the free world or as giving the free world a pre-warning time. In other words, the problems are systemic and not solely dependent on who is in power. 假使,而事實也是如此,李克強與習近平之爭是「時機到了沒?」之爭,並非「世界革命該不該?」之爭。那麼,自由世界因習的戰狼作風而提高警覺,從而提防中共,是習近平對自由世界的「某種貢獻」,或給予自由世界一個預警時間。總之,若能檢討到「中共體制」這層,那就不會為一人更迭所改變。

If the free world mistakenly believes that the "Wolf Warrior" strategy is just Xi's personal recklessness, it would lead to the misconception that after Li Keqiang replaces Xi in a political shift, the free world can continue to live happily with CCP. This would be falling into the trap of the CCP’s "world revolution." 假使自由世界錯誤的認為:戰狼戰略只是習個人的莽撞,就會誤認為:李克強把習政變換掉後,自由世界就可以繼續快樂過日子。那就會掉入中共「世界革命」的陷阱中。

At this moment, for whatever reason it might be, the sudden death of Li Keqiang leaves the CCP without a representative to replace the "Wolf Warrior" policy, it would hold a positive significance for the free world in terms of continuing to strengthen defense capabilities to be against authoritarian CCP regimes. This would provide the free world with the time to construct a comprehensive defense system, including cognitive and psychological aspects. 此時,不管因為什麼原因,李克強猝死,讓中共沒有可以取代戰狼政策的代表人,對於自由世界繼續鞏固對獨裁極權的防衛力量與意志而言,具有積極意義。自由世界才能有時間建構包括認知與心理在內的全方位的防禦體制。

Mourning Li Keqiang is the position of the Chinese people, not the Taiwanese. Taiwan's mourning, if necessary, can only exist at a formal level of paying respects. 哀悼李克強,是中國人民的立場,不是台灣人的。台灣的哀悼,只能存在行禮如儀的層面。


