

美眾院歲委會 42:0通過 〈台美貿易倡議「首批協定實施法(案)」 〉

【雙魚之論】英文拷到 G / D 找中文翻譯
Taiwan’s Executive Yuan stated that the Initiative is an executive agreement, which needs no deliberation or approval of the Legislative Yuan. 
If that is true, why the US House of Representatives, and the Senate in the near future, have to approve the Initiative like a law or a treaty.
According to the text of H.R. 4004, the bill approved can be cited as “United States-Taiwan
Initiative on 21st-Century Trade First Agreement Implementation Act” in the Section 1 and 2 of the Bill. Yet, in Section 5, it becomes agreement, which needs the role of the Congress.
Although the US Congress has not role in administrative agreement of the Executive branch, the Congress does have the power “To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;” under the Article1 Section 8(3) of the U.S. Constitution. 
Therefore, the Section 2(7) stipulates: “Article I, section 8, clause 3 of the Constitution of the United States grants Congress authority over international trade.
The President lacks the authority to enter into binding trade agreements absent approval from Congress.
Section 2(6) “On August 17, 2022, the United States and Taiwan
announced the negotiating mandate for formal trade negotiations under the United States-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade and agreed to seek high-standard commitments.”
Both give us hints that the Congress pack the details of the Initiative under the name and form of agreements and under the name of the Implementation Act, the Congress thus could have the power under the mandate of the US Constitution to deliberate and to approve the Initiative.
What brilliant political and legal games! However, should the Legislative Yuan have to deliberate on the Initiative here in Taiwan?

根據H.R. 4004的文本,在該法案的第1和第2節中,已經通過的法案可以引用為「21世紀美台貿易第一協議實施法」。然而,在第5節中,它變成了一項需要國會參與的協議。

Ways and Means Passes Bipartisan Legislation Affirming Support for U.S.-Taiwan Trade Relationship & Reasserting Congress Constitutional Role in Trade    house.gov 20230613

WASHINGTON, D.C. The House Committee on Ways and Means approved legislation today by a vote of 42-0 that formerly implements and confirms Congress’ support of a trade agreement – the “Initial Agreement” – negotiated by the Biden Administration and Taiwan. The United States-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade First Agreement Implementation Act (H.R. 4004) also requires Congressional approval of any such future trade agreements with Taiwan, and ensures the Biden Administration works with Congress, including reporting and consultation requirements, to make sure the Administration does not ignore the constitutionally established role of Congress in international trade.

In his opening remarks during consideration of the bill, Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) discussed how having Congress involved in trade negotiations has strong bipartisan support and will ensure agreements serve the interest of the American people:

In addition to being required by the Constitution, a Congressional vote will make sure these trade agreements are in the best interest of American workers, families, farmers, and small businesses. Congress will only approve trade agreements that put American workers and families first and foremost.

“What’s particularly encouraging about this legislation is that it represents a bipartisan effort to reassert Congress’s constitutional authority. I am proud to join Democrats and Republicans in both the House and Senate in leading this effort. When it comes to trade, we are speaking with one voice that this Administration, or any future Administration for that matter, must not circumvent Congress or the Constitution, and that the President does not have the authority to bind the United States in trade agreements without congressional involvement and approval.”

Key Facts on the United States-Taiwan Initiative on 21st-Century Trade First Agreement Implementation Act (H.R. 4004):

  • Provides for congressional approval of the first trade agreement arising from the U.S.-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade; and
  • Imposes new congressional consultation and transparency requirements on the Administration with respect to the negotiation of any subsequent agreements arising under the initiative, and requires such agreements be subject to Congressional approval.


台美貿易倡議首批協定 美眾院歲委會 420通過    自由 20230615


跨黨派無異議通過 展現挺台力道


要行政部門 與台協定須諮詢國會



2 則留言:

  1. 發問噗

    請問"The House Committee on Ways and Means"與每年國會必須通過的美國政府年度預算案有關無關?


    TW Democracy志工 敬上

    1. 以下是官網的內容(答案顯然如此)


      它於 1789 年 7 月 24 日首次作為特別委員會成立,不到兩個月後就解散了。該委員會於1795年在第四屆國會第一次會議上重新任命,並於1802年1月7日在眾議院正式列為常務委員會。

      直到 1865 年,該委員會(在 1880 年之前稱為籌款委員會)的管轄範圍包括收入、撥款和銀行業務等極其重要的領域。自 1865 年以來,該委員會一直對收入和相關問題(例如關稅、互惠貿易協定和美國的保稅債務)行使管轄權。社會保障體系、醫療保險和社會服務計劃與收入相關的方面在 20 世紀都屬於籌款計劃的範圍。

      繼續在更高職位任職的委員會成員名冊令人印象深刻。八位總統和八位副總統曾在眾議院任職,還有 21 位眾議院議長和四位最高法院大法官。


