

Vilnius Summit Communiqué(有關中國) NATO / Taimocracy翻譯 20230711

Vilnius Summit Communiqué(有關中國)    NATO / Taimocracy翻譯 20230711

6. Strategic competition, pervasive instability and recurrent shocks define our broader security environment.  Conflict, fragility and instability in Africa and the Middle East directly affect our security and the security of our partners.  The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values.  We remain open to constructive engagement with the PRC, including to build reciprocal transparency, with a view to safeguarding the Alliance’s security interests.  We continue to be confronted by cyber, space, hybrid and other asymmetric threats, and by the malicious use of emerging and disruptive technologies. 戰略競爭、普遍的不穩定和反覆出現的衝擊決定了我們更廣泛的安全環境。非洲和中東的衝突、脆弱性和不穩定直接影響到我們的安全以及我們夥伴的安全。中華人民共和國(PRC)的雄心壯志和脅迫性政策挑戰著我們的利益、安全和價值觀。我們仍然願意與PRC進行建設性接觸,包括建立互惠透明度,以維護聯盟的安全利益。 我們繼續面臨網路、太空、混合和其他不對稱威脅,以及惡意使用新興和顛覆性技術。

23. The People’s Republic of China’s stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge our interests, security and values.  The PRC employs a broad range of political, economic, and military tools to increase its global footprint and project power, while remaining opaque about its strategy, intentions and military build-up.  The PRC’s malicious hybrid and cyber operations and its confrontational rhetoric and disinformation target Allies and harm Alliance security.  The PRC seeks to control key technological and industrial sectors, critical infrastructure, and strategic materials and supply chains.  It uses its economic leverage to create strategic dependencies and enhance its influence.  It strives to subvert the rules-based international order, including in the space, cyber and maritime domains. 中華人民共和國公開的野心和脅迫性政策挑戰我們的利益、安全和價值觀。PRC利用廣泛的政治、經濟和軍事工具來擴大其全球足跡和投射力量,同時對其戰略、意圖和軍事建設保持不透明。PRC以盟國為目標的惡意複合、網路行動及其對抗性言論和假訊息,損害了盟國的安全。PRC尋求控制關鍵技術和工業部門、關鍵基礎設施以及戰略材料和供應鏈。它利用其經濟槓桿來創造戰略依賴關係並增強其影響力。它努力顛覆基於規則的國際秩序,包括在太空、網路和海洋領域。


