

19581023〈蔣介石杜勒斯聯合公報〉 FRUS / Taimocracy翻譯 20230826

蔣杜聯合宣言 蔣杜聯合公報

19581023〈蔣介石杜勒斯聯合公報〉    FRUS / Taimocracy翻譯 20230826

209. Joint Communiqué[1]

Taipei, October 23, 1958.

Consultations have been taking place over the past three days between the Government of the United States and the Government of the Republic of China pursuant to Article IV of the Mutual Defense Treaty. These consultations had been invited by President Chiang Kai-shek. The following are among those who took part in the consultations: 根據《共同防禦條約》第四條規定,過去三天內,美利堅合眾國政府和中華民國政府間進行磋商。磋商是蔣中正總統邀請。以下是參與磋商的人員:

  • For the Republic of China:  中華民國參與人員
    • President Chiang Kai-shek  蔣介石總統
    • Vice President-Premier Chen Cheng  陳誠副總統
    • Secretary General to the President Chang Chun  總統府秘書長張群
    • Minister of Foreign Affairs Huang Shao-ku  外交部長黃少谷
    • Ambassador to the United States George K.C. Yeh  駐美大使葉公超
  • For the United States of America:  美國參與人員
    • Secretary of State John Foster Dulles  杜勒斯國務卿
    • Assistant Secretary of State Walter S. Robertson  羅伯森助理國務卿
    • Ambassador to the Republic of China Everett F. Drumright  莊萊德駐中華民國大使

The consultations had been arranged to be held during the two weeks when the Chinese Communists had declared they would cease fire upon Quemoy. It had been hoped that, under these circumstances, primary consideration could have been given to measures which would have contributed to stabilizing an actual situation of non-militancy. However, on the eve of the consultations, the Chinese Communists, in violation of their declaration, resumed artillery fire against the Quemoys. It was recognized that under the present conditions the defense [Page 443]of the Quemoys, together with the Matsus, is closely related to the defense of Taiwan and Penghu.  這些磋商原本計劃在中國共產黨宣佈金門停火的兩周內進行。在此情況下,原希望能優先考慮採取有助於穩定一個不具備好戰性的實際情況的措施。然而,在磋商的前夕,中國共產黨違反了他們的聲明,對金門重新開始炮火轟擊。雙方認識到在目前的情況下,金門和馬祖的防禦與台灣和澎湖的防禦密切相關

The two Governments recalled that their Mutual Defense Treaty had had the purpose of manifesting their unity “so that no potential aggressor could be under the illusion that either of them stands alone in the West Pacific area.” The consultations provided a fresh occasion for demonstrating that unity.  兩國政府回憶起其共同防禦條約旨在表明他們的團結,「俾使任何潛在之侵略者不存有任一締約國在西太平洋區域立於孤立地位之妄想」。這次磋商提供了展示這種團結的新機會。

The two Governments reaffirmed their solidarity in the face of the new Chinese Communist aggression now manifesting itself in the bombardment of the Quemoys. This aggression and the accompanying Chinese Communist propaganda have not divided them, as the Communists have hoped. On the contrary, it has drawn them closer together. They believe that by unitedly opposing aggression they serve not only themselves but the cause of peace. As President Eisenhower said on September 11, the position of opposing aggression by force is the only position consistent with the peace of the world.  面對中國共產黨目前在金門的砲擊中所表現出來的新侵略行為,兩國政府重申其團結。此侵略和相應的中國共產黨之宣傳並未像共產主義者希望的那樣使雙方分裂。相反的,反使雙方更加緊密。雙方相信,透過團結反對侵略,雙方不僅維護了自己的利益,也維護了和平的事業。正如艾森豪總統於911日所說,反抗武力侵略是唯一符合世界和平的立場。

The two Governments took note of the fact that the Chinese Communists, with the backing of the Soviet Union, avowedly seek to conquer Taiwan, to eliminate Free China and to expel the United States from the Western Pacific generally, compelling the United States to abandon its collective security arrangements with free countries of that area. This policy cannot possibly succeed. It is hoped and believed that the Communists, faced by the proven unity resolution and strength of the Governments of the United States and the Republic of China, will not put their policy to the test of general war and that they will abandon the military steps which they have already taken to initiate their futile and dangerous policy.  兩國政府注意到中國共產黨,在蘇聯的支持下,公然試圖征服台灣消滅自由中國,並將美利堅合眾國從西太平洋地區全面驅逐出去,迫使美利堅合眾國放棄與該地區自由國家的集體安全安排。此種政策必將失敗。眾所期望並相信共產主義者面對已經證明的美利堅合眾國政府和中華民國政府的團結、決心和力量,將不會將他們的政策置於全面戰爭的考驗下,並放棄已經採取的軍事步驟,以開始他們徒勞和危險的政策。

In addition to dealing with the current military situation, the two Governments considered the broad and long-range aspects of their relationship除了處理目前的軍事局勢外,兩國政府也考慮其廣泛和長遠的關係

The United States, its Government and its people, have an abiding faith in the Chinese people and profound respect for the great contribution which they have made and will continue to make to a civilization that respects and honors the individual and his family life. The United States recognizes that the Republic of China is the authentic spokesman for Free China and of the hopes and aspirations entertained by the great mass of the Chinese people.  美利堅合眾國,其政府和人民,對中國人民有著深切的信心,並對他們對一個尊重和尊重個人及其家庭生活的文明所作的巨大貢獻深表尊敬,這種貢獻已經並將繼續為人類帶來利益。美利堅合眾國承認中華民國自由中國的真正代言人,代表了絕大多數中國人民所抱有的希望和期望。

The Government of the Republic of China declared its purpose to be a worthy representative of the Chinese people and to strive to preserve those qualities and characteristics which have enabled the Chinese to contribute so much of benefit to humanity.  中華民國政府宣佈其目標是成為中國人民的值得尊敬的代表,並努力保護那些使中國人民能夠為人類做出如此多有益貢獻的特質和特徵。

The two Governments reaffirmed their dedication to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. They recalled that the treaty under which they are acting is defensive in character. The Government of the [Page 444]Republic of China considers that the restoration of freedom to its people on the mainland is its sacred mission. It believes that the foundation of this mission resides in the minds and the hearts of the Chinese people and that the principal means of successfully achieving its mission is the implementation of Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s three people’s principles (nationalism, democracy and social well-being) and not the use of force雙方政府重申其對〈聯合國憲章〉原則的奉獻。雙方回憶,其所履行之條約乃防衛性質中華民國政府(第444頁)認為,恢復大陸人民的自由是其神聖使命。中華民國政府相信這一使命的基礎存在於中國人民的思想和心中,而實現使命的主要手段是實施孫中山的三民主義(民族主義、民主主義和社會福祉),非使用武力

The consultations which took place permitted a thorough study and reexamination of the pressing problems of mutual concern. As such they have proved to be of great value to both Governments. It is believed that such consultations should continue to be held at appropriate intervals.  此次磋商允許對雙方關切的迫切問題進行深入研究和重新檢視。因此,它們已被證明對雙方政府皆具有重大價值。雙方認為應定期舉行持續此等磋商。


  1. Source: Department of State Press Release No. 634, Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 1136. No classification marking. Also printed in American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1958, pp. 1184–1186.





[1]  Source: Department of State Press Release No. 634, Department of State, Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123, CF 1136. No classification marking. Also printed in American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1958, pp. 1184–1186.


