

20230729 美澳〈地區防衛一體化倡議〉主要內容

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這是所謂的美澳〈地區防衛一體化倡議〉Regional Defense Integration Initiative的簡介。

Fact Sheet: 2023 Australia U.S. Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN)    July 29, 2023  Taimocracy翻譯

On July 29, 2023, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and their Australian counterparts, Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Penny Wong, met in Brisbane, Australia for the 33rd Australia-U.S. Ministerial Consultations (AUSMIN). 

The principals determined that the Unbreakable Alliance between the United States and Australia has never been stronger and that the Alliance remains a partnership of strategic interest rooted in common values and a common determination to preserve stability, prosperity, and peace. Against the backdrop of historic momentum for the Alliance, the United States and Australia committed to advance a number of key lines of shared effort, including:  各方確定美國和澳大利亞之間的「堅不可摧的聯盟」從未如此強大,而且這個聯盟仍然是一個基於共同價值觀和共同決心維護穩定、繁榮和和平的戰略利益伙伴關係。在這個歷史性的關頭,美國和澳大利亞承諾推進一系列共同努力的關鍵方向,包括:



Reaffirming their respect for each other's sovereignty and their commitment to operationalize the Alliance, the United States and Australia advanced key priorities across an ambitious range of force posture cooperation efforts, including:  再次重申彼此尊重對方主權並致力實現聯盟的運作,美國和澳大利亞在大範圍的力量姿態合作努力中推進了一系列關鍵優先事項,包括:

  • Continuing to progress upgrades at key Australian bases in the north, including RAAF Bases Darwin and Tindal. 
  • Scoping additional upgrades at new locations, RAAF Bases Scherger and RAAF Curtin.  在新的地點,皇家澳大利亞空軍謝格爾基地和皇家澳大利亞空軍柯廷基地進行額外的升級規劃。繼續推進位於北部的關鍵澳大利亞基地升級計劃,包括皇家澳大利亞空軍達爾文基地和廷德爾基地。
  • Conducting more regular and longer expeditionary visits of U.S. submarines to Australia starting this year, with a focus on HMAS Stirling, as Australia prepares for Submarine Rotational Force-West, an important milestone for the AUKUS Optimal Pathway.  從今年開始,增加美國潛艇對澳大利亞的遠征性訪問次數和時間,並將重點放在澳大利亞海軍海軍基地斯特林的活動上,這是澳大利亞準備迎接西部潛艇輪換部隊的重要里程碑,也是AUKUS最佳路徑的重要一環。
  • Enabling a regular rotation of U.S. Army Watercraft in Australia, starting with participation in Exercise TALISMAN SABRE.  允許美國陸軍水上艇在澳大利亞進行定期輪換,首先參與「護身軍刀」演習。
  • Reaffirming their commitment to deliver the ambitious trajectory of Enhanced Force Posture Cooperation across land, maritime, and air domains, as well as the Combined Logistics, Sustainment, and Maintenance Enterprise.  重申在陸地、海上和空中領域推進增強力量姿態合作以及聯合後勤、維持和維修企業的雄心勃勃的軌跡的承諾。
  • Through Enhanced Air Cooperation, rotating U.S. Navy Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft to Australia to enhance regional maritime domain awareness, with a goal of inviting likeminded partners to participate.  通過增強空中合作,將美國海軍海上巡邏和偵察機輪換部署到澳大利亞,以增強區域海上領域意識,並希望邀請志同道合的夥伴參與。
  • Establishing an interim location at Albury-Wodonga (Bandiana) for the Combined Logistics, Sustainment, and Maintenance Enterprise as a precursor to an enduring Logistics Support Area in Queensland.  在阿爾伯里-沃東加(班迪亞納)建立聯合後勤、維持和維修企業的臨時場所,作為在昆士蘭建立持久後勤支援區的先導。
  • Stating their intent to declare Enhanced Space Cooperation as a new Force Posture Initiative, which would enable increased space integration and cooperation under the U.S.-Australia Force Posture Agreement, as well as stating their intent to increase space integration and cooperation in existing operations and exercises.  表示他們打算將增強太空合作視為新的力量姿態倡議,這將使美國-澳大利亞力量姿態協議下的太空整合和合作增加,並表示他們打算在現有的行動和演習中增加太空整合和合作。



Reaffirming the importance of maximizing the strategic and technological advantage of the Alliance in an age of heightened strategic competition, the United States and Australia advanced a number of key priorities to strengthen their advanced capabilities and the health of their defense industrial bases, including:  再次強調在戰略競爭日益加劇的時代最大限度地發揮聯盟的戰略和技術優勢的重要性,美國和澳大利亞提出了一系列重要優先事項,以增強其先進能力和保障其國防工業基地的健康,包括:

  • Committing to collaborate on critical technologies and innovation to ensure the Alliance's asymmetrical capability edge and to explore opportunities for regional co-development, co-production, and co-sustainment aligned to agreed capability priorities.  承諾在關鍵技術和創新方面進行合作,確保聯盟在非對稱能力上保持優勢,並探索符合共同能力優先事項的區域共同開發、共同生產和共同維持的機會。
  • Agreeing to advance cooperation on Australia's Guided Weapons and Explosive Ordnance (GWEO) Enterprise by entering into an arrangement to collaborate on a flexible guided weapons production and maintenance capability in Australia, with an initial focus on the co-production of Guided Multiple Launch Rocket Systems by 2025.  同意在澳大利亞的導引武器和爆炸物裝置企業上進行合作,通過達成協議,在澳大利亞建立靈活的導引武器生產和維護能力,並首先將焦點放在到2025年共同生產導引式多管火箭發射系統。
    • The United States also announced its intent to pursue reforms to the regulations governing the transfer of guided weapons to Australia with the aim of accelerating delivery, to transfer technical data for the M795 155mm artillery shell in support of future production in Australia, and to identify opportunities for Australian industry to address constraints in the U.S. industrial base.  美國還宣布打算對轉讓導引武器給澳大利亞的法規進行改革,以加快交付速度,向澳大利亞轉移M795 155毫米砲彈的技術資料,以支持未來在澳大利亞的生產,並尋找澳大利亞工業解決美國工業基地限制的機會。
    • The principals reaffirmed their commitment to progress the maintenance, repair, overhaul, and upgrade of priority munitions in Australia, with an initial focus on MK-48 heavyweight torpedoes and SM-2 missiles.  各方重申了他們推進在澳大利亞維護、修理、改進和升級重點彈藥的承諾,首先將焦點放在MK-48重型魚雷和SM-2導彈上。
  • Welcoming progress under the AUKUS partnership toward Australia's acquisition of a conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarine capability and the development of advanced capabilities to safeguard stability and security in the Indo-Pacific. They reaffirmed their commitment to transparency and urged others to take a similar approach to their capability development.  歡迎AUKUS合作夥伴關係在澳大利亞取得向常規武裝、核動力潛艇能力的進展,並發展先進能力以維護印度-太平洋地區的穩定和安全。他們重申了對透明度的承諾,並敦促其他國家以類似的方式來推進自己的能力發展。



Committing to uphold a global order based on international law, including the fundamental principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, the United States and Australia advanced a number of key priorities to strengthen their mutual alliances, partnerships, and trilateral and multilateral security arrangements, including:為維護以國際法為基礎的全球秩序,包括主權和領土完整等基本原則,美國和澳大利亞在加強彼此間的聯盟、合作夥伴關係以及三方多邊安全安排方面提出了一系列重要優先事項,包括:

  • Announcing their intent to develop concrete proposals with Japan for trilateral cooperation that will increasingly invite Japanese participation in exercises and training-related activities in Australia, including F-35 cooperation.  宣布他們打算與日本共同制定具體的提案,以促進三方合作,逐漸邀請日本參與在澳大利亞進行的演習和訓練相關活動,包括F-35合作。
  • Agreeing to enhance trilateral integrated air and missile defense (IAMD) cooperation with Japan.  同意加強與日本的三方統合空中和導彈防禦(IAMD)合作。
  • Exploring opportunities to opportunities to further deepen cooperation with partners, including Japan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and the Republic of Korea, noting the dividend for security and stability in the Indo-Pacific.  探索與合作夥伴(包括日本、印度、印度尼西亞、菲律賓和韓國)進一步深化合作的機會,並注意這將為印度-太平洋地區的安全和穩定帶來好處。
  • Committing to leverage in consultation with Pacific Island countries the planned deployment of a USCG Cutter to the Pacific in early 2024 to further maritime domain awareness and training in the region to address maritime security priorities including illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.  承諾與太平洋島國進行協商,利用計劃於2024年初部署的美國海岸警衛隊巡邏艇來進一步提高該地區的海上領域意識和培訓,以應對包括非法、未報告和無規管制漁業(IUU)在內的海上安全優先事項。
  • Reaffirming their commitment to enhance interoperability with the militaries of the Pacific through a range of exercises. The principals also welcomed Fiji, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Tonga's participation in Exercise TALISMAN SABRE 2023 for the first time, as well as India, Singapore, Thailand, and the Philippines as inaugural observers.  重申透過一系列演習增強與太平洋國家軍隊的互操作性。各方也歡迎斐濟、印尼、巴布亞新幾內亞和東加首次參加2023護身軍刀演習,同時印度、新加坡、泰國和菲律賓作為首次觀察員參與。


